Blood Relationship
Blood relationship test forms an important part of the reasoning section in most of the competitive exams. In Blood relation problems the different relations among the members of a family may asked. According to the information given, you are required to find the relations among/between particular members of the family.
For solving blood relation problems we should be focus on two things i. e.
- G- Gender.
- G- Generation.
- Gender:
- Generation:
Generation Tree/Family Tree.
- Generation: Great grandfather Great grand mother
- Generation: Grandfather Grand mother
III. Generation: Father/Uncle/Husband Mother/Aunt/Wife.
- Generation: Son/Brother/Son-in-law/Brother-in-law Daughter/Sister/Son-in-law/Sister- in-law
- Generation: Nephew Niece
Note: – The relations from mother’s side are known as maternal relations while the relations from father’s side are known as paternal relations. For example brother of father is called uncle or maternal uncle. While mother’s bother is called uncle or paternal uncle.
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To get success in the test, you should be familiar with all blood relations which are discussed in tables below:-
Table: 1 Display the relationships for grandmother and grandfather.
Relation | Output |
Father’s mother | Grandmother |
Father’s father | Grandfather |
Mother’s father | Maternal grandfather |
Maternal uncle’s father | |
Maternal uncle’s mother | Maternal grandmother |
Mother’s mother |
Table: 2 Display the relationships for Father, uncle, Mother and aunt.
Relation | Output |
Grandfather’s son | Father or uncle |
Grandmother’s son | |
Grandmother’s only son | Father |
Grandfather’s only son | |
Father’s Brother | Uncle |
Mothers’ Brother | |
Father’s Mother | Grandmother or paternal grandmother |
Mother’s Mother | Grandmother or maternal grandmother |
Maternal uncle’s only sister | Mother |
Father’s Wife |
Table: 3 Display some other important relationships.
Relation | Output |
Son’s wife | Daughter-in-law |
Daughter’s Husband | Son-in-law |
Brother’s wife | Sister-in-law |
Sister’s Husband | Brother-in-law |
Husband’s Brother | Brother-in law |
Wife’s Brother | Brother-in-law |
Brother’s Son/ Sister’s Son | Nephew |
Brother’s Daughter/ sister’s Daughter | Niece |
Uncle’s or aunt’s daughter | Cousin |
Uncle’s or aunt’s daughter |
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Tricks to solve-
- Break the sentence from connecting words like of, as, is, was, were etc. solve second part after of first then solve first part before of.
Example: Introducing Rohan, “Reena Said Brother’s father is the only son of my grandfather” How is Rohan related to Reena?
Is this example Break the sentence from of and solve as follows:
Of my grandfather – Reena grandfather.
The only son of my grandfather –Reena father.
Brother’s father- father.
Hence, from both the parts answer is father, therefore, father of Reena and Rohan is same, both are brother and sister. Thus, Rohan is Brother of Reena.
- Applying to yourself means whatever the relation is given keep yourself in it for answering.
Example– “James brother’s mother’s brother”. How mother brother related to James?
In this keep my, my self in place of James, then you find your mother brother is your maternal uncle. Therefore answer is uncle.
- Summarise the statements means whatever the statement is given make graphical representation and answer it.
Example– Neha “Aunt’s husband daughter”. How Related to Neha?
From the figure we can see that Neha aunt husband daughter is Neha cousin.
- Moving step by step means in every step you can detect the relation.
Example- “Rita Sister’s aunt’s husband daughter”. How Related to Ram?
Rita sisters – sister
Sister’s aunts- Aunty
Aunt’s Husband- Uncle
Uncle daughter- Cousin.
Therefore, answer is cousin.
Note: For solving Blood relation problems we can use any of above Tricks.
Now let us discuss following examples:-
Type 1: Based on Conversion.
In this types of questions, a conversion is made Introducing to a person. You need to decode the statement to find the relationship between the concerned persons. It can be better understood by following examples.
| Showing or pointing a photograph of a boy Raman said, “He is the son of the only son of my mother.” How is Raman related to that boy? |
Answer: D) Father
The only son of my mother means Raman himself, therefore boy is the son of Raman. Hence, Raman is the father of boy.
Answer: B) wife. Introducing to a lady in the picture, Rohan Said. “She is the wife of my father’s brother’s father’s only grandson”. How is the lady related to Rohan?- Sister B) Wife C) Mother D) Daughter E) None of these.
Rohan’s father’s brother = Rohan’s uncle.
Rohan’s uncle father = Rohan’s grandfather.
Rohan’s grandfather’s only grandson = Rohan only.
Therefore, the lady being pointed at is the wife of Rohan.
Type 2: Based on Puzzles.
In these type of questions, a blood relation is specified between two or more persons. You need to analyse the given information and make a relation chart. In the question related to puzzles, you may also be asked to count the number of males and females members in the family.
- Question: A couple had five children. Three were married and had four children each. How many members were there in the family?
- 25 B) 32 C) 22 D) 18 E) None of these.
Answer: C) 22
(Where, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Children)
(p1, p2, p3, p4 Grand Children)
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- Question: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follows?
There are six members in the family namely P, Q, R, S, T and U. R is father of Q but Q is not female. R and P are a married couple. The sister of Q is U .The Brother of R is T.S is the daughter of P.
- How many children does P have?
- One B) four C) two D) Three E) none of these.
Answer: D) Three
From the above figure R and P Husband and wife, has three children.
- How many couples married in the family?
- One B) four C) two D) Three E) none of these.
Answer: A) one
R (male) and P (female) are married couple in family.
- How is U related to T?
- Uncle B) nephew C) niece D) Brother E) None of These.
Answer C) niece
As we see in the figure T is the brother of U’s Father R. he will be the uncle of U .therefore we can say that u is the niece of T.
- How is T related to P?
- Brother B) Sister C) Brother-in-law D) Sister-in-law E) None of these.
Answer: C) Brother-in-law
In figure P is the wife of R and T is the brother of R, Thus T will be the brother-in-law of P.
- How many females are there in the family members?
- None B) four C) two D) Three E) one.
Answer: D) Three
Explanation: P, U and S are the female member in the family.
Type 3: Based on Coded Relations.
In these types of coded relations, Symbol such as +,-, @,*, ©, ®, ×, ÷, =, etc. are used to representing the relationship between two persons. You need to analyse the codes and answer the questions accordingly. It can be understand better by the following example.
Question: Directions (1-5): Use the information given below to solve the questions that follow.
- M = N means M is Father of N.
- M × N means M is Mother of N.
- M + N means M is Brother of N.
- M © N means M is cousin of N.
- M – N means M is Son of N.
- M ÷ N means M is daughter of N.
- Which of the following means P is the uncle of Q?
- Q+S×P
- P+S=Q
- P+Q÷R
- Q+S÷T
Answer: B) P+S=Q
P+S means P is Brother of S
S=Q means S is father of Q
Where, + sign represent male, x represent undefined means we don’t know the gender of Q it can be Son or daughter but for the statement P+S=Q it is clear that P is the brother of S who is the father of Q. Therefore, P is the uncle of Q.
- Which of the following means X is the father of Y and Z?
- Y*Z÷X
- Y+X-Z
- Y+Z-X
- X=Y+Z
- None of these.
Answer :D) X=Y+Z
X=Y means X is father of Y
Y+Z means Y is Brother of Z
From the Above figure we can say that Z can be also the child (Son or Daughter) of X, i.e. X is the father of Y and Z.
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- In the expression, T+S*Z-V, how is T related to V?
- Brother
- Son
- Nephew
- Father
- None of these
Answer: B) Son
Explanation: T+ S means T is brother of S
S *Z means S is the sister of Z
Z-V means Z is son of V
From the above figure we can say that V is the father or mother of Z, T and Z is sons and S is the daughter of V. Thus, T is son of V.
- In the expression, X-Y-Z=V, how is X related to Z?
- Grand father
- Grand mother
- Grand Son
- Uncle
- None of these.
Answer: C) Grand son
X –Y means X is Son of Y
Y– Z means Y is Son of Z
Z = U Z is father of U
Therefore from above figure we can conclude that Y is son of Z and X is son of Y, Thus, X is Grandson of Z.
- In the expression T-V+Z, How is Z related to T?
- father
- mother
- Son
- Uncle or aunty.
- None of these.
Answer: D) uncle or Aunty.
T – V means T is Son of V.
V + Z means V is brother of Z.
As we don’t know the gender of Z, therefore Z can be uncle or aunty of T.
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Author :
Namrata Prasad
Designation: Banking Trainer
Sevementor Pvt Ltd
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