Master Recipe in SAP PP-PI

  • By Prahlad Pawar
  • July 17, 2024
  • SAP
Master Recipe in SAP PP-PI

Master Recipe in SAP PP-PI

Master Recipe in SAP PP-PI is a key element within the SAP PP-PI (production planning for process industries) module. The master recipe is a thorough document that outlines the steps, resources, and instructions required to manufacture a product. It is specifically relevant in industries like pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food and beverage, and any other industry where the production process involves complex recipe-based manufacturing.


Key Components of a Master Recipe

  • Header: It consists of general information about the recipe such as recipe ID, description, status, version, validity dates, and plant.
  • Phases: These define the individual steps or operations in the production process. Each phase consists of details like duration, sequence, and dependencies on other phases.
  • Operations: Each phase may include multiple operations, which are specific tasks or activities performed within a phase.
  • Resources: It specifies the equipment, labor, and other resources required for each phase and operation.
  • Materials: It includes the input materials (ingredients) required for each phase as well as intermediate and final products manufactured.
  • Control parameters: It consists of settings for process control, such as temperature, pressure, and timing.
  • Instructions: It includes step-by-step instructions for carrying out the operations and phases, including any special handling or safety precautions.
  • Inspection points: It defines quality control checks and sampling points within the process.
  • Formulas and calculations: It gives formulas for calculating quantities, yields, and other key parameters.


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Steps to Create a Master Recipe

1. Define the master recipe:

  • Transaction Code: C201 (Create Master Recipe)
  • Procedure:
    1. You can enter the recipe group, plant, and other basic details.
    2. You can define the recipe header information such as description, status, and validity dates.
    3. Lastly, save the header information.

2. Define phases:

  • Transaction code: Within C201
  • Procedure:
    1. Include phases in the master recipe by specifying phase numbers and descriptions.
    2. Specify the sequence of phases and any dependencies.

3. Define operations:

  • Transaction code: Within C201
  • Procedure:
    1. Include operations to each phase, detailing the specific tasks to be performed.
    2. Define operation details such as work center, control key, and duration.

4. Assign Resources:

  • Transaction code: Within C201
  • Procedure:
    1. Allocate the necessary resources (equipment, labor, etc.) to each operation or phase.
    2. Define resource requirements and usage.

5. Assign Materials:

  • Transaction code: Within C201
  • Procedure:
    1. Write down the materials required for each phase, including input materials and output products.
    2. Specify material quantities and handling instructions.

6. Define Control Parameters and Instructions:

  • Transaction code: Within C201
  • Procedure:
    1. Define control parameters such as temperature, pressure, and timing.
    2. Give detailed step-by-step instructions for each operation and phase.

7. Define Inspection Points:

  • Transaction Code: Within C201
  • Procedure:
    1. Specify quality control checks and sampling points within the recipe.
    2. Define inspection criteria and methods.

8. Save the Master Recipe:

  • After entering all the required information, you can save the master recipe.


Integration with Other Modules:

The Master Recipe in SAP PP-PI is interlinked with several other SAP modules, which consist of

  • Materials Management (MM): For purchasing and inventory management of materials.
  • Plant Maintenance (PM): For handling and maintaining production equipment.
  • Quality Management (QM): For ensuring product quality through inspection points and quality checks.
  • Costing (CO): For tracing and controlling production costs.


By using master recipes, companies in the process industry can standardize their production processes, guarantee consistency and quality, and effectively manage their resources.

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Prahlad Pawar

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