Deep Learning
SevenMentor is the best Powerhouse for Deep Learning Training in Pune which is located in Pune that strives hard to achieve the dreams of the audience. The majority of the Business collect large quantities of information and analyze it to obtain a great competitive advantage.
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Batch Timing
- Regular: 2 Batches
- Weekends: 2 Batches
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Class Room & Online Training Quotation
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Key Features
Skill Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advance
We are providing Training to the needs from Beginners level to Experts level.
Course Duration
90 Hours
Course will be 90 hrs to 110 hrs duration with real-time projects and covers both teaching and practical sessions.
Total Learners
2000+ Learners
We have already finished 100+ Batches with 100% course completion record.
Assignments Duration
50 Hours
Trainers will provide you the assignments according to your skill sets and needs. Assignment duration will be 50 hrs to 60 hrs.
24 / 7 Support
We are having 24/7 Support team to clear students’ needs and doubts. And special doubt clearing sessions every week.
Our Placement Process
Eligibility Criteria
Placements Training
Interview Q & A
Resume Preparation
Aptitude Test
Mock Interviews
Scheduling Interviews
Job Placement
Batch Schedule
31/03/2025 | Deep Learning | Classroom / Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Pune | Book Now |
01/04/2025 | Deep Learning | Classroom / Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Pune | Book Now |
29/03/2025 | Deep Learning | Classroom / Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Pune | Book Now |
29/03/2025 | Deep Learning | Classroom / Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Pune | Book Now |
Deep Learning Exams & Certification
SevenMentor Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.
Our certification at SevenMentor is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
About Deep Learning
To process a large amount of data for deep learning, it requires a large amount of computational ability. These Deep Learning Approaches are used to make predictive software for fraud detection, click forecast, demand forecasting and other data-intensive analysis too. With this advanced Deep Learning training program, pupils can learn knowledge of theories like Neural Networks, Regression models, Unsupervised Learning, Neural Network Model & further advanced concepts too. This advanced Deep Learning Course In Pune is no doubt the option to master the knowledge of Deep Learning.
What is Deep Learning?
Deep Learning is a specialized subset of Machine Learning. This technology teaches computers and machines to mimic human behavior and learn from them correctly. A successful deep learning program might need a substantial volume of labeled data and humongous computing ability but using fresh study, we can employ techniques like transfer learning and get state-of-the-art results even with less information. This is one of the main reasons for the popularity of deep learning.
Why with SevenMentor?
One of the reasons which make SevenMentor among the best institute for deep learning in Pune is our proactive and practical training methods. Our program is project-based, which can help you apply your learnings in real-time instances. Last batch of people design a job-oriented dialogue system, which will be the first of its type in India. Additionally, our classroom sessions are held during the evenings, so it is easy for both students and professionals to attend. We also keep a minimum count of trainees for each batch so the trainers can offer individual mentoring for every single student. SevenMentor is among the few institutes offering profound learning classes in Pune. But you need to see that the positioning will be dependent on your performance from the interview and projects. Take the first step to graph a career in the domain of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Business with Deep Learning
Deep learning versions are changing the way we approach business. Humans create a massive quantity of data, but up to now, we have been unable to use it entirely. Now, deep learning algorithms are supplying learning techniques and real-world solutions based on those large data sets. Business use cases include Netflix and Amazon recommendations based on single and multi-user behavior patterns and non-invasive cases like utilizing the algorithms to identify pests in agricultural practices.
Deep Learning Certifications
SevenMentor helps you learn all about profound networks and utilizes these machine learning algorithms to build language processing units, and train algorithms in convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks among others. A wide array of other classes flesh out the chances of profound learning in image classification and recognition, creating hidden layers for unsupervised learning, and using computing power for state-of-the-art speech recognition. The courses offer you a rare opportunity to get in the black box of deep learning and construct your own solutions.
What’s Deep Learning the very best career move?
Are you all set for the best career move? Deep Learning Training in Pune will make you an Expert in optimizing convolutional neural networks employing real-time projects and duties. Deep Learning is considered as the analysis of multi-layered neural networks and crosses a huge range of design architectures. SevenMentor Deep Learning Courses in Pune has come with the main aim to bring together individuals who want to know more about the family of machine learning techniques that are particularly worried about learning distributed and hierarchical (deep) representation.
By leveraging the knowledge of this rising technology will definitely help you to make the most out of the rising career opportunities in this domain. Thus, mastering the understanding of all of the core programs of Deep Learning technologies by being part of our SevenMentor experts pushed Deep Learning Classes in Pune. Yes, Deep Learning outcomes are tremendously précised to perfection. This helps consumer electronics fulfill user expectations. This led in complex applications like driverless automobiles where safety is very crucial.
Explore Careers in Deep Learning
Deep learning has the capability to alter the way businesses make decisions now that we can take massive amounts of unstructured information and build applications that could examine natural language, belief, and other complex data how the human brain could, only better. The type of computing power you’ve got with profound learning can revolutionize the ways companies make decisions and layout customer journeys. Providing those insights which makes you highly valuable for some of the world’s most cutting edge businesses.
What will you learn in the Deep Learning Course in Pune at SevenMentor?
-Deep Learning and inspiration behind Deep Learning tech
-Enhances knowledge in Neural Networks
-Share Backpropagation and operate applications in Tensorflow
-Implementation of Different Regression models and explain Recursive Neural Tensor Network Theory
-Implement Recursive Neural Network Model
-Explain Unsupervised Learning
-Share the software of Unsupervised Learning
-Explain Restricted Boltzmann Machine
-Leverages understanding in TFlearn and Keras Implementation
-Upon conclusion of Top Definition Deep Learning Courses in Pune, aspirants can quickly acquire in-depth subject comprehension skill set to confront real-world challenges.
Online Classes
As we are moving in the world which demands a higher level of data processing, here deep learning comes in the picture. Deep Learning has the ability to process a large number of features, which makes it very powerful when you have to deal with unstructured data and huge data. SevenMentor’s Online Deep Learning Training offers hands-on training in deep learning, and in accelerated data science and computing.
With this Online Deep Learning Courses students, developers, data scientists and analysts can get practical experience with live projects and earn a certificate which will support their career growth. Get started with SevenMentor’s Online Deep Learning Classes to get proficiency in deep learning. After the course completion with SevenMentor’s Job assistance program you can get hired in MNC’s.
Course Eligibility
- Freshers
- BE/ Bsc Candidate
- Any Engineers
- Any Graduate
- Any Post-Graduate
- Working Professionals
Syllabus Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence Syllabus
What is Python and history of Python?
Installing Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook
First Program
Python Identifiers, Keywords and Indentation
Getting User Input
Python Data Types
What are keywords
What are variables?
Python Inbuilt Functions
Control-Flow Statements:
While loop
For loop
Range Function
Coding Assignment
Data Structures:
What are Data Structures?
Lists in Python
Code Walkthrough on Lists
Understanding Iterators
Tuple in Python
Code Walkthrough on Tuple
Dictionaries in Python
Code Walkthrough on Dictionaries
Sets in Python
Code Walkthrough on Sets
More examples on Data Structures
What are functions in Python?
Defining and Calling Functions
Inbuilt Functions
User Defined Functions
Lambda Function
Split Function
Strip Function
Map Function
Filter Function
Format Function
Code Walkthrough on User Define Functions
Regular Expressions Basics
Object Oriented Programming:
Why do we need Object Oriented Programming?
What is a class?
What is an object?
What is Self?
Global and local variables
Static and Dynamic Variables
Code Walkthroughs on OOP
Exception Handling and GUI :
Why do we need to handle exceptions?
Errors in Python
Compile-Time Errors
Runtime Errors
What is Exception?
try-finally clause
Raising an exceptions
User Defined Exceptions
Graphical User Interface in python
Button Widget ,Label Widget and Text Widget
Miscellaneous Topics :
SQL connection with Python using SQLITE Library
Multi-Threading and Multi-Processing
Introduction to Web-scraping
Beautiful Soup Library
Numpy Library for Data Analysis
Code Walkthrough On Numpy Library
Pandas Library for Data Analysis
Code Walkthrough On Pandas Library
Matplotlib Library for Data Analysis
Code Walkthrough On Matplotlib Library
Revision Sessions
Assignment Discussions
Project Discussion:
Defining the Business Problem
Flow Diagram
Libraries Used
Results and Conclusion
Future Scope
What is SQL?
Why do we need SQL?
What is DataBase Management System?
Types of DBMS
Execution Of SQL query
Difference Between SQL and MYSQL
Introduction to MySQL
Installation of MySQL server
Download sample database
Load sample database to work.
Basic SQL Keywords:
Basic SELECT Statement
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Aggregate Operators(Count, Max, Min, Avg, Sum)
Group By
Order Of Keywords
Wildcard Operators
What are Joins?
Inner Join
Quter Join
Left Join
Right Join
Self Join
SubQueries/NestedQueries/Inner Queries
Stored Procedures
DML.:Update, Delete
DDL:Create Table
DDL.:Drop Table, Truncate,Delete
DCL:Data Control Language: GRANT,REVOKE
Probability And Statistics
Why do we need to learn Probability and Statistics?
Descriptive Statistics
Central Tendency(Mean/Median/Mode)
Deviation(Standard Deviation/Variance)
Population and Sample
Why do we care about Distributions?
Distributions and Various Tests:
What is Random Variable?
Discrete and Continuous Random Variable
Normal Distribution/Gaussian Distribution
PDF and CDF of Gaussian distribution
Uniform Distribution
Q-Q Test
K-S Test
What is Sampling?
Types of Sampling
Inferential Statistics:
Correlation Vs Causation
Hypothesis Testing
Confidence Interval
Permutation Resampling Test
A/B Testing
Case Studies/Project:
Case Study-1
Case Study-2
Machine Learning
Industry Case Studies:
Case Study-1
Case Study-2
DataScience Vs DataAnalysis Vs MachineLearning Vs DeepLearning
Introduction to Numpy, Pandas, Sci-kit Learn and Matplotlib Library
Importing data from different Sources
Basic Terminologies and Basic Maths:
Traditional Programming Vs Machine Learning
Types of Machine Learning Problems
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Classification and Regression
Overfitting and Underfitting
What is a point and a Vector?
Distance between 2 points, Distance between point and a line.
Equation of a line, Equation of a Plane, Equation of a hyper plane.
Dot product and Projection of one vector onto another.
Basics of Differentiation
KNN(K nearest Neighbour) Algorithm
Geometric Intuition of KNN
Mathematical Intuition of KNN
Limitations of KNN
What are Hyper-parameters?
Hyper-parameters Tuning
Why do we need Cross-Validation?
Code Walkthrough on KNN
Supervised Learning Continues:
Naive Bayes algorithm
What is Conditional Probability
What is Naive about Naive Bayes?
Geometric Intuition of Naive Bayes
Mathematical Intuition of Naive Bayes
Limitations of Naive Bayes
Hyperparameter Tuning in Naive Bayes
Code Walkthrough of Naive Bayes
Introduction to Logistic Regression
Geometric Intuition of Logistic Regression
Mathematical Intuition of Logistic Regression
Why do we need sigmoid function?
Regularisation(L1 and L2)
Limitations of Logistic Regression
Code Walkthrough of Logistic Regression
Supervised Learning Continues:
Introduction to Linear Regression
Geometric and Mathematical Intuition
Assumptions of Linear Regression
Limitations of Linear Regression
Code Walkthrough of Linear Regression
Optimisation Theory
Convex and Non Convex Functions
Gradient Descent
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Introduction to SVM(Support Vector Machines)
Geometric Intuition
Mathematical Intuition
Hard and Soft SVM
Kernalisation in SVM(Radial Basis Function)
Limitations of SVM
Code Walkthrough of SVM
Decision Tree and Ensembles :
Decision Tree
Geometric Intuition of Decision Tree
Mathematical Intuition of Decision Tree
Entropy and Gini Impurity
Information Gain
Limitations of Decision Tree
Code Walkthrough of Decision Tree
What is Ensembles
Bagging and Boosting
What is Ensembles?
Bagging and Boosting
Concept of Bootstrapping
Introduction to Random Forest
Variance and Bias
Geometric Intuition of Random Forest
Why Random Forest is so famous?
Code Walkthrough of Random Forest
Performance Metric and Different
Situations in Supervised Learning :
Why Accuracy as a metric will fail in most of the real world cases?
Precision and Recall
F1 Score
Confusion Matrix
RMSE(Root Mean Square Error)
R2(Coefficient of Determinant)
MAD(Median Absolute Deviation)
How to Handle Outliers in the data?
How to deal with the imbalance data?
How to handle categorial data?
Scaling of Features
Curse of Dimensionality
Unsupervised Learning and Dimension Reduction:
What is Unsupervised Learning?
What is Clustering?
K-Means Clustering
Hierarchal Clustering
Why Dimensions Reduction?
PCA(Principle Component Analysis)
Machine Learning Project :
Business Problem
Data Collection
Formulate Business Problem to Machine Learning Problem
Data Cleaning
Data Preprocessing
EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis)
Evaluating the Performance of the models
Retrain if necessary
Artificial Intelligence With Deep Learning
History of Neural Networks:
Who invented Neural Network?
What is the intuition of a Neural Network?
What is a perceptron?
Connecting Logistic Regression, Linear Regression with Perceptron
Multi Layer Perceptron
Training of a Perceptron
MLP and Backpropogation)
Training a MLP:Chain Rule
Training a MLP:Memoization
Back propogation
Activation Functions
Vanishing gradient
Deep Multi LayerPerceptrons :
Dropout and Regularisation
Batch Normalisation
Batch SGD with Momentum
Softmax and Cross-Entropy
How to train Deep MLP?
Tensorflow and Keras Overview
Install Tensorflow
Softmax Classifier on MNIST data
Code Walkthrough of MLP
Hyperparameter Tuning in Keras
Introduction to CNN :
Introduction to CNN(Convolution Neural Network)
What is Convolution?
(Convolution:Padding and Strides
Convolution over RGB images
Max Pooling
CNN Training
Introduction to CNN Continues :
Residual Network
Inception Network
What is Transfer Learning?
Code Walkthrough of CNN
Introduction to RNN :
Why RNN(Recurrent Neural Network)?
Training RNN
Types of RNN
Need of LSTM
|. STM(Long Short Term Memory)
Deep RNN
Bidirectional RNN
Code Walkthrough of RNN
Introduction to NLP :
What is NLP(Natural Language Processing)?
BOW(Bag of Words)
Text Preprocessing: Stemming and Lemmatisation
Stop Word Removal
Unigram, Bigram, Ngrams
Weighted TF-IDF
Code Walkthrough of NLP Techniques
Deep Learning Project :
Business Problem Contraints
Data Collection
Formulate Business Problem to Deep Learning Problem
Data Cleaning
Data Preprocessing
EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)
Feature Extraction
Evaluating the Performance of the models
Retrain if necessary
Trainer Profile of Deep Learning
Our Trainers explains concepts in very basic and easy to understand language, so the students can learn in a very effective way. We provide students, complete freedom to explore the subject. We teach you concepts based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates can learn in our one to one coaching sessions and are free to ask any questions at any time.
- Certified Professionals with more than 8+ Years of Experience
- Trained more than 2000+ students in a year
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge in their domains
- Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications
Proficiency After Training
Deep Learning- Image Processing and Concept core to advance
Information designing, undertaking and analysing -Research scientists
Networks, operating systems, databases or applications-Software Engineer
Safeguard organization's computer networks and systems- Information Security Engineers
Studies the software application domain, prepares software requirements, and specification documents- Software Analyst
Frequently Asked Questions
Students Reviews
One of the finest institute for Deep Learning training. I got in-depth knowledge of concept like how Deep Learning Work in the Field of creating application along with machine learning. Believe me, charges are very reasonable as compared to any other institute in Pune.
- Janvi Joshi
I have completed my Deep Learning Course with AI course and machine learning. Faculty of Sevenmentor are very professional, experienced. I got several placement call from Them.
- Akash Yadav
I took an Deep Learning course from SevenMentor. I learn concept like machine learning, analytics with in depth knowledge. The curriculum is excellent faculty is extremely knowledgeable. Also got placement calls from their team .overall it’s worth investing.
- Mohit Pawar
Corporate Training
Deep Learning helps organizations in handling large amounts of data and solve complex problems. Another reason Deep Learning is important for organization is it has the function that it can detect voice and image. Organizations which require face and object detection, or voice-to-speech applications and translation can make the best use of Deep Learning Techniques.
SevenMentor’s Corporate Deep Learning Training will help you to achieve all these goals for your organization. Technology is evolving rapidly. What is used today may not be in trend after six months. That’s why it is important to keep your organization updated with the trend to cope-up with the evolution.
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