Top 50 Cucumber Interview Questions and Answers 2025
Prepare for interviews with Top 50 Cucumber Interview Questions and Answers 2025 covering key concepts, frameworks, and best practices for automation testing.
1. What is TDD?
Test Driven Development is a Testing methodology or programming practice that tests nothing but test cases of every functionality of an application based on requirements specified in the documents designed first. And then the code will be designed.
It is an iterative process that has the following steps:
✔ Set of tests are written for a new functionality
✔ Application code is written based on a set of tests
✔ Tests are run on an application code once ready
✔ Code is added/improved as the tests fail
The cycle is repeated till all the tests PASS and Generate an application code that is bug-free
2. Why TDD?
⮚ Unit-level testing actually proves that code is
⮚ working
⮚ Application code gets improved
⮚ The process creates low-level Regression Test suit
⮚ Reduces the cost of fixing bugs
3. What are the Drawbacks of TDD?
⮚ Developers may consider it a time-consuming activity
⮚ Tests are more targeted at checking classes and methods rather than what code should really do
⮚ Tests become part of the maintenance overhead for the project
⮚ Tests need to be re-written as requirements change
4. What is BBD?
BBD stands for Behavior Driven Development it is a testing approach that is derived from TDD. Like TDD even in BDD Tests are written first and then the application code. It defines various ways to develop a feature based on its behavior. In this tests are mainly based on systems behavior.
5. How BDD is different from TDD?
⮚ Tests are explained as a Behavior of the Application and are more User-focused
⮚ Tests are designed in plain descriptive English type grammar ⮚ Helps in clarifying requirements
6. What are the Features of Behavior Driven Development?
∙ Need to Shift in thinking from “tests” to thinking as “behavior” ∙ Behavior specified in a language that is easy to describe ∙ Extension of Test Driven Development by Utilizing language that
non-technical members and stakeholders can understand ∙ Ensures collaboration between QA team, Development team, Stakeholders, Business Analyst
7. What is a Cucumber.?
∙ It’s a testing framework that supports Behavior Driven Development
∙ It is written in Ruby and can test code written in any language ∙ The Language that it understands is Gherkin
8. Why there is a BDD Language Requirements?
✔ All teams in the project need a common language to express requirements.
✔ Gherkin language should be simple enough to be understood by Business team members
✔ With this language will remove most of the ambiguities for developers and testers
✔ Here we should open up the thinking of team members to come up with more scenarios
✔ It will be used as project documentation
9. What is Gherkin?
Gherkin is a Business-readable, domain-specific language used to create the behavior descriptions
Gives users the ability to remove logic details from behavior tests It serves as your project’s documentation and as automated tests It is a line-oriented language that uses indentation to define the structure
10. What is a Cucumber Feature File?
A Feature File is an entry point to the Cucumber tests
This is a file where you will describe behaviors in Gherkin It serves as a link to automation test script as well as live documents
A feature file can contain a scenario or can contain many scenarios in a single feature file
11. Which are the keywords from Gherkin?
This keyword is used to puta system in a known state before the user starts interacting with the system.
It is a set of pre-conditions that need to be fulfilled before we write our use cases
E.g. Given User is on the ome page
This keyword is used to describe the user action that he/she performs E.g. When the User navigates to the login page
This keyword is used to describe the outcome of the previous user action E.g. The message displayed Log in successfully
the keyword is used to add conditions to your steps
Supposed in your particular scenario you need to write Given, When , Then multiple times which can lead to confusion
To avoid this we can use the And keyword instead of multiple Given, When, and Then
E.g. When User Navigate to LogIn Page And User enters UserName and Password
It is used to add negative type comments though it’s not a hard & fast rule
It makes sense to use But when you try to add a condition that is opposite to what your test is trying to set
A given User is on the Home Page When the User Navigate to the LogIn Page And User enters their UserName and Password But The user credentials are wrong Then the Message displays the Wrong UserName & Password
It defies the whole purpose of having Given, When, Then,and all the other keywords
All the keywords will be replaced by the * keyword
E.g. Feature: Login Action Test
Description: This feature will test a Login functionality Scenario: Successful Login with Valid Credentials
* User is on the Home Page
* User Navigate to Login Page
* User enters the UserName and Password
* Message displayed Login Successfully
12. How feature file will be created? What it can include?
Every *.feature file can have only one feature.
Lines starting with the keyword Feature:
- It contains multiple scenarios and a scenario outline
- Feature title follows the colon (:)
- The next line(s) sentences are the feature description
Scenario: starts on a new line
- Text after colon(:) is called Scenario Title
- Every scenario consists of a list of steps which must start with keywords Given
13. How Cucumber Test will run?
Cucumber uses junit framework to run
by using Junit annotation @RunWith(), which tells JUnit what is the test runner class, the test will be run
14 . What is Step Definition?
- It is a small piece of code with a pattern attached to it
- It is a Java method in a class with an annotation above it ● It will give the implementation to gherkin steps
15 . What is the use of @CucumberOptions?
@CucumberOptions are like property files or settings for our cucumber test ‘cucumber.api.CucumberOptions‘ imports the @CucumberOptions annotation
This annotation tells the Cucumber a lot of things like Where to look for feature files
What reporting system to use
Console output readable format
Paths of the step definition file
Check if the steps have a definition
Note: Do read Most Asked Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers
16. What is the use of DryRun?
dryRun option can be either set as true or false
- if we set as true it will check the feature file steps code has been implemented in the step definition file or not
- ‘dryRun = true‘ in TestRunner class
- @CucumberOptions(features = “Feature”, dryRun = true)
17. What is the use of Glue code?
It is used to locate the stepdefinition file
It can be specified like as glue = “STEPDEFINITION“ Or if the Step Definition file is in the deep folder structure glue =
@CucumberOptions(features = “Feature”, glue =
18. What is the use of Monochrome?
This option can be set as true or false
If it is true then the console output for the Cucumber test is much more readable
We just add the code ‘monochrome = true‘ in TestRunner class @CucumberOptions(features = “Feature”, monochrome = true)
19. What is the use of Format/plugin?
Format Option is used to display output reports in different formats There are various options that can be used as for-matters
Pretty: output will display with trace outing some error with different colors.
Use format = {“pretty“}
HTML: This will generate an HTML report at the location mentioned in the formatter itself.
Use format = {“html:Folder_Name“}
20. What is Data Driven Testing?
Executing the same test case with different sets of data is called Data-driven testing Cucumber inherently supports data-driven testing concepts using Scenario Outline
21. What are the ways to insert the data within cucumber?
Following are the ways of data insertion.
- Parameterization without example keyword
- Parameterization with example keyword
- Parameterization with Data Tables
- Maps in data table with header
22. what are the Differences between the Scenario Outline and Data Table?
Scenario Outline:
It will use the Example keyword to define the test data for the Scenario It will work for the complete test
Cucumber will automatically run the complete test the number of times equal to the number of data in the Test Set
Data Tables:
There is No Example keyword is used to define the test data It will work only for sa ingle step. which has been defined
A separate code is needed to understand the test data and then it can be run single or multiple times but again just for the single step, not for the complete test
23. What are Cucumber Tags?
if you do not want to run all the scenarios together and like to run a few selected scenarios from different feature files together
Define each scenario with a useful tag
In the TestRunner file, we can decide which specific tag (and the scenario(s)) we want Cucumber to execute
Tag starts with “@”. After “@” we can have to give any name to that tag
e.g. @SmokeTests
Target these tagged scenarios for execution by just specifying tag names in the CucumberOptions as tags = {“@SmokeTests”}
Tagging also works with Features. You can also tag your feature files. The tag that exists on a Feature will be inherited by Scenario, Scenario Outline ,or Examples
24. How you can Logically ANDing and ORing the Tags?
Execute all tests with the name given to the tagged as @SmokeTest OR @RegressionTest
Tags which are comma-separated are Ored
@CucumberOptions(features = “Feature”, tags =
Execute all tests tagged as @SmokeTest AND @RegressionTest The Tags which are having separate quotes are ANDed
@CucumberOptions(features = “Feature”, tags =
25. How to Ignore the Cucumber Tests?
Execute all tests of the feature tagged as @Functional_Tests but skip scenarios tagged as @Regression_Test
@CucumberOptions(features = “Feature”, tags =
26. What are Cucumber Hooks?
Hooks a blocks of code that run before or after each scenario
They can be defined anywhere in the tep definition file, using the methods @Before and @After
Cucumber Hooks helps us to reduce the code redundancy @Before hook gets executed before any test scenario
@After hook gets executed after executing every scenario
27. What can go in @Before hook?
✔ Starting a webdriver
✔ Navigating to a certain page
✔ Login to the application or any pre-steps to be performed
28. What can go in @After hook?
✔ Killing the web driver
✔ Clearing the test data
✔ Clearing browser cookies
✔ Logging out from the application
✔ Taking screenshots of error
29. How to decide the Execution order of hooks
@Before(order = int) :
It will run in increment order, which means value 0 would run first and 1 would be after 0
@After(order = int) :
It will run in decrements order, which means the opposite of @Before. first value 1 and then 0.
public void beforeScenario()
// before the Scenario it will run
public void beforeScenarioStart()
//” before Scenario getting Start”
public void afterScenarioFinish()
//After Scenario End it will run
public void afterScenario()
//after scenario, it will run
30. What is the Background in Cucumber?
Given..when… Then… in Background instead of in Scenario executes steps for every scenario in the feature
When you have Background and @Before hook, Background gets executed after @Before hooks execution gets completed
31. What is the difference between Background and Hooks in a Cucumber?
Any feature-level dependency should be handled with the use of background and any scenario-level dependency should be handled with hooks
32. How to run the Cucumber Test as a TestNG Test?
Add the following .jar files in the build path of your project
▪ Cucumber-testng
▪ Testng
Install TestNG component in Eclipse
Comment/remove @RunWith annotation of Junit
Extend TestRunner class with AbstractTestNGCucumberTests Abstract class AbstractTestNGCucumberTests class will use TestNG to execute the scenarios
33. How to set the Maven project for Cucumber?
- Maven is a build tool which helps us to manage our Project and Project dependencies
- All dependencies are mentioned in POM.XML file
POM stands for Project Object Model
- Create a new Maven project
Group id is the name of the group/company
Artifact id is the project name
- Add all dependencies for cucumber and selenium
34. How to run the Cucumber Test as Maven Test? We need two plugins as follows:
⮚ Maven compiler plugin
⮚ Maven surefire plugin required to execute Java file
Right-click on POM.XML select Run as Maven Clean
Right-click on POM.XML select Run as Maven Install
After running of test “Refresh” project to get reports in folder “Target”
35. What is TestNG?
It is a testing framework that is inspired by JUnit and NUnit but has some new functionality which makes it more powerful and easier to use.
It is an open-source framework for Automation testing, where NG stands for Next Generation.
This is similar to JUnit but comparatively, it is much more powerful than JUnit but still, it’s inspired by JUnit.
It has been designed to be better than JUnit, especially when we are testing integrated classes. It has been developed by Cedric Beust.
36. Why TestNG?
⮚ There are many more benefits of TestNG but from a Selenium perspective, the major advantages of TestNG are :
⮚ It will produce the test reports in the HTML Format
⮚ TestNG Annotations made testers’ lives easy
⮚ Here the Test cases can be Grouped & Prioritized more easily ⮚ Parallel testing is possible by TestNG
⮚ It Generates Logs
⮚ Data Parameterization is also possible
37. Which are the Annotations available in TestNG?
This annotated method is one part of a test case without this tests are not executed only
This annotated method will be run before each test method is run
It will be run after each test method from the class has run
The annotated method will be run before the first test method in the class get run
It will be run after all the test methods from the class have run @BeforeTest
The annotated method will be run before running the test method from the class
This will be run after all the test methods from the classes have run @BeforeSuite
The annotated method will be run before the first test from the suite has been run
The annotated method will be run after all tests from the suite have run
38. In which Order TestNG AnnotationsExecuted?
⮚ @BeforeSuite
⮚ @BeforeTest
⮚ @BeforeClass
⮚ @BeforeMethod
⮚ @Test
⮚ @AfterMethod
⮚ @AfterClass
⮚ @AfterTest
⮚ @AfterSuite
39. How to set the order of execution of tests in TestNG?
In TestNG multiple tests can be included and all are executed in Alphabetical order by default. But if we want to define the order use parameter “priority”
TestNG will execute the @Test annotation with the lowest priority value up to the largest
40. How we can specify the Dependencies to TestNG Tests?
TestNG allows to specify dependencies with attributes
public void closeBrowser()
Public void openBrowser()
driver=new ChromeDriver();
41. What is Test Suite?
The collection of TestNG Tests together is called a Test Suite.
By creating a Test suite, we can run multiple tests at a single test suite execution. These tests can be dependent on each other or may have to be executed in a specific order independently.
It is important to remember that we need to create a TestNG XML file for the test suite to be run
42. What is the Grouping of Tests?
It Is a process where we need to group different tests together into a straightforward group and run all the tests from that group by just running that group in a single command.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<suite name=”Sample Suite”>
<test name=”testing”>
<include name=”Regression”/>
<class name=”” />
43. What is meant by passing Parameters?
Like other programming languages whenever we are designing the methods then some inputs we required to perform some operations. So those operations can be performed on different values and that can be only possible by passing the parameters to methods. Here when the method or functions get invoked values will be passed.
44. How to pass the Parameters in TestNG? There are two ways to Pass the Parameters in TestNG by:
1.TestNG Parameters
2.TestNG DataProviders
45. How is the value passed by Parameters Annotation in TestNG?
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class DemoPara
@Test @Parameters ({“value1”, “value2”})
public void add(int val1, int val2)
int add_res = val1 + val2;
System.out.print(“The addition of the given values is ” +add_res);
@Parameters({“ ”})
In .xml file use
<parameter name=”” value=”” />
46. How is the value passed by DataProviderAnnotation in TestNG?
public class DemoDp
@DataProvider (name = “d-provider”)
public Object[][] dataproMethod()
return new Object[][] {{10, 2 , 12}, {34, 5, 29}};
@Test (dataProvider = “d-provider”,dataProviderClass=DemoDp.class) public void showTest (int a, int b, int ans)
int sumres = a + b;
Assert.assertEquals(ans, sumres);
47. What is the difference between @Parameters and @DataProvider in TestNG?
DataProviders will pass the different parameters on a single test in a single execution, whereas parameters will pass the parameters only once per execution in TestNG.
48. What is Assertion?
It is a checkpoint to verify whether the expected result and actual result are matched or not. It will help in testing to validate the application behavior and update the tests as passed or failed.
49. What are the Types of Assertions?
There are two types of Assertions
1. Hard Assertions
2 . Soft Assertions
50. What is assertEquals()?
This is a method that will take two arguments and compare the actual result with the expected result. If both the results get matched, asserssion is passed and the test passed otherwise test failed.
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