Co-Product in SAP PP
In SAP Production Planning (PP), a Co-Product indicates a product that is produced simultaneously with the main product during a production process. Co-products frequently arise in industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and food production, where the production process naturally yields multiple products from the same raw materials and process steps. Co-Product in SAP PP: Learn how to manage multiple products produced simultaneously in a production process, optimize resources, and streamline manufacturing.
Key concepts of Co-Product in SAP PP
- Co-products are products of equal importance that are produced during the same production process.
- Co-products completely differ from By-products, which are secondary and less significant outputs.
- Co-products are handled as part of the Bill of Materials (BOM) and are integrated into the Production order or Process order.
Master data:
- Co-products are conserved as separate material master records.
- Co-products must be marked as Co-Products in the material master (MRP 4 view, you can check the “Co-Product” indicator).
BOM setup:
- In the BOM, the indicator for Co-Product is chosen for the materials designated as co-products.
- Co-products are chosen apportionment structures, which find out how costs are distributed among the main product and co-products.
Apportionment structure:
- This is a prime feature for cost allocation in a co-product scenario. It indicates the percentage or proportion of costs to be assigned to each co-product.
- Example: If a process yields 200 units of product A and 100 units of product B, you can allocate 67% of costs to product A and 33% to product B.
Production order/Process order
- Co-products appear automatically in the production order or process order based on the BOM setup that you have maintained in the master data.
- Goods receipt (GR) is posted coincidently for all products (main and co-products).
Costing and settlement:
- Co-products are considered in product costing through the Cost object controlling (CO-PC) component.
- Costs are confirmed to multiple cost objects (cost centers or materials) based on the apportionment structure.
Variants in production:
- Co-products can be managed in both discrete manufacturing and process manufacturing environments.
- In Process Manufacturing, co-products are handled using master recipes and production versions.
Example Scenario: Food and beverage industry
Process: Cheese production
Main Product: Cheese
Co-Product: Whey (used for protein powder)
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Steps in SAP PP:
1. Material master:
Create material master records for cheese and whey. Mark whey as a co-product.
2. BOM:
Create a BOM for Cheese. Include whey as a co-product with an apportionment percentage.
3. Routing/Master recipe:
Define the production steps required to process milk into the products.
4. Production order/Process order:
When the order is created, both Cheese and whey are planned for production.
5. Goods receipt:
Post GR for both products upon completion of the manufacturing process.
6. Cost allocation:
Costs are split between cheese and whey-based on the apportionment structure defined in the BOM.
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Prahlad Pawar
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