Java And Android –
1. In Which of these selection statements only tests for equality?
a) If
b) Switch
c) both (a) and (b)
d) None of the mentioned
2- What is the output of this program?
Class comma operator
Public static void main (String args [])
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0, j =0; I < 5 & j < 5; ++i, j = I + 1)
sum +=I;
System.out.printIn (sum);
- a) 5
- b) 6
- c) 14
- d) Compilation error
3.Write of the following is not OOPS concept in Java?
- a) Inheritance
- b) Encapsulation
- c) Polymorphism
- d) Compilation
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4. In Java, which of the following is a sort of polymorphism?
- a) Compile time polymorphism
- b) Execution time polymorphism
- c) Multiple polymorphism
- d) Multilevel polymorphism
5. When Overloading does not occur?
- a) More than one method with same name but different method signature and different number of type of parameters.
- b) More than one method with same name, same signature but different number of parameters but different type.
- c) More than one method with same name, same signature, same number if parameters but different type.
- d) More than one method with same name, same number of parameters and type but different signature.
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6.Which Java concept is a technique for converting a real-world item into a class?
- a) Polymorphism
- b) Encapsulation
- c) Abstraction
- d) Inheritance
7. Is method overriding the result of a mix of inheritance and polymorphism?
- a) True
- b) False
8.Which statement is true about java?
- a) Platform independent programming language
- b) Platform dependent programming language
- c) Code dependent programming language
- d) Sequence dependent programming language
9.Which of these classes is the superclass of all Java classes?
- a) String class
- b) Object class
- c) Abstract class
- d) Array List class
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Android Questions
1.A type of service provided by android that shows messages and alerts to user is ?
a). Content Providers
b). View System
c). Notification Manager
d). Activity Manager
2.One of application component that manages application background service is called ?
a). Activities
b). Broadcast Receivers
c). Services
d). Content Providers
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3. In android studio, called back that is called activity interaction with user is started is ?
a). on Start
b). on Stop
c). on Resume
d). on Destroy
4.Code that provided easy way to use all android features is called ?
a). API
b). DEX
d). JDK
5.One of recent android version is ?
a). Marshmallows
b). Oreo
c). Pie
6. Required Java environment for development is called ?
a). JDK
b). DEX
c). DVM
d). API
7.By default in android studio during app development, file that holds informs about app’s fundamental features and components is?
a). Android Manifest.xml
b). Res/values
c). Build.gradle
d). Res/layout
8.Method handles requests from the Content Provider class?
a). On create
b). on Select
c). on Click
d). ContenResolver
9. A Type of class that will be responsible to design main screen activity on first time launch of application is called?
a). Activity class
b). Parent class
c). Child class
d). inherited class
10.Can we declare same name of data type in local variable?
a). Yes
b). No
c). Sometimes
d). Never
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11. In Java ‘this’ keyword is related to?
a). Instance of Parent class
b). Instance of Child Class
c). Instance of Current class
12. What is the size of double and float in java?
a). 64 and 64
b). 32 and 32
c). 64 and 32
d). 32 and 64
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13. Find the output ?
int Integer = 26;
char String = ‘o’;
a). Throws Exception
b). Compile error
c). 26
d). 26o
14. The object is created with the new keyword at?
a). Compile time
b). Run time
c). Depends
15. public interface outer?
void show();
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
outer o1=new outer() {
public void show() {
System.out.println(“execution of Anonymous inner class.”);
a). compile Time error
b). Run time error
c). none of this
d). execution of Anonymous inner class.
- solve the following programm.
public class Sample2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str1= “first”;
String s1=”first”;
String str2=”secound”;
String str3=”first”;
System.out.println(” equals”);
System.out.println(” equal”);
System.out.println(“eqlusIgnore : “+s1.equalsIgnoreCase(str1));
16. solve the code ?
public class Sample1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1=”welcome”;
System.out.println(s1.concat(” newString”));
17. solve the code?
public class Sample1 {
StringBuffer b1=new StringBuffer(“SSS”);
b1.append(” newstring”);//mutable
18. solve the code
public class Sample1 {
String s1=”welcome”;
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19. solve the code
public class Sample1 {
String s1=”welcome”;
Pooja Ghodekar
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