With the increasing generation of data, organisations must use a platform that assists them in making effective use of their customer data, and the Salesforce Course in Odisa is one such CRM platform.
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- Regular: 2 Batches
- Weekends: 2 Batches
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About Salesforce
Salesforce training in Odisa is utilized by businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 500 corporations. Customer is the primary aspect of a business and its achievement through hurdles. Salesforce Classes in Odisa will introduce you to the word CRM before moving on to understanding what Salesforce course in Odisa is. Employees used to maintain data manually. They scribbled notes and saved them in files. They were unable to use all of the available data in this manner. Companies gradually began to employ Excel sheets and documents for data management as computers became more common.
Salesforce Structure
The Salesforce Training in Odisa will now take you on a quick tour of the Salesforce architecture. You will become acquainted with the many layers of the Salesforce architecture in this section.
Salesforce stores data in a single database structure, making it multi-tenant. A single instance of a software server can have several tenants. When it comes to multi-tenant architecture, there is a single shared application service that serves multiple customers. This reduces the overall cost. In contrast, in a single-tenant environment, the development and maintenance costs must be borne solely by one client. As a result, multi-tenant design is advantageous. Salesforce training in Odisa employs a metadata-driven development strategy. This allows developers to concentrate solely on the development of the application. This metadata-driven platform facilitates customization and scaling. Salesforce's API is a valuable source.
Why should you learn Salesforce?
Salesforce began as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) startup offering a cloud-based CRM platform.
Along with SaaS, Salesforce now offers a platform on which its customers may build their apps; this is known as Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Although PaaS accounts for the majority of Salesforce's income, SaaS is also used by numerous Fortune 500 firms.
CRM from Salesforce Course
Salesforce CRM assists businesses in managing client connections and integrating with other critical systems. Salesforce CRM is a SaaS technology that assists businesses in developing customised solutions for marketing, services, sales, and e-commerce issues.
Salesforce CRM data is stored in the cloud, it can be viewed remotely from any location. It aids in the acceleration of a company's productivity and, as a result, is a vital component of growth.
What exactly is SFDC?, often known as SFDC, is another name for Salesforce. Salesforce's official website is SFDC. Marc Benioff established the company in 1999.
You can register on the website by visiting it. You can also start your 30-day free examination. This will allow you to gain hands-on experience with SFDC.
SFDC is brimming with materials and demos to help you better grasp Salesforce.
Why is SFDC important?
SFDC is a CRM market leader. Here are some of the reasons:
SFDC decreases development time and cost while also delivering apps in much less time.
SFDC enables the purchase and sale of applications. The AppExchange component of SFDC has proven to be a fantastic marketplace for developers.
Salesforce training in Odisa
Salesforce provides numerous benefits to its customers, making it a market leader in the CRM area. Some of Salesforce's advantages are listed below for your convenience:
Salesforce is a full-featured system for managing sales, marketing, service, communities, and partners.
You can save your Salesforce data on the cloud, allowing your team to access it from anywhere in the world.
Salesforce is adaptable and suitable for businesses of all sizes.
Salesforce's services are available on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Salesforce can help you increase sales efficiency while also enhancing client loyalty, retention, and satisfaction.
Salesforce allows for simple connectivity with third-party apps, which can aid in the growth of your business.
Salesforce Features
Salesforce provides numerous tools to its customers to assist them in growing their enterprises. Some of these features are listed below for your convenience:
Contact Management: Retrieves information on a customer, such as a customer communication, activity history, and so on.
Sales and Marketing Lead: Tracks client interaction via email activity and converts leads to customers.
Create and Manage Innovative Apps: Creates, scales, and manages apps.
Salesforce Analytics: Creates dashboards, collects data, and does analysis.
Sales Community: Assists businesses in connecting with consumers, employees, and partners.
Salesforce Engine: Aids in the creation of personalised contacts with clients for various marketing initiatives established by the marketing team.
Lead Management: Assists in tracking the progress of leads.
Partnership Management: Assists in the development of partner communities and the sharing of goals, activities, and objectives.
Approvals and Workflow:
Salesforce administrators work hard to combat inefficiencies and promote productivity. They design amazing tools for any device, such as simple dashboards, intelligent workflows, and apps for any project.
Admins train and educate Salesforce users, handle complex business problems, and keep projects going ahead. An administrator provides innovative solutions that make Salesforce users happier and the organisation smarter.
Products sold by Salesforce
Salesforce offers a variety of products to meet the diverse needs of its customers. Some of the articles are totalled below:
Sales Cloud: The core Salesforce product is Sales Cloud. It aids businesses in their sales.
Marketing Cloud: Marketing Cloud provides digital marketing services to businesses.
Service Cloud: Service Cloud assists customer support staff.
Commerce Cloud: Users can sell their products using Commerce Cloud.
Experience Cloud: With Experience Cloud, users can develop different platforms as needed.
IoT Cloud: IoT Cloud is a platform for processing and storing IoT data.
Analytics Cloud: Analytics Cloud is a data analysis and storage platform.
Health Cloud is a CRM platform for healthcare and life sciences enterprises.
Salesforce's several data types
In Salesforce, all variables and expressions are allocated a data type, such as subject, primitive, or enum. Based on the requirement, we employ these data kinds as needed.
Integers, doubles, longs, dates, date times, strings, IDs, and Booleans are examples of primitives
A subject, such as an Account, Contact, or MyCustomObject c, might be wide or particular.
A set comprised of the following items:
A grouping of primitives, subjects, user-defined objects, Apex class-produced objects, or collections.
a band of primitives
A primitive-to-primitive map, subject, or collection.
An enumeration is a list of values.
Objects derived from Apex classes defined by the user
Objects generated with Apex classes provided by the system Null (for the null).
Salesforce variables
The syntax for declaring local variables, and defining and initialising many variables on a single line is comparable to Java's.
If you declare a variable but do not assign it a value, it becomes null. In its most basic form, null represents the absence of a value. Any variable with a basic type can be put to null as well.
Variables can be declared at any point in a block and then inherit the scope. Parallel blocks can change the name of a variable that has already been used in a parent block, but sub-blocks cannot.
What is the significance between Salesforce Automation and CRM?
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is designed to foster customer relationships.
Salesforce Automation's main objective is to improve the efficiency of the sales process.
CRM provides integrated features that aid in enhancing customer happiness, retention, and so on.
Salesforce Automation provides a variety of capabilities, such as pipeline management and sales management.
CRM gathers information from customers and organisations to assist predict demands and improving the customer experience.
Salesforce Automation provides a comprehensive picture of past, present, and prospects, as well as sales performance.
Salesforce Automation's Importance
Salesforce Automation can help you save up to 14 per cent of the time it takes to execute administrative activities. Salesforce Automation, according to Instapage, enhances sales productivity by 14.5 per cent and transaction closing by 30 per cent. In brief, using Salesforce Automation features to automate numerous redundant sales operations aids in revenue growth.
Salesforce Automation Examples
Let us now look at some of the greatest Salesforce Automation examples:
Recruiting New Employees for Exciting Companies
It is most likely the best Salesforce Automation use case. Salesforce Automation will assist you in sending automatic emails celebrating a professional who has recently been employed at an organisation. These automated emails will contain marketing after a certain amount of time.
What exactly is a "Salesforce Administrator"?
A Salesforce Admin is a business leader that understands how the firm works, is involved in making all departments successful through process automation and is thus essential to running a smooth and lean corporation.
Online Classes
It's always fun to learn about new things. To earn more in life, students should expand their knowledge with the assistance of a mentor. Knowledge of technology can assist technical graduates in selecting aspects to learn at SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. at random. We specialise in the majority of the popular and useful niches. We provide such training through online Salesforce course in Odisa. We have multiple tests and exams for the courses you take at SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. This significantly improves students' abilities. Freshers can find comfy and trendy jobs at the placement cell.
Course Eligibility
Bachelors & Graduates
Any professional person
Abroad studying students and professionals
Candidates willing to learn something new.
Syllabus of Salesforce
Chapter 1
Introducing the concept of Cloud Computing
Introduction of cloud vendors (Salesforce)
Overview of each of three building blocks in cloud applications
1. SAAS (
2. PAAS (
Chapter 2
Overview of Database Concepts
Database structure
Normal (Excel based) Database Vs. Relational (Salesforce) Database
Benefits & Use of Relational Database
Chapter 3
Introducing the Platform
Understanding of Standard Objects
Standard Object Flow (SAAS)
Creation of a Free Developer account :
(This org will be used to develop and test the application during the
entire Course)
Chapter 4
Building a Simple App
Becoming familiar with the Setup Area
Introduction of Standard Objects
Introduction of Custom Objects
Introduction of Tabs, Standard & Custom Fields, Detail
Page and Related Lists
Chapter 5
Enhancement of the App
Types of Relationship
Understanding of each Relationship with a use business case
Differentiation between One-to-Many and Many-to-Many
Introduction of Primary-Keys & Foreign-Keys (Conceptual Knowledge)
Roll-up Summery Field
Formula & Cross Object Formula Field:
Guidance & Hand-on with Date, Text and number formulas
Chapter 6
Securities in Salesforce App
Object Level Securities
Describe different object-wise permissions and their impact
Difference between Read Vs. View All, Edit Vs. Modify All
Record Level Securities
Describe OWD (Organization-Wide Default)
Record sharing using Roll-Hierarchy
Describe Sharing Rules
Manual Sharing
Field Level Securities
Field Properties
Unique property
External Id (Considered in Data Management)
Required property
Chapter 7
Business Logic Implementation
Rules for Automation:
Validation Rule (Run on highest priority for the App)
Workflow (Time-Dependent & Time-Independent)
Assignment Rule
Auto-Response Rule (Live example with
Web-to-Lead functionality)
Escalation Rule
Introduction and use of Record Type
Introduction and use of Different Page-Layouts using Record-Type
Chapter 8
Approval Process:
Single-step Approval
Multi-steps Approval
Differentiation between Workflow rule & Approval process
Email to approve the request
Understanding the order of Execution of all these rules
Chapter 9
Introduction of SOQL & SOSL
Introduction of Queries traversing from Child to Parent Object
Introduction of Queries traversing from Parent to Child Object
Introduction of aggregate Queries
Introduction of Semi-Join & Anti-Join
Field Semi-Join & Anti-Join
Reference Semi-Join & Anti-Join
Chapter 10
Complex Business Logic Implementation
Introduction of Apex
Introduction of Collection Types, Loops & DML Statements
Understanding of Traditional FOR LOOP & Advance FOR LOOP
Understanding of Loops with SOQLs
Implementation of Apex-Trigger
Understanding & Use of Trigger Context Variables
Chapter 11
Data Management
Introduction Import-Wizard
Few Standard Objects and All Custom Objects will be
De-Duplication as default behavior
Use of External IDs
Introduction & Use of Apex Data-Loader
Use of different actions (Call) like Import, Update, Upsert, etc.
Also Supported by CLI
Difference between Import-Wizard & Data-Loader
Chapter 11
Data Management
Introduction Import-Wizard
Few Standard Objects and All Custom Objects will be
De-Duplication as default behavior
Use of External IDs
Introduction & Use of Apex Data-Loader
Use of different actions (Call) like Import, Update, Upsert, etc.
Also Supported by CLI
Difference between Import-Wizard & Data-Loader
Chapter 12
Introduction of MVC Architecture:
Data Model
Report & Dashboard
Introduction of Report Types (Standard Report Type & Custom
Report Type)
Introduction of Types of Report
Tabular Report
Summary Report
Matrix Report
Join Report
Feature of the SFDC Report
Custom Summary Formula field
Bucket Filed
Condition High-lighting
Scheduling report for future run
Introduction of different dashboard components and their usage
Selection of the Component to meet the given requirement
Dashboard Settings
Formatting of the Different Graphs (Components)
Drill down to the source report while click on the graphs
Dashboard Running User concept
Chapter 13
Building a Visualforce (Custom) Page for the App:
Introduction of Visualforce Pages
Difference between Standard Controller & (Custom) Controller
Hands-on to Create a List-view, Detail-Page, Copy the page as PDF
when click a Button or Link
Hands-on to display data in Table format, enabling pagination,
calling action on a Button or Link, etc.
Use of JavaScript in VF-pages. (Adding dependencies, etc.)
Chapter 14
Overview of other capabilities
Different type of Sandboxes and their usage
Enable Web-to-Lead (or Web-to-Case) for the org
Introduction of Site.Com and creation of site using it
Introduction of Debug Logs
Chapter 15
Learning Apex & Deployment Tools
Introduction of Apex Classes
Invoke a class or its method via Triggers
Use as a Controller for a VF page
Difference between Controller & Extension
Introduction of test class & methods to cover Apex
Deployment Tools: IDE (Eclipse Plugin) Migration Tool (Ant Based)
One live Project:- (Two weeks)
Trainer Profile of Salesforce
Our Trainers explains concepts in very basic and easy to understand language, so the students can learn in a very effective way. We provide students, complete freedom to explore the subject. We teach you concepts based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates can learn in our one to one coaching sessions and are free to ask any questions at any time.
Certified Professionals with more than 6+ Years of Experience.
Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge in their domains.
Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
Salesforce Exams & Certification
Holding a certificate in Salesforce is a lifelong credential as it adds an impressive balance in one's resume. SevenMentor Certification in Salesforce is well recognized by several companies worldwide. It is the only affiliated post with the thriving fulfillment of all the theoretical and practical sessions with assessments. Irrespective of any industry. Students and Professionals acquire this certificate to gain stable and swift progress at their routine work which thereafter unfolds an opportunity to outshine as potential leaders.
Proficiency After Training
Provide customer support and assist project progress reports with the SalesForce team.
Work on existing software as well as develop and deploy new code to boost performance.
Track, verify and report to customer satisfaction to successfully develop technical solutions to various business problems
Key Features
Skill level
From Beginner to Expert
We are providing Training to the needs from Beginners level to Experts level.
Course Duration
12 weeks
Course will be 90 hrs to 110 hrs duration with real-time projects and covers both teaching and practical sessions.
Total Learners
2000+ Learners
We have already finished 100+ Batches with 100% course completion record.
Frequently Asked Questions
Batch Schedule
17/03/2025 |
Salesforce |
Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Odisa | Book Now |
18/03/2025 |
Salesforce |
Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Odisa | Book Now |
15/03/2025 |
Salesforce |
Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Odisa | Book Now |
15/03/2025 |
Salesforce |
Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Odisa | Book Now |
Students Reviews
Beneficial training. SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. is a well-known institute. Several technological topics can be learned here.
- Nishant Gawli
I found the instructors to be knowledgeable about their subjects. I'm eager to learn more from this site. The learning environment was both peaceful and lively.
- Kedar Satpute
The staff were quite helpful. What is important to me is learning and expanding my knowledge. I discovered it here. Everything was fantastic. The class schedules went smoothly.
- NIranjan Thombre
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Corporate Training
Skills are required for both seasoned and inexperienced workers. At times, top companies desire deeper knowledge in specific sectors. SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. also offers professional coaching. Professionals' eagerness to learn In the end, Corporate Salesforce training in Odisa is necessary for every firm. Knowledge tests and implementation assist you and your future activities in any organisation. SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. instructors and staff are always available to assist you and answer your questions. We use a win-win strategy.
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