6 Reasons Why React is Better than Angular and You Should Switch

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  • September 5, 2022
  • Full Stack
why React is Better Than Angular

6 Reasons Why React is Better than Angular and You Should Switch


If you’re a web developer, you’ve probably heard of React and Angular. These are two of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. But which one is better? In this article, we’ll explore six reasons why React is better than Angular. We’ll look at things like performance, flexibility, and ease of use. After reading this article, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about which framework is right for you.


React is faster than Angular

People often talk about performance when comparing React and Angular. And when it comes to speed, React is ahead of Angular. This is because React is a JavaScript library, whereas Angular is a framework. So when you build an app with React, you’re only using JavaScript. Whereas when building an app with Angular, you’re using JavaScript plus a framework. This means that Angular has to do more work than React. This will slow it down and impact the app’s performance.


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React is more flexible than Angular

A lot of people think that the flexibility of React is only limited to its ability to be used with different technologies. But the truth is that React is more flexible than Angular in other ways too. One of these is the ability to create reusable components. When you create a reusable component in React, you can use it in multiple apps. You can also change how it looks and works without affecting other apps. This is especially useful in large-scale development projects. You can use reusable components to design your app and make sure that it stays consistent throughout your whole project. The flexibility of React can also be seen when you look at its approach to data. You can choose how data flows through your app using either the Flux architecture or Redux. Both of these methods allow you to create more flexible apps and save time in the long run.  At SevenMentor Full Stack Classes in Pune, you get to learn all of these in detail. 


React is easier to use than Angular

Another way that React is easier to use than Angular is that you can get started with it quickly. You don’t need to learn a new language or learn how to use a new framework before you can start building apps. And if you already know JavaScript, there’s no need to learn anything new. With just a few lines of code, you can start building simple React apps. But learning how to use Angular is a little more complex. You need to learn how to deal with its complicated data binding, dependency injection, and other complicated concepts. Not to mention that Angular has one of the most complicated syntaxes of any language.


React has a better community than Angular

The community around technology is just as important as the technology itself. And when it comes to community, React has the upper hand over Angular. This is because the JavaScript community is much larger than the Angular community. This means that there is more support and more people to help you out when you run into a problem. This can be useful when you’re building your app and run into a problem that you don’t know how to fix. Some more experienced developers use and love React than there are Angular developers. This means that there are more experts to help you and you can learn from the experiences of others. The larger community means that more people are building and creating with React. This means that more businesses are using React and can give you feedback on it.


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React is more popular than Angular

Another way that React is better than Angular is that it’s more popular. More people are using React than Angular. According to data from Built With, over 10 million websites are running on React. In comparison, only around 2 million websites are running on Angular. This makes React more profitable to learn since there are more job opportunities for React developers. And you’re more likely to find work as a React developer.


React is the future of web development

Finally, another reason that Reacts is better than Angular is that it’s the future of web development. The most recent major version of Angular dates back to 2016. And React has a major update every year. Since the release of React 16 in September 2018, the developers have been working on the future version of the framework. This new version of React is called React Fiber, and it’s set to improve the framework even further. React Fiber is a complete rewrite of React. It was created with the goal of improving performance and bringing new capabilities to the framework. One of the main features of React Fiber is the ability to break down your app into smaller chunks of code. These are called “fibers”. And this is just the beginning. The developers behind React have big plans for the future of the framework. They want to make it easier to use and more user-friendly. They also want to make it easier to write apps for the web, mobile, VR, and more. They’re also planning to add server-side rendering to the framework. This feature would allow you to build apps that load faster. It would also make your apps more accessible.


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When it comes to performance, React is faster than Angular. React is also more flexible than Angular and easier to use than Angular. Additionally, the React community is better than the Angular community. And finally, React is the future of web development. We hope that this article has helped you understand why React is better than Angular and make an informed decision about which framework is right for you. SevenMentor is one of the largest and most broadly popular Full Stack Training in Pune with well-equipped lab centers.



Raghvendra Sunil

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