SAS, an abbreviation for Software as a service, is a method of delivering software as a service through the Internet. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply use the Internet to access it, eliminating the need for complicated software and device maintenance.
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- Regular: 2 Batches
- Weekends: 2 Batches
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About SAS
Web-based software, on-demand software, and hosted software are all terms used to describe SAS applications. SAS apps, whatever their name, are hosted on the servers of a SAS provider. The service provider is in charge of the application's security, availability, and performance.
SAS is a software distribution model in which a cloud provider hosts programs and makes them available to end customers via the internet. An independent software vendor (ISV) may hire a third-party cloud provider to host the application in this manner. Or, in the case of larger corporations like Microsoft, the cloud provider may also be the software supplier. SAS, along with infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), is one of the three basic types of cloud computing (PaaS). SAS apps are used by a wide range of IT experts, commercial users, and consumer users. Personal entertainment, such as Netflix, to advanced IT tools, are all available. SAS products, unlike IaaS and PaaS, are commonly offered to both B2B and B2C customers. If you're new in IT, SAS Course in Delhi would supposedly be the right place to learn about what it can do for you, how it differs from other types of software, how to ask questions about SAS, and how to design SAS applications.
Characteristics of SAS
Consider a bank that respects each customer's privacy while offering dependable and secure service on a large scale to comprehend the SAS model. Customers of a bank can utilize the same financial processes and technology without fear of unauthorized access to their personal information.
Architecture for Multiple Tenants
Multitenant architecture is one in which all users and apps share a single, centrally maintained infrastructure and code base. Because all SAS vendor clients share the same infrastructure and code base, vendors may innovate more quickly and save development work that would otherwise be spent supporting several versions of old code.
Customization is simple
Each user's capacity to readily customize programmes to meet their business operations without compromising the shared infrastructure. These customizations are unique to each firm or user due to the way SAS is built, and they are always retained across upgrades. As a result, SAS providers can improve their products more frequently, with less risk to their customers and a reduced adoption cost.
Improved Accessibility
Improved data access from any networked device, as well as improved privilege management, data usage monitoring, and ensuring that everyone sees the same information at the same time.
The Consumer Web is Harnessed by SAS.
The Web interface of common SAS programmes will be familiar to anyone who has used or My Yahoo! You can customize with point-and-click ease using the SAS approach, making the weeks or months it takes to update traditional corporate software seem hopelessly antiquated.
Trends in SAS
SAS integration platforms (or SIPs) are presently being developed by companies in order to build more SAS apps. The "third wave" in software adoption, according to consulting firm Saugatuck Technology, occurs when SAS advances beyond standalone programme capabilities to become a platform for mission-critical applications.
How does SAS training show the working of SAS?
The cloud delivery model is used for SAS. An ISV may contract a cloud provider to host the application and related data in the provider's data center, or a software provider may host the programme and related data using its own servers, databases, networking, and computing resources. Any device with a network connection will be able to use the app. Web browsers are commonly used to access SAS apps. As a result of SAS course in Delhi, firms that use SAS applications are not responsible for the software's setup and maintenance. Users merely pay a monthly charge to receive access to the programme, which is a fully functional solution.
The application service provider (ASP) and on-demand computing software delivery models are closely related to SAS, in which the provider hosts the customer's software and distributes it to permitted end users through the internet.
Customers have network-based access to a single copy of an application that the provider produced expressly for SAS distribution in the software-on-demand SAS model.
All customers have access to the same source code for the programme, and as new features or functionalities are available, they are rolled out to all customers. The user's data for every model may very well be securely stored, in the cloud, or both locally and in the cloud, based on the service-level agreement (SLA).
Benefits of SAS
Organizations no longer need to install and run apps on their own PCs or in their own data centers thanks to SAS. Hardware procurement, provisioning, and maintenance, as well as software license, installation, and support, are all eliminated.
The SAS approach also has the following advantages:
For a variety of reasons, SAS can save you a lot of money. First and foremost, it removes both the initial purchase/installation cost as well as ongoing costs such as maintenance and updates. SAS apps can be readily downloaded and maintained instead of spending a lot of money on hardware installations. Furthermore, pay-as-you-go licensing allows firms to pay just for what they use, rather than overpaying for licenses that aren't used. Small businesses can benefit from SAS since it gives them access to expensive, high-powered software that would otherwise be unavailable through traditional purchase methods. Furthermore, the subscription-based model eliminates the high financial risk associated with expensive software.
Many people claim that "time is money," and SAS can help you save both. Installation for many SAS applications is as simple as having an internet connection and logging in. Furthermore, your IT department's maintenance obligations are transferred to the vendor. This eliminates the need for additional labor hours and downtime to replace traditional software. Finally, SAS programmes have a shorter learning curve, resulting in faster adoption among your employees.
Accessibility and Scalability
Another significant benefit of learning SAS classes in Delhi is the pay-as-you-go concept, which offers tremendous flexibility and possibilities. Because the software is hosted by a third party, altering your usage plan is simple and may be done at any time. Furthermore, web-based access allows members to utilize the software from any location with internet access.
Updates can take a long time and cost a lot of money when using the traditional software installation technique. Worse, variations in version amongst members of your team might cause compatibility concerns and lost effort. Subscribers to SAS, on the other hand, can simply log on to services that have already been upgraded.
Payments are flexible
Customers subscribe to a SAS solution rather than acquiring software to install or additional infrastructure to support it. Many organizations can improve and predict their budgeting by converting costs to a recurrent operating expense. Users can also cancel SAS subscriptions at any moment to avoid paying recurring fees.
Usage that is scalable
Vertical scalability is a feature of cloud services like SAS, which allows clients to access more or fewer services or features on demand.
Updates are made automatically.
Customers can rely on a SAS provider to automatically perform upgrades and patch management rather than purchasing new software. This decreases the workload for in-house IT personnel even more.
Persistence and accessibility.
One will learn through SAS training Course in Delhi that users can access SAS apps from any internet-enabled device and location because SAS vendors deliver software via the internet.
SAS systems are frequently customisable and can be connected with other corporate applications, particularly when using software from the same vendor.
Switching vendors is difficult.
Switching vendors can be tough, as it is with any cloud service provider. Customers must migrate massive volumes of data when switching vendors. Furthermore, some vendors use proprietary technologies and data types, which can make transferring client data between cloud providers even more difficult. Vendor lock-in occurs when a consumer is unable to simply switch service providers due to these circumstances.
Data and analytics
Because everything is controlled by a single platform, it's simple to collect data and make it available for analysis. Vendors that use SAS software frequently have access to reporting and intelligence tools, as well as visualizations, that can provide important insights into corporate operations, allowing workflows to be optimized and cost savings to be implemented.
Security and privacy in SAS
The cybersecurity dangers that come with platform as a service are not the same as those that come with traditional software. In traditional software, the software provider is responsible for addressing code-based flaws, while the users are committed to ensuring that the product is executed on a secure architecture and network. As a result, the independent software manufacturer and third-party cloud provider are more responsible for security.
Despite the rising popularity of cloud-based alternatives for properly maintained software goods, enterprises continue to have security and privacy concerns about SAS solutions. These are some of the concerns:
Lack of communication with technical and security experts during the sales process
Encryption and key management
Identity and access management (IAM); security monitoring incident response
Poor integration into broader, company-specific security environments
Fulfillment of data residency requirements
Data privacy
Cost of investing in third-party tools to offset the SAS security risk and lack of communication with technical and security experts during the sales process
Vendors and examples of SAS
A wide range of software companies and solutions are available in the SAS industry. Small, single-product manufacturers all the way up to cloud behemoths like AWS and Google are among the industry's players.
From video streaming services to IT business analytics solutions, SAS offerings are broad. Email, sales management, customer relationship management (CRM), financial management, human resource management (HRM), billing, and collaboration are just a few of the SAS apps available. Vertical SAS solutions are enterprise SAS products that cater to certain industries, such as insurance or medicine.
SAS products may be targeted towards B2B, B2C, or both markets. The following are some examples of popular SAS products:
Google Workspace apps
Microsoft 365
Adobe Creative Cloud
In Conclusion, SAS provides a number of advantages that should benefit both suppliers and customers. While some enterprises may prefer to set up their own cloud maintenance services and use coordination among devices and sites to regulate one‘s own information, SAS provides unrivaled opportunities for the majority of small businesses to grow, expand, and provide more value to both their employees and customers.
Online Classes
SevenMentor Institute offers a wide selection of well-known Online SAS courses in Delhi. Students will be given the most extensive Online SAS Training in Delhi available, as well as hands-on learning lab sessions, to guarantee that they understand Software-as-a-Service ideas and best practices completely. Students can benefit from the best of online learning to obtain a comprehensive grasp of SAS software, as well as relevant practice examinations to help them conquer various exam scenarios. The Online SAS classes in Delhi are part of a new norm in which a corporate framework is hosted on the network rather than in a specific location, and students learn how to use it.
Course Eligibility
- Freshers
- BE/ Bsc Candidate
- Any Engineers
- Any Graduate
- Any Post-Graduate
- Working Professionals
Syllabus of SAS
Chapter 1
SAS Language and Datasets
Two parts of SAS program
DATA steps built-in loop
Choosing a mode for submitting SAS programs
Windows and commands in SAS windowing Environment
Submitting a program in SAS windowing Environment
Reading the SAS log
Viewing your results in output window
Creating HTML output
SAS data libraries
Viewing dataset with SAS explorer
Using SAS system options
2 Getting your data into SAS
Methods for getting data into SAS
Entering data with the view table window
Reading files with the import wizard
Telling SAS where to find your Raw data
Reading raw data separated by spaces
Reading raw data arranged in columns
Reading Raw data Not in Standard format
Selected Informants
Mixing input styles
Reading messy Raw data
Reading multiple line of raw data per observation
Reading multiple observations per line of raw data
Reading part of a Raw data file
Controlling input with options in the INFILE Statement
Reading delimited files with the data step
Reading delimited files with the IMPORT procedure
Reading PC files with the IMPORT procedure
Reading PC files with DDE
Temporary verses Permanent SAS datasets
Using permanent SAS datasets with LIBNAME statements
Using permanent SAS datasets by direct referencing
Listing the contents of a SAS dataset
3 Working with your Data
Creating and redefining variables
Using SAS functions
Selected SAS functions
Using IF-THEN statements
Grouping Statements with IF-THEN/ ELSE statements
Subsetting your data
Working with SAS dates
Selected Data informats, function and formats
Using the retain and SUM statements
Simplifying programs with arrays
Using shortcuts for list of variable names
4 Sorting, Printing, and summarising your data
Using SAS procedures
Sub-setting in procedures with the WHERE statements
Sort data with PROC SORT
Print data with PROC print
Change the appearance of printed values with formats
Selected standard formats
Create own formats using PROC formats
Writing simple custom reports
Summarising data with PROC means
Write summery statistics to a SAS dataset
Counting data with PROC FREQ
Producing tabular reports with PROC tabulate
Adding statistic to a PROC tabulate output
Enhancing the appearance PROC tabulate output
Changing headers in PROC tabulate output
Specifying multiple formats for data cells in PROC tabulate output
Producing simple output with PROC report
Using DEFINE statements in PROC report
Creating summary reports with PROC report
Adding summary breaks to PROC report output
Adding statistics to PROC report output.
5 Enhancing output with ODS
Concepts of output delivery system
Tracing and selecting procedure output
Creating SAS dataset from procedure output
Using ODS statements to create HTML output
Using ODS statements to create RTF output
Using ODS statements to create PRINTER output
Customizing titles and footnotes
Customizing PROC print output with the style = option
Customizing PROC report output with the style = option
Customizing PROC tabulate output with the style = option
Adding traffic-lighting to your output
Selected style attributes
6 Modifying and Combining SAS data sets
Modifying a data set using the SET statement
Stacking data sets using SET statement
Interleaving data sets using the SET statement
Combining data sets using a one-to-one match merge
Combining data sets using a one-to-many match merge
Merging summery statistics with the original data
Combining a grand total with the original data
Updating a master data set with transections
Using SAS data set options
Tracking and selecting observations with the IN= option
Writing multiple data sets using the output statement
Making several observations from one using the OUTPUT statement
Changing observations to variables using PROC TRANSPOSE
Using SAS automatic variables
7 Writing flexible codes with the SAS macro facility
Macro concepts
Substituting text with macro variables
Creating modular code with Macros
Adding parameters to Macros
Writing Macros with conditional logic
Writing data-driven programs with CALL SYMPUT
Debugging Macro errors
8 Using basic Statistical procedures
Examining the distribution of data with PROC UNIVERIATE
Producing statistic with PROC MEANS
Testing categorical data with PROC FREQ
Examining correlation with PROC CORR
Using PROC REG for simple regression Analysis
Reading the output of PROC REG
Using PROC ANOVA for One-Way analysis of variance
Examining the distribution of data with PROC UNIVERIATE
Producing statistic with PROC MEANS
Testing categorical data with PROC FREQ
Examining correlation with PROC CORR
Using PROC REG for simple regression Analysis
Reading the output of PROC REG
Using PROC ANOVA for One-Way analysis of variance
9 Exporting your data
Methods for exporting your data
Writing files using the export wizard
Writing delimited files with the export procedure
Writing PC files with the export procedure
Writing RAW data files with the data step
Writing delimited and HTML files using ODS
Sharing SAS data sets with other types of computers
10 Debugging SAS programs
Writing SAS program that work
Fixing program that don't work
Searching for the missing semicolon
Note: INPUT statement reached past the end of the line
Note: lost card
Note: invalid data
Note: missing values were generated
Note: Numeric values have been converted to character (or vice-versa)
DATA step produces wrong results but no error message.
Trainer Profile of SAS
Our Trainers explains concepts in very basic and easy to understand language, so the students can learn in a very effective way. We provide students, complete freedom to explore the subject. We teach you concepts based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates can learn in our one to one coaching sessions and are free to ask any questions at any time.
- Certified Professionals with more than 8+ Years of Experience
- Trained more than 2000+ students in a year
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge in their domains
- Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications
SAS Exams & Certification
SevenMentor Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.
Our certification at SevenMentor is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
Proficiency After Training
- Learn all new aspects of SAS with various projects.
- You will have a good understanding of SAS Techniques.
- You will be able to work on real time projects.
- You will be able to work on file formats on different data in any company.
Key Features
Skill level
From Beginner to Expert
We are providing Training to the needs from Beginners level to Experts level.
Course Duration
12 weeks
Course will be 90 hrs to 110 hrs duration with real-time projects and covers both teaching and practical sessions.
Total Learner
2000+ Learners
Course will be 90 hrs to 110 hrs duration with real-time projects and covers both teaching and practical sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Batch Schedule
Students Reviews
I had little knowledge before this course and now I feel more comfortable talking about SAS Metrics. Basic knowledge in a very accessible way.
- Rahul Kapadnis
Excellent overview and explanation. Very much satisfied by signing up for this course. I Learned a lot.
- Bina MuthuSwami
Very clear, easy to understand, fantastic presentation material, interesting assignments. So far one of the best prepared courses I've taken!
- Farhan Akhtar
Course video & Images
Corporate Training
As a result, both individuals and corporations are emphasizing sustainability. To acquire a better understanding of the themes, corporate SAS Classes in Delhi is provided. SevenMentor Institution's corporate SAS Training in Delhi can assist our customers in teaching their personnel and management in this manner. We provide more flexibility with our corporate SAS course in Delhi. In order to safeguard networks spanning several platforms and scale systems as needed by the business, specialists must stay up to date on the newest innovations. This is particularly true as innovative solutions become more prominent.
Our Placement Process
Eligibility Criteria
Placements Training
Interview Q & A
Resume Preparation
Aptitude Test
Mock Interviews
Scheduling Interviews
Job Placement
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