Difference Between REST and RESTful APIs

  • By Sonal Vanarse
  • January 21, 2025
  • JAVA Programming
Difference Between REST and RESTful APIs

Difference Between REST and RESTful APIs

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allows one software application to interact with another. APIs define the way components interact and provide the building blocks for developers to create programs. Discover the Difference Between REST and RESTful APIs. Learn their principles, features, and how they shape web services for seamless communication.

For example:

  • When you use a weather app, it fetches real-time weather data from a remote server through an API.
  • APIs enable functionality like payment gateways, social media integrations, and data sharing between systems.


Why is API used?

APIs simplify and enhance development by:

  1. Enabling Integration: They allow applications to communicate and share data with each other.
  2. Reusability: APIs let developers reuse existing components, saving time and effort.
  3. Efficiency: APIs abstract complex processes, exposing only the necessary functionalities.
  4. Scalability: APIs allow systems to grow and accommodate future integrations.
  5. Standardization: They create consistent methods for accessing data or performing operations.


What is REST API?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints for creating web services. A REST API is a web service that adheres to these REST principles.

Key Principles of REST:

  1. Stateless: Each API request from the client must contain all the information needed to process the request. No session state is stored on the server.
  2. Client-Server Separation: The client (frontend) and server (backend) are independent of each other.
  3. Cacheable: Responses can be cached to improve performance.
  4. Uniform Interface: REST relies on a uniform interface, often implemented using standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  5. Layered System: A REST API can work through multiple layers (e.g., security, load balancers) without the client being aware of them.

Advantages of REST APIs:

  • Language and platform are agnostic.
  • Scalability and performance.
  • Easy to implement and use with standard HTTP protocols.


What is RESTful API?

A RESTful API is an API that strictly adheres to REST principles. While “REST API” and “RESTful API” are often used interchangeably, RESTful APIs are more precise in following the rules of REST.


Types of APIs

APIs can be categorized based on their usage and access levels:

  • Open/Public APIs:
    • Accessible to developers and users with minimal restrictions.
    • Example: Google Maps API.
  • Partner APIs:
    • Accessible to authorized partners. Usually requires authentication or a business agreement.
    • Example: APIs provided by payment gateways for businesses.
  • Internal/Private APIs:
    • Used within an organization for internal purposes. These are not exposed to external users.
    • Example: An API for an organization’s HR management system.
  • Composite APIs:
    • Combine multiple APIs to create complex systems.
    • Example: A flight booking system API that combines airline, hotel, and car rental APIs.


Difference Between REST and RESTful APIs

Aspect REST RESTful
Definition REST is an architectural style. RESTful refers to APIs adhering to REST principles.
Implementation A system may partially follow REST principles. Must strictly follow all REST principles.
Focus Broader concept. Specific implementation of REST.
Example A web service that uses HTTP but doesn’t adhere to all REST rules. A fully stateless, cacheable API with a uniform interface.

How REST/RESTful APIs Work

  1. Client Request:
    • A client (like a browser or app) sends a request to the server using HTTP methods:
      • GET: Retrieve data (e.g., fetch a list of users).
      • POST: Create data (e.g., add a new user).
      • PUT: Update existing data.
      • DELETE: Remove data.
  2. Request Format:
    • Typically, requests include headers, URLs, and sometimes a body (for POST/PUT).
  3. Server Processing:
    • The server processes the request and performs the required operation (fetching data, updating records, etc.).
  4. Response:
    • The server responds with:
      • Status code (e.g., 200 for success, 404 for not found).
      • Data in a standard format like JSON or XML.


Example of REST API in Action

Use Case: Fetching user data.

  • Request (GET):

GET /users/123 HTTP/1.1

Host: api.example.com

Authorization: Bearer <token>

  • Response (JSON):




  “id”: 123,

  “name”: “John Doe”,

  “email”: “john.doe@example.com”



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which API is widely used in real-time projects rest or restful?

In real-time projects, RESTful APIs are more widely used.

Why RESTful APIs Dominate Real-Time Projects

  1. Strict Adherence to REST Principles: RESTful APIs fully follow REST principles, ensuring a more consistent, scalable, and reliable API design.
  2. Scalability: RESTful APIs work well for large-scale distributed systems due to their stateless nature and cacheability.
  3. Ease of Use: RESTful APIs leverage standard HTTP methods and are easy for developers to understand and implement.
  4. Wide Adoption: Modern frameworks and tools support RESTful APIs out of the box, making them the go-to choice for most development projects.
  5. Interoperability: RESTful APIs are language-agnostic, meaning they can be used across various programming languages, platforms, and devices.
  6. Standardization: RESTful APIs enforce a uniform interface, reducing ambiguity and improving usability for developers.

Why REST (Non-RESTful) APIs Are Less Common

Some APIs claim to be RESTful but fail to follow all REST principles, making them less standardized and potentially harder to scale or maintain. For example:

  • If an API maintains a session state on the server, it violates the REST principle of statelessness.
  • Non-standard HTTP methods or inconsistent response formats may make an API harder to use or integrate.

Such APIs might still work for specific use cases but are less preferred for modern, scalable real-time projects.

Examples of Real-Time Use Cases Where RESTful APIs Are Used

  1. E-commerce Platforms: Handling products, orders, and user accounts.
    • Example: Amazon’s APIs for sellers.
  2. Social Media Integration: Sharing posts, fetching user data, etc.
    • Example: Twitter or Facebook APIs.
  3. Payment Gateways: Managing transactions and user payments.
    • Example: Stripe or PayPal APIs.
  4. Cloud Services: Accessing resources like storage, databases, and computing.
    • Example: AWS or Google Cloud APIs.
  5. IoT Applications: Real-time monitoring and device control.
    • Example: APIs for smart home devices.

RESTful APIs in Real-Time Projects

RESTful APIs are ideal for real-time projects because they:

  • Handle high traffic efficiently (due to caching and statelessness).
  • Simplify communication between microservices in distributed architectures.
  • Ensure reliability in mobile and web applications where consistency and scalability are crucial.


Which Language to Choose for RESTful APIs?

  Python: Great for rapid prototyping and data-heavy applications.

  Node.js: Excellent for real-time, event-driven applications.

  Java: Preferred for large, enterprise-grade systems.

  C#: Common in Windows-based enterprise applications.

  Go: Best for highly scalable and performance-critical systems.

  Ruby: Ideal for startups needing quick development cycles.


Are there any differences between the restful API of multiple languages?

When implementing RESTful APIs in different programming languages, the core principles and design concepts remain the same, but there are differences in implementation, tooling, and frameworks. These differences arise from the unique features and ecosystems of each programming language.

Key Differences in RESTful API Implementation Across Languages:

  • Frameworks and Tools:
    • Different languages have specific frameworks designed to simplify RESTful API development. For example:
      • Python: Flask, Django REST Framework, FastAPI.
      • JavaScript: Express.js (Node.js), NestJS.
      • Java: Spring Boot, JAX-RS.
      • C#: ASP.NET Core.
      • Ruby: Ruby on Rails.
      • PHP: Laravel, Slim Framework.
    • These frameworks provide varying levels of abstraction, features, and performance optimizations.


  • Performance:
    • Languages like C++, C#, and Go often provide better performance for APIs that need to handle a large number of requests per second due to their compiled nature.
    • Interpreted languages like Python or Ruby may perform slightly slower but compensate with faster development cycles.


  • Syntax and Paradigm:
    • Each language has its unique syntax and paradigms:
      • Python focuses on readability and simplicity.
      • Java enforces strict typing and object-oriented principles.
      • JavaScript is lightweight and asynchronous by nature, which suits event-driven applications.
    • This affects how the API endpoints, data models, and controllers are defined.


  • Concurrency and Asynchronous Support:
    • Languages like Node.js (JavaScript) and Go have built-in support for asynchronous operations, making them efficient for handling concurrent requests.
    • In Python, asynchronous support is provided via asyncio, but older frameworks may rely on synchronous processing.
    • Java and C# provide strong multi-threading capabilities, though they are traditionally synchronous unless explicitly using async libraries.


  • Libraries for Serialization:
    • Serialization (converting data between formats like JSON or XML) differs between languages:
      • Python: json module, Marshmallow.
      • JavaScript: JSON.stringify(), libraries like axios.
      • Java: Jackson, Gson.
      • C#: Newtonsoft.Json, System.Text.Json.
      • Ruby: ActiveModel Serializers, Oj.
    • The choice of libraries impacts the ease of handling response/request data.


  • Middleware and Plugins:
    • Middleware in APIs (for logging, authentication, or error handling) is language-specific:
      • Node.js: Middleware like body-parser or custom Express middleware.
      • Django (Python): Middlewares like django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware.
      • Spring Boot (Java): Filters and interceptors.


  • Ecosystem and Community Support:
    • Some languages have more extensive RESTful API-related ecosystems:
      • JavaScript/Node.js and Python: A broad range of open-source libraries and examples.
      • Java and C#: Commonly used in enterprise-level projects due to strong community and corporate backing.


  • Deployment Considerations:
    • Deployment options vary:
      • Python: Often deployed with WSGI servers (e.g., Gunicorn) or ASGI servers (e.g., Uvicorn).
      • Node.js: Runs on a lightweight server like http.Server.
      • Java: Requires JVM and often uses containers like Tomcat or Spring Boot’s embedded server.
      • Go: Compiles into standalone binaries for deployment.


  • Error Handling:
    • Error handling conventions (e.g., raising exceptions or returning error objects) differ by language and framework.
    • For example:
      • In Python Flask, you might use abort() for error responses.
      • In Node.js, you throw errors or pass them via next() in middleware.

What Stays the Same Across Languages?

  • Core REST Principles:
    • Statelessness, cacheability, and the use of HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
    • Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) for resources.
    • Standardized status codes (e.g., 200, 404, 500).


  • JSON as the Most Common Data Format:
    • JSON is language-agnostic and remains the standard for data exchange in RESTful APIs.


  • Authentication Mechanisms:
    • Common methods like OAuth 2.0, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and API keys are used regardless of the language.


  • HTTP Protocol:
    • The underlying transport protocol remains the same, using HTTP or HTTPS.


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Sonal Vanarse

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