Software Development
These days, the world is becoming increasingly digitized. So, there is more need for those people who can build specific software applications. Therefore software development is emerging as a valuable career among youth.
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Batch Timing
- Regular: 2 Batches
- Weekends: 2 Batches
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About Software Development
Unlimited imagination helps you produce a variety of software with purpose. Creating Software made all functions easy.
These days, the world is becoming increasingly digitized. So, there is more need for those people who can build specific software applications. Therefore software development courses in Indore are emerging as a valuable career among youth. SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. is an influential institute. It has developed the best Software Development Training in Indore. It will assist you in making a great career in this field. Software development course in Indore is a procedure to build computer software using specific programming languages and provides functionality. It helps to address specific business or personal goals. An improvement of software is usually a conscious initiative with several steps and stages. It impacts the creation of operational software. Hence a decent definition is: “a procedure with a set of actions that assemble computer software products, encompassing their design, development, testing, and deployment.” Software is a set of teachings or strategies that tell a computer what to do. So, it is independent of hardware and makes computers programmable. SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd.. is a reasonable institute. It has designed and set up trainers to train students efficiently, the best Software Development Course in Indore.
Why should you learn Software Development classes in Indore?
It Improves your business.
With Software development, you can take a business to new heights. It will assist in promoting and spreading your business. Software Development course in Indore enable your brand to be visible to everyone and almost anywhere through a computer or smartphone. SevenMentor & Training Pvt. an excellent institute and has developed the best Software Development Classes in Indore.
It helps to have Direct communication.
Software development training in Indore is beneficial. It is the only thing that can assist you in direct communication with the clients. So, No other policy can support you in communicating with your consumers. Therefore, it is the quickest way to boost your brand awareness. At our Best Software Development Training in Indore, you can learn essential skills. So, you can improve your brand awareness.
SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd.. is an influential institute. It has developed the best Software Development Training in Indore. It will assist you in making a great career in this field. Software development is a procedure to build computer software using specific programming languages and provides functionality. It helps to address specific business or personal goals. An improvement of software is usually a conscious initiative with several steps and stages. It impacts the creation of operational software. Hence a decent definition is: “a procedure with a set of actions that build computer software products, comprising their design, development, testing, and deployment.” Software is a set of teachings or strategies that tell a computer what to do. So, it is autonomous of hardware and makes computers programmable. SevenMentor is a good institute. It has designed the best Software Development Course in Indore.
Why should you learn Software Development?
It Improves your business.
With Software development, you can take a business to new heights. It will assist in promoting and spreading your business. Software Development enables your brand to be visible to everyone and almost anywhere through a computer or smartphone. SevenMentor & Training Pvt. an excellent institute and has developed the best Software Development Classes in Indore.
It helps to have Direct communication.
Software development is beneficial. It is the only thing that can assist you in direct communication with the clients. So, No other policy can support you in communicating with your consumers. Therefore, it is the quickest way to boost your brand awareness. At our Best Software Development Training in Indore, you can learn essential skills. So, you can improve your brand awareness.
Software Development Boosts Customer engagement.
Every industry wants to boost its list of eager consumers. How can a company improve its number of consumers? The explanation is online marketing. Today, Industries need to execute online marketing policies. So, you can enhance customer engagement with the help of a mobile app or website. You can make them come back to you and not to your rival. With the assistance of our Software Development Classes in Indore, you can engage the customers.
Software Development Helps in marketing your business.
Software development is beneficial for marketing. It helps to apply on-the-go marketing to your business. Software Development promotes your products and services at any place without any additional money spent or extra time required. So, your consumers can reach you from anywhere throughout the world. Therefore, join the best Software Development Training in Indore. So, it can help you in marketing your business.
Why choose SevenMentor to learn Software Development?
SevenMentor & Training Pvt. a leading institute as it provides top-notch Software Development Classes in Indore. Our trainers are highly skilled professionals. So, they have expertise in top MNCs and IT companies. These classes are suitable and affordable for a person of every financial background. So, join the best course. It equips participants with detailed information, proficiency, and experience on the subject. So, you can make a great career in this field. We have committed coaches at our Best Software Development Training Centre in Indore.
They will train you about SQL, PHP, etc. Bootstrap, Node.js, cloud9. You will also learn about GitHub and Refer our website. These are the familiar tools and programming languages used to become a software developer. The Software Development Certification Course in Indore provides an understanding of significant concepts. You will learn about machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, full-stack development, and so on. There are crucial steps in developing software. So, you will learn about Project planning, Analysis, System designing, Implementation, etc. With the help of our trainers, you can also learn about the Testing of software and Maintenance. All these are the necessary steps to create better software.
The trainers at Software Development Training in Indore are skilled. So, they apply the "Learning by doing" method. They provide extensive experience in software development. So, it will help you in the knowledge and skills you require at MNCs. SevenMentor transmits a decent knowledge setting with practical-based understanding. We provide placement security to our learners. We have adjustable batch timings and satisfy the desires of students and appointed specialists. This institute has made available weekday morning, evening, and weekend batches. It has made it favorable as per your motives. Online Corporate Training is also available at Software Development Course in Indore. Thus, It is helpful for you. You will get successful and reasonable learning. Our Trainers provide critical freedom to the students at Software Development Classes in Indore. They will support you in studying the subject. You will recognize it based on real-time examples. Our trainers encourage the learners to administer their policies. SevenMentor organizes the best Software Development Classes in Indore. All the global organizations have understood the Certification of SevenMentor. Thus after completion of the course, you will attain the industry-recognized certification. Join the best Software Development Course in Indore. So, you will realize from top specialists with placement certainty.
Online Classes
Online Software Development Classes in Indore makes it safe for learners to understand and conserve the topic. SevenMentor provides the best Software Development Training in Indore. We have approved and experienced trainers. So, They will encourage you to learn Agile frameworks and famous coding languages like JavaScript. You will also learn to build efficient programs and systems that serve user needs. With this online Software Development Course in Indore, you will learn to design and write the code. So, you can create everything from operating systems to apps to video games. Our trainers will help you Build a Machine Learning Web App with Streamlight and Python. You can also make a Postage Calculator with Scala. SevenMentor is an excellent institute. It will take all the necessary actions. So, you will learn software development and become an expert in this field.
Course Eligibility
Bachelors & Graduates
Any professional person
Abroad studying students and professionals
Candidates are willing to learn something new.
Syllabus of Software Development
- 1. HTML 4 and HTML 5
- Introduction of HTML
- Tag, Elements and Attributes
- Basics syntax
- Table
- List
- Forms
- Structure of HTML4 and HTML5
- Semantic and non-semantic tags
- HTML 5 Features
- New Input type Forms Attribute
- Canvas
- Audio, Video Tag
- 2. CSS
- Attributes (ID, Class, Style, Title )
- CSS Types (Inline, Internal, External)
- Box-model
- Display Property (Block, Inline, None)
- Visibility-Hidden
- Position Property(Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed )
- Z-index Property
- Combinators ( Child Selector,Adjacent Sibling Selector
- Descendant Selector, General Sibling Selector)
- CSS Pseudo-classes ( Visited, Hover,Link,,Active)
- CSS Pseudo-elements ( Selection,First Letter,First Line, Before After)
- K. Static Web Page
- Viewport Meta tag
- 3. CSS 3
- Background, Multiple Backgrounds
- Font Related Features (online fonts)
- Text-Effect and Box-Effect
- Gradients-Line a and Radial
- Transition
- Transformation
- Animation
- Media Queries
- 4. JavaScript
- Introduction of JavaScript
- Use of JavaScript
- Variables
- Keywords
- Data Type (Primitive, non-primitive)
- JS Conditions (if, if-else)
- Conditional operators & logical operators
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Switch Case
- Functions
- SetTimeout and set Interval Function
- object to access and manipulate HTML using the document
- Changing HTML Elements
- Adding and Deleting Elements
- Array
- Objects
- way to access Objects ( bracket Notation,Dot Notation)
- way to create Object (, Literal Way,Empty Object Constructor Way)
- Prototype
- Validations
- Events
- 5. jQuery
- jQuery – Basics
- String
- Numbers
- Boolean
- Objects
- Arrays
- Functions
- Arguments
- Scope
- Built-in Functions
- jQuery – Selectors
- jQuery – CSS Element Selector and ID Selector
- jQuery – CSS Element Universal Selector AND Class Selector
- jQuery – CSS Multiple Elements like E, F, G Selector
- jQuery Callback Functions
- jQuery – DOM Attributes
- Get Attribute Value
- Set Attribute Value
- jQuery – DOM Traversing
- Find Elements by index
- Filtering out Elements
- Locating Descendent Elements
- JQuery DOM Traversing Methods
- JQuery – CSS Methods
- Apply CSS Properties and Multiple CSS Properties
- Setting Element Width & Height
- JQuery CSS Methods
- jQuery – Effects
- JQuery Effect Methods, Hide and Show
- jQuery Toggle
- jQuery Slide – slideDown, slideUp, slideToggle
- jQuery Fade – fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeTo
- jQuery Custom Animation
- jQuery - chaining
- jQuery – AJAX
- load()
- get()
- post()
- ajax()
- jQuery – JSON
- getJSON()
- 6. Bootstrap
- What is Bootstrap Framework?
- Why Bootstrap?
- History of Bootstrap
- Advantages of Bootstrap Framework
- What is Responsive web page?
- Major Features of Bootstrap?
- What is Mobile-First Strategy?
- Setting up Environment
- How to apply Bootstrap to Applications
- Ways to display images in various styles
- Way to display text like warning and muted?
- Regarding Carets Classes?
- How to show or hide the text in Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Grid
- What is Bootstrap Grid?
- How to apply Bootstrap Grid
- What is Container?
- What is Offset Column?
- How to Reordering Columns?
- Advantages of Bootstrap Grid?
- How to Display responsive Images?
- How to change class properties?
- How to use readymade themes?
- What is Bootstrap Typography?
- How to use Typography?
- What is Bootstrap Tables?
- What is Bootstrap Form Layout?
- What is Bootstrap Button?
- Bootstrap Components
- What is Components of Bootstrap ?
- Need of Bootstrap Components?
- Benifits of Bootstrap Components
- Types of Bootstrap Components
- Glyphicons Component
- Process to use Glyphicons Component?
- Bootstrap Dropdown Menu Component?
- What is Button Toolbar and Button Groups ?
- Way to use Button Toolbar and Button Groups ?
- Different Input Groups Components
- What is Tabs Components & Navigation Pills?
- How to use Tabs Components and Navigation Pills ?
- Navbar Component
- Process to build a Responsive Navbar?
- How to controls to Navbar and other Add Forms ?
- How to Fix the position of navbar?
- What is Breadcrumb Component?
- What is Pagination Component?
- How to apply Pagination in Application?
- What is Labels / Badge Components?
- What is Jumbotron / Page Header Components?
- What is Thumbnail Component?
- What is Alerts & Dismissible Alerts?
- How to Create Progress Bar?
- What is Media Objects Component?
- Why Media Objects Component?
- How to use Media Objects Component?
- What is Bootstrap List Group Component?
- What is Bootstrap Panel Component?
- Bootstrap Plug-Ins
- What is Bootstrap Plug-Ins
- Why Bootstrap Plug-Ins?
- How to use Bootstrap Plug-Ins
- What is Transition Plug-in?
- What Modal Dialog Box?
- What are the different Properties, Methods and Events of
- Modal Dialog Box?
- What is Scrollspy Plug-In?
- What is Tab Plug-in?
- How to use Tab Plug-in?
- What is Drop down Plug-in?
- What is Tooltip Plug-in?
- How to use Button Plug-in?
- What are the different methods and events of Tooltip Plug-in?
- What is Popover Plug-in?
- What is alert and Button Plug-ins?
- What is Collapse Plug-in?
- Types of Methods ,Properties and Events of Collapse Plug-in?
- What is Carousel Plug-in?
- What is Affix Plug-in?
- 7. Photoshop
- Black & White to Colour
- Day To Night
- Restoration
- Image Manipulsion
- Double Exposure
- Gradient Effect
- Digital Painting
- Poster Design
- Advanced Compositing
- Social Media Post
- Typography
- Matte Painting
- Logo
- Workspace overview of Adobe Illustrator
- 8. Illustrations
- Masking and wrapingr
- Working with text ( Typography)
- Understanding Effects & Filters (Logo)
- Create layouts with using perspectives
- Color the illustrations by using flat color and gradients
- Logo Designing
- Design - Magazine cover
- Design - Advertisement -1( News Paper, Branding)
- Design - Flyer ( Product Launch)
- Printing techniques
- 9. Adobe XD
- IIntroduction to UX
- Getting started
- What is UI vs UX
- The UX brief & persona
- Wireframing (low fidelity)
- How wide for my website
- Free UI Icons
- Footer & Lorem Ipsum
- New Pages & Artboards
- Class Project 01 - Wireframe
- Prototyping & Interactivity
- Create a Popup Modal
- Class Project 02 - Prototype
- Groups & Isolation Mode
- How to use symbols
- Production Video - Left Nav
- Navigation Tips and Tricks
- Class Project 03 - Symbols
- Mocking Up an app
- XD App on your phone
- iPhone & Android status icons
- Fixing the position
- Production Video - Login
- Sharing wireframes
- Recording your interactions
- Class Project - Wireframe feedback
- 9. Figma
- Introduction
- Overview of Figma Features
- What is User Experience Design?
- Overview of the Design Process
- Getting Started with Figma
- Navigating the Figma User Interface
- Designing a Web Application
- Working with UI Elements and Content
- Making a Design Responsive
- Exporting the Design
- Reusing Design Elements
- Creating a Portfolio Project
- Managing Requirements
- Best Practices for Delivering a Polished Design
Trainer Profile of Software Development
Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the students, to explore the subject and learn based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are free to ask any questions at any time.
- More than 5+ Years of Experience.
- Trained more than 500+ students in a year.
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
- Certified Professionals with Higher Grade.
- Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
- Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
- Our Trainers have worked in multinational companies.
Software Development Exams & Certification
SevenMentor Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.
Our certification at SevenMentor is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
Proficiency After Training
- Learn how to develop logistics programming.
- Learn how to implement real life examples using practical concepts of Java.
- Learn how to do application programming including standalone and web.
- Learn how to handle exception while developing application
- JDBC Connection and Database sum-up processing
- Work on HTML and its protocol by advance servlet concept with project
- Creating application and implementing it
- Work flow on Hibernate for master tricks and tips
- SOA architecture, AOP configuration and SOAP based web services in details
Key Features
Skill level
From Beginner to Expert
Training is provided to college Students, Freshers who have passed out as wells as working candidates who want to upgrade their skills.
Course Duration
12 weeks
Core Java Course will be of 2 months with hands on practicals.
Advanced Java will be of 1 month with real time projects.
Java Framework will be of 1 month with web applications project.
Total Learner
2000+ Learners
We are having 24/7 Support team to clear students’ needs and doubts. And special doubt clearing sessions every week.
Frequently Asked Questions
Batch Schedule
20/01/2025 |
Software Development |
Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Indore | Book Now |
21/01/2025 |
Software Development |
Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Indore | Book Now |
18/01/2025 |
Software Development |
Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Indore | Book Now |
18/01/2025 |
Software Development |
Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Indore | Book Now |
Students Reviews
I have attained Software Development Course in Indore from SevenMentor. It is an incredible place to enhance your skills in the software development area. The acceptable quality of the course is that you can attend the training at your convenience. You can understand software development with comfort. A big thanks to SevenMentor.
- Rupal Taware
I have earned a Software Development Certified Course in Indore from SevenMentor. It is an immense learning platform. Trainers give a positive environment for students. The fees of the class are accessible for everyone. Trainers are supporting, confirming, and informed. Anyone eager in software development should go for this course.
- Ishita Jain
I have finished the Best Software Development Classes in Indore from SevenMentor. The procedure of the trainer is effective. I have achieved an understanding of software development. The trainers are qualified and equipped. They also provide 100% placement assistance for the students. It is a sufficient learning institution for software development.
- Garima Kashid
Course video & Images
Corporate Training
Corporate Software Development Training in Indore motivates employees. So, it enhances job responsibilities. SevenMentor gives an understanding of software development through corporate training. So, you can get excellent corporate experience at our Software Development Classes in Indore. Our trainers will train you in producing clean, efficient code based on specifications. They will also help you to test and deploy programs and systems. With the help of them, you can Fix and improve existing software. You will also work with developers to design algorithms and flowcharts. With this corporate Software Development Classes in Indore, you can Integrate software components and third-party programs. Our trainers will help you in every stage of software development. We deliver 100% reasonable understanding to learners. Our trainers provide placement-focused corporate training to our learners. Therefore, SevenMentor will enable you to learn software development. Thus, you can improve yourself in your profession and life.
Our Placement Process
Eligibility Criteria
Placements Training
Interview Q & A
Resume Preparation
Aptitude Test
Mock Interviews
Scheduling Interviews
Job Placement
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