Ethical Hacking
A bond that appears to guide you rather than annoy you. Investigating potential dangers on a computer or network by scanning for vulnerabilities is known as Ethical Hacking Course in Mehrauli. A network, web application, or computer system's weak points or vulnerabilities are discovered by an ethical hacker, who then informs the company of the issue.
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- Regular: 2 Batches
- Weekends: 2 Batches
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About Ethical Hacking
A cool method to destroy the unhealthy and overcome the density of error. To defeat security procedures and get access to devices or networks, hackers are computer specialists who have extensive programming abilities. However, not all Ethical Hacking training in Mehrauli is unlawful, and not all intruders into networks are out to harm. Ethical Hacking classes in Mehrauli can be advantageous. Installing anti-hacking software like Avast One helps protect your device. Wipe the system to operate swiftly.
Which three categories of hackers are more prevalent?
Black hat, white hat, and gray hat hackers are the three broad categories into which hackers can be divided. The act of the Ethical Hacking is not always malevolent or prohibited, even though it is frequently linked with taking advantage of flaws to obtain unauthorized access to computers, systems, or networks. Ethical Hacking Training in Mehrauli is simply using computer knowledge to address a specific issue in its most basic form. There are many different kinds of hackers, and a lot of Ethical Hacking classes in Mehrauli operations are advantageous since they reveal code flaws that aid software developers in improving goods. An act to encourage security.
White Hat Hackers: We scour the system for problems and ethically notify the company. As users, we have the right to test for and report defects in a network or website. Usually, the corporation itself provides white hat hackers with all the information they require to test an application or network. Before the website is launched or is hacked maliciously, they employ their abilities to test it. Heightened security to remove errors.
Black Hat Hackers: In this case, the company forbids users from testing it. They dishonestly enter the website and either manipulate or steal data from the admin panel. They just think about what they may benefit personally and financially from using the personal data.
Gray hat hackers:Gray hat hackers don't necessarily have the same illegal or malevolent intent as black hat hackers, but they also lack the permission or knowledge of the people whose systems they are breaking into. However, rather than completely exploiting weaknesses they find, such as zero-day vulnerabilities, gray hat hackers report them. Gray hat hackers, however, can demand payment in exchange for sharing all the information they found.
An attack that destroys and ethically solves itedditt.
Hackers Of Different Types
There are more types and sub-types of hackers, even though almost all hackers fit into one of the three categories (black hat, white hat, or gray hat).
Green hat hackers: Green hat hackers are "green" in that they are inexperienced and may not have the technical know-how of more seasoned hackers. To get beyond security measures, green hats might turn to social engineering methods like phishing.
Blue hat hackers: Blue hat hackers are white hat hackers who are engaged by a business to help them conduct penetration testing to improve their security systems.
Red hat hackers: Referred to as vigilante hackers, are driven by the desire to retaliate against black hat hackers. To do this, they infiltrate black hat communities on the dark web and launch hacking attacks against their networks and devices.
What core principles underpin ethical hacking?
Hackers adhere to the following four basic protocol principles:
Act legally- Obtain the required approval before ordering and carrying out a security review.
Define the scope- Establish the assessment's parameters to make sure the ethical hacker's work complies with legal requirements and organizational limitations.
Describe your weaknesses- Any vulnerabilities discovered during the assessment should be reported to the company. Please offer advice on how to address these issues.
Consider how sensitive the info is- Depending on how sensitive the data is, ethical hackers might be required to accept a non-disclosure agreement in addition to other terms and conditions sought by the examined firm.
The Importance of Ethical Hacking
We finally understand what ethical hacking entails. Data and information are valuable resources for any firm. For the sake of protecting the privacy of the company and the customer base connected to it, many governmental or commercial companies deal with extremely sensitive data that needs to be protected. We will now examine the significance of ethical hacking for all people.
The reasons that will demonstrate the significance of ethical hacking are as follows: -
Every firm in the digital age must be forceful while preserving the security and privacy of the data and information they handle.
Security system testing frequently makes use of ethical hacking. Executing also makes use of ethical hacking.
We frequently read about hackers identifying flaws on various websites and receiving rewards from businesses. Technical flaws are frequently discovered in large corporations' websites and applications by hackers. This is why many businesses provide bug bounty programs. In bug bounty programs, hackers are expected to discover software defects or security flaws and then alert the company. Companies repair the flaw after being told, and the hacker who reported it is given the proper credit and compensation. Large companies hire hackers specifically for this purpose, including Google, Yahoo, Instagram, Facebook, and Uber.
Important data is protected from attackers using ethical hacking as well. It stops criminal users from taking advantage of a company or an individual. It lessens the chance of becoming the target of blackmail from someone or anything.
What Do Ethical Hackers Do?
In many aspects, an ethical hacker is similar to a secret shopper, who goes into stores undercover to look for issues and give comments on what needs to be fixed. To test a store's security, secret shoppers could even stage thefts. Similarly, firms that wish to identify weaknesses, strengthen their networks, and enhance their processes can greatly benefit from ethical hacking techniques, which are essentially identical to those used by cybercriminals.
A major duty is to enhance a particular work of ethics.
While businesses frequently use penetration testers to concentrate on one or a small number of network vulnerabilities, ethical hackers play a far more comprehensive role. In addition to penetration testing, they may also make an effort to deceive workers into disclosing private information and check to see how well laptops and mobile devices are being stored.
A few instances of ethical hacking
An upliftment to raise an organization. Now that we have a good understanding of what ethical hacking is, let's look at some examples to help us better comprehend and acknowledge it.
Solitary ethical hackers: You have a 100% probability of hearing about Mark Litchfield if you ask any ethical hacking aficionado. The BBC published a piece in the year 2019 in which Litchfield disclosed that he had earned more than $1.5 million by only identifying flaws in the websites and applications of renowned businesses like Yahoo. White hat hackers frequently join the field for the prestige and knowledge it offers; financial advantages are almost always a foregone conclusion. These lone hackers work continuously.
Compared to penetration testing, ethical hacking
There are several similarities between ethical hacking and penetration testing. Both entail evaluating a system's security using a range of tools and methods. The two strategies do, however, have some significant differences.
The owner of the system being tested is often consulted before engaging in ethical hacking. This indicates that ethical hacker is aware of their rights and obligations. They will normally have also agreed to a contract outlining the details of the work and any restrictions.
Contrarily, penetration testing frequently takes place without the system owner's consent.
Online Classes
There is something on the list of ethical hacking lessons in Mehrauli to suit everyone's tastes and preferences. There are whopping courses available for potential students to take. The online ethical hacking course in Mehrauli is customized to your specific needs, whether you are a beginner or have some experience in the field. Several ethical hacking professionals have individually contributed to the creation of the course to increase its effectiveness. There are many potential topics for an online ethical hacking classes in Mehrauli in SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd.
Course Eligibility
Everyone has the right to their privacy. For Ethical Hacking Training there are no such necessary requirements, anyone who is curious about the hacking world can go for this course with basic knowledge of computer systems. Bellow are the some professions who generally opt for this course:
- Freshers
- BE/ Bsc Candidate
- Any Engineers
- Any Graduate
- Any Post-Graduate
- Working Professionals
- Network Administrator
- Network Security Engineers
- Information Security Professionals
- Technical Support Engineers
- System Administrators
Syllabus of Ethical Hacking
CEH Syllabus
Module 01 - Introduction to Ethical Hacking
01 - Information Security Overview
02 - Information Security Threats and Attack Vectors
06 - Penetration Testing Concepts
03 - Hacking Concepts
04 - Ethical Hacking Concepts
05 - Information Security Controls
07 - Information Security Laws and Standards
Module 02 - Footprinting and Reconnaissance
01 - Footprinting Concepts
02 - Footprinting through Search Engines
03 - Footprinting through Web Services
04 - Footprinting through Social Networking Sites
05 - Website Footprinting
06 - Email Footprinting
07 - Competitive Intelligence
08 - Whois Footprinting
09 - DNS Footprinting
10- Network Footprinting
11- Footprinting through Social Engineering
12 - Footprinting Tools
13 - Countermeasures
14 - Footprinting Pen Testing
Module 03 - Scanning Networks
01 - Network Scanning Concepts
02 - Scanning Tools
03 - Scanning Techniques
04 - Scanning Beyond IDS and Firewall
05 - Banner Grabbing
06 - Draw Network Diagrams
07 - Scanning Pen Testing
Module 04 - Enumeration
01 - Enumeration Concepts
02 - NetBIOS Enumeration
03 - SNMP Enumeration
04 - LDAP Enumeration
05 - NTP Enumeration
06 - SMTP Enumeration and DNS Enumeration
07 - Enumeration Countermeasures
08 - Other Enumeration Techniques
09 - Enumeration Pen Testing
Module 05 - Vulnerability Analysis
01 - Vulnerability Assessment Concepts
02 - Vulnerability Assessment Solutions
03 - Vulnerability Scoring Systems
04 - Vulnerability Assessment Tools
05 - Vulnerability Assessment Reports
Module 06 - System Hacking
01 - System Hacking Concepts
02 - Cracking Passwords
03 - Escalating Privileges
04 - Executing Applications
05 - Hiding Files
06 - Covering Tracks
07 - Penetration Testing
Module 07 - Malware Threats
01 - Malware Concepts
02 - Trojan Concepts
03 - Virus and Worm Concepts
04 - Malware Analysis
05- Countermeasures
06- Anti-Malware Software
07- Malware Penetration Testing
Module 08 - Sniffing
01- Sniffing Concepts
02- Sniffing Technique: MAC Attacks
03- Sniffing Technique: DHCP Attacks
04- Sniffing Technique: ARP Poisoning
05- Sniffing Technique: Spoofing Attacks
06- Sniffing Technique: DNS Poisoning
07- Sniffing Tools
08- Countermeasures
09- Sniffing Detection Techniques
10- Sniffing Pen Testing
Module 09- Social Engineering
01 - Social Engineering Concepts
02 - Social Engineering Techniques
03- Insider Threats
04 - Impersonation on Social Networking Sites
05 - Identity Theft
06 - Countermeasures
07 - Social Engineering Penetration Testing
Module 10- Denial-of-Service
01 - DoS/DDoS Concepts
02 - DoS/DDoS Attack Techniques
03 - Botnets
04 - DDoS Case Study
05 - DoS/DDoS Attack Tools
06 - Countermeasures
07 - DoS/DDoS Protection Tools
08 - DoS/DDoS Attack Penetration Testing
Module 11- Session Hijacking
01- Session Hijacking Concepts
02- Application Level Session Hijacking
03- Network Level Session Hijacking
04- Session Hijacking Tools
05- Countermeasures
06- Penetration Testing
Module 12 - Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
01- IDS, Firewall, and Honeypot Concepts
02- IDS, Firewall, and Honeypot Solutions
03- Evading IDS
04- Evading Firewalls
05- IDS/Firewall Evading Tools
06- Detecting Honeypots
07- IDS/Firewall Evasion Countermeasures
08- Penetration Testing
Module 13- Hacking Web Servers
01- Web Server Concepts
02- Web Server Attacks
03- Web Server Attack Methodology
04- Web Server Attack Tools
05- Countermeasures
06- Patch Management
07- Web Server Security Tools
08- Web Server Pen Testing
Module 14- Hacking Web Applications
01 - Web App Concepts
02 - Web App Threats
03 - Hacking Methodology
04 - Web Application Hacking Tools
05 - Countermeasures
06 - Web App Security Testing Tools
07 - Web App Pen Testing
Module 15- SQL Injection
01 - SQL Injection Concepts
02 - Types of SQL Injection
03 - SQL Injection Methodology
04 - SQL Injection Tools
05 - Evasion Techniques
06 - Countermeasures
Module 16- Hacking Wireless Networks
01 - Wireless Concepts
02 - Wireless Encryption
03 - Wireless Threats
04 - Wireless Hacking Methodology
05 - Wireless Hacking Tools
06 - Bluetooth Hacking
07 - Countermeasures
08 - Wireless Security Tools
09 - Wi-Fi Pen Testing
Module 17- Hacking Mobile Platforms
01- Mobile Platform Attack Vectors
02- Hacking Android OS
03- Hacking iOS
04- Mobile Spyware
05- Mobile Device Management
06- Mobile Security Guidelines and Tools
07- Mobile Pen Testing
Module 18- IoT Hacking
01- IoT Concepts
02- IoT Attacks
03- IoT Hacking Methodology
04- IoT Hacking Tools
05- Countermeasures
06- IoT Pen Testing
Module 19- Cloud Computing
01 - Cloud Computing Concepts
02 - Cloud Computing Threats
03 - Cloud Computing Attacks
04 - Cloud Security
05 - Cloud Security Tools
06 - Cloud Penetration Testing
Module 20- Cryptography
01- Cryptography Concepts
02- Encryption Algorithms
03- Cryptography Tools
04- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
05- Email Encryption
06- Disk Encryption
07- Cryptanalysis
08- Countermeasures
Trainer Profile of Ethical Hacking
Our Trainers explains concepts in very basic and easy to understand language, so the students can learn in a very effective way. We provide students, complete freedom to explore the subject. We teach you concepts based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates can learn in our one to one coaching sessions and are free to ask any questions at any time.
- Certified Professionals with more than 8+ Years of Experience
- Trained more than 2000+ students in a year
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge in their domains
- Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications
Ethical Hacking Exams & Certification
SevenMentor Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.
Our certification at SevenMentor is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
Proficiency After Training
- Daily Malware Analysis, Protocol analysis.
- Can do reverse Engineering to secure the network
- Perform Debugging in Case find any issue related with Security
- Test the application security
- Harden Computer Security and remove vulnerabilities by penetrating networks or computer systems.
Key Features
Skill Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advance
We are providing Training to the needs from Beginners level to Experts level.
Course Duration
90 Hours
Course will be 90 hrs to 110 hrs duration with real-time projects and covers both teaching and practical sessions.
Total Learners
2000+ Learners
We have already finished 100+ Batches with 100% course completion record.
Frequently Asked Questions
Batch Schedule
17/03/2025 |
Ethical Hacking |
Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Mehrauli | Book Now |
18/03/2025 |
Ethical Hacking |
Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Mehrauli | Book Now |
15/03/2025 |
Ethical Hacking |
Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Mehrauli | Book Now |
15/03/2025 |
Ethical Hacking |
Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Mehrauli | Book Now |
Students Reviews
My apprentice is a pro at networking, virtualization, servers, and ethical hacking. His approach to instruction is first-rate. He focuses on both theory and application. I appreciate you helping me develop my skills and guiding me, Arun Sir.
- Dipti Kairnar
Arun Sir had extensive practical expertise and understanding of computer security. Provides a full explanation of the course and dispels any uncertainties you may have. Sir always went through every detail from the official book and always used examples from everyday life to help illustrate topics.
- Vilas Londhe
Educators who are friendly and foster an environment. There is a wealth of knowledge available in any cybersecurity course. I appreciate the outcome I received from here.
- Mohini Sable
Course video & Images
Corporate Training
Through participation in a range of courses, employees can advance their careers and increase their expertise. The Corporate Ethical Hacking Course in Mehrauli improves applicants' skills, enabling them to pursue a wider professional route. Candidates are prepared by the trainers at SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. till they are prepared to start working. Both employees and students have excellent opportunities to learn and expand their skill sets.
Our Placement Process

Eligibility Criteria

Placements Training

Interview Q & A

Resume Preparation

Aptitude Test

Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement

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