Stack in Data Structures

  • By Sarika Ganesh Kore
  • October 16, 2024
  • Data Structure
Stack in Data Structures

Stack in Data Structures

Data structures are essential components of computer science, providing ways to manage and organize data efficiently. One of the most fundamental and widely used data structures is the stack. Learn about Stack in Data Structures, a linear data structure that follows the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle, which is widely used in algorithms and memory management. In this blog, we’ll explore what a stack in Data Structures is, how it works, and its applications in programming.


What is a Stack?

A stack is a linear data structure that follows a specific order for operations: LIFO (Last In, First Out). This means that the last element added to the stack will be the first one to be removed. Imagine a stack of books—when you place a book on top, it’s the first one you can remove, and to reach the book at the bottom, you need to remove all the books placed on top of it.


Key Operations in a Stack

There are a few fundamental operations associated with stacks:

  • Push: This operation adds an element to the top of the stack.




  • After this, 20 will be at the top of the stack.


  • Pop: This operation removes the top element from the stack.


stack.pop()  // This will remove and return 20, the top element.

  • Peek/Top: This operation returns the top element of the stack without removing it.


stack.peek()  // This will return 20, but not remove it.

  • isEmpty: This operation checks if the stack is empty.


stack.isEmpty()  // Returns true if the stack has no elements.

stack.isEmpty()  // Returns true if the stack has no elements.


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Stack Implementations

Stacks can be implemented in different ways, typically using arrays or linked lists.

1. Array-based Implementation

In an array-based implementation, a fixed-size array holds the stack’s elements. A pointer is maintained to track the index of the top element. Operations like push and pop are performed using this pointer.

  • Advantages: Simple to implement and provides fast access to elements.
  • Disadvantages: The size is fixed, which can lead to overflow if too many elements are added.

2. Linked List-based Implementation

In this approach, each element in the stack is represented by a node in a linked list. Each node contains the data and a pointer to the next node. The top element points to the first node in the list.

  • Advantages: Dynamically sized, meaning it can grow or shrink as needed.
  • Disadvantages: More complex than array-based stacks and requires extra memory for pointers.


Applications of Stacks

Stacks are incredibly versatile and appear in many practical applications in computing:

  1. Expression Evaluation: In programming languages, stacks are used to evaluate expressions in postfix notation and convert infix expressions to postfixes or prefixes.
  2. Backtracking: Stacks are often employed in backtracking algorithms, such as those used in solving mazes or puzzles. When a decision is made, it is pushed onto the stack, and if the decision leads to a dead end, it is popped off.
  3. Function Call Management: Programming languages use stacks to manage function calls. Each time a function is called, its information is pushed onto the stack, and when the function completes, the information is popped off.
  4. Undo/Redo: In applications like text editors, stacks are used to implement undo and redo functionalities. Every action the user takes is pushed onto a stack, and if the user chooses to undo, the last action is popped off.
  5. Browser Navigation: Web browsers use stacks to manage the history of pages visited. When a user visits a new page, the current page is pushed onto the stack, allowing the user to navigate back by popping pages off the stack.


Real-life Example: Checking for Balanced Parentheses

A common problem solved using stacks is checking for balanced parentheses in an expression. In this case, a stack can be used to ensure that every opening parenthesis ( has a matching closing parenthesis ).

For example, in the expression (a + (b * c)), the stack is used to track each (, and when a ) is encountered, the top element of the stack is popped. If the stack is empty after processing the entire expression, the parentheses are balanced.


Advantages of Stacks

  • Simplicity: Stacks are easy to understand and implement.
  • Efficient Memory Use: With linked lists, stacks can dynamically manage memory, using only what’s necessary.
  • Supports Recursion: Stacks are fundamental in managing recursive function calls.


Disadvantages of Stacks

  • Limited Access: You can only access the top element of the stack, making some operations less flexible compared to other data structures like arrays or queues.
  • Overflow: In array-based implementations, the fixed size can lead to a stack overflow if too many elements are added.


Stacks are essential for any programmer to understand, as they are used in various algorithms and real-world applications. Their Last In, First Out nature makes them perfect for scenarios where the most recent element is the first one to be processed, such as in undo functionality or expression evaluation. Whether implemented using arrays or linked lists, stacks remain an efficient and powerful tool in the world of data structures.

Mastering stacks will not only improve your understanding of basic data structures but also set the foundation for learning more complex algorithms and problem-solving techniques.

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Sarika Ganesh Kore

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