Personal Pronouns in German

  • By
  • March 26, 2022
  • German Language

Personal Pronouns in German-

I, Me, and Myself  –

Pronouns are words that enhance in the efficiency of language by helping you to simply refer to nouns that the readers is already aware to. You usually begin using a pronoun in its (pronoun disclaimer!) position once you’ve mentioned a person, place, or thing once.

Are there any variations between German and English pronouns?

Pronouns in German are similarly to English pronouns. Personal pronouns such as “I” or “me,” possessive pronouns such like “my” or “yours,” and descriptive pronouns such as “these” or “this” are examples. To begin, let’s look at some of the most frequently use pronouns in German.

Is this really required?

There are charts in the future, a bunch of charts. There are many various forms of each type of pronoun in German because as they change according on the gender of the noun and case. Because we don’t often have unique versions of the noun depending on the part it plays in a sentence, the case system in German is one of the most difficult things for English speakers to get used to.

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To get know more about the Cases in German language you read the Articles written on link given below,


Sure, you might be able to avoid German pronouns for a while by constantly repeating the actual noun phrase (“the bird,” “my father,” etc.). But there will come a point when you start realizing that repeating “den Mann Junge , den ich gestern getroffen habe, von dem ich dir erzählt habe” (“the boy who I met yesterday that I told you about him”) in a conversation is a lot more work than looking at the beneficial charts below and studying how and when to use German pronouns.

The Use of Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are pronouns which refer to a specific person.  You can use personal pronouns to communicate about other persons as well as self. When you hear the word “pronouns,” you probably believe of these words. We already realize that German personal pronouns come in a variety of cases, although English also varies the cases in this area, making it a better point to begin learning about pronoun cases.

There are two kinds pronouns in English: nominative (for the sentence’s subject) and accusative (for the sentence’s object) (for the direct object of the sentence).

The sentence’s nominative / subject / “doer”

Note that the person or object performing the activity is the subject of the sentence.It turns out that depending on whether the noun is the subject of the sentence, the simple words (der/die/das) differ.

For example:

Ich lerne Deutsch

(I learn German.)

Here “I” is the subject who is learning German.

It’s the doer of the sentence.(Who is learning German?)

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The accusative / direct object

For eg: Carla un Petra kommt aus Deutschland.When the noun in the sentence is the direct object, the
“accusative case” is employed. To put it more simply, when the direct object is the person or thing to whom or which the action is directed or which receives it.

Ich möchte sie treffen.

(Carla & Petra comes from Germany. I would like to meet them)

In 2nd sentence “I” is the subject and answer to-Whom I want to meet is the person object(direct object) of the sentence that’s “sie”

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Dativ-indirect object

As the indirect object of the sentence. The indirect object answers the question ‘to or for whom’?In German, personal pronouns are used to replace nouns that have already been mentioned, such as persons, animals, things, and abstract concepts. You already know how to use these pronouns in the nominative (sentence subject) and accusative cases (direct object of a sentence). When they are the indirect object of a sentence, the object of the prepositions aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, and zu, or the object of a dative verb, you can now learn about them.

For eg:

Peter hat Geburstag.Ich schenke ihm einen Roman.

(Peter has birthday. I am gifting him a novel.)

In 1st sentence Peter is the Subject -Who has birthday and in 2nd sentence “I” is the subject,answer to- to whom I am gifting a novel is “him”-indirect object of sentence.And what I am gifting-a novel goes in Akkusativ case as direct object of sentence.

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