Learning Foreign Language – The Career Benefits
By now if you have not already studied any new foreign language, you should start doing right away! But the main and important question is why you should learn a foreign language? While there are many reasons and here are some convincing justifications!-Foreign language Courses in Pune
“If we converse different languages, we would recognize a somewhat different world. Because of the limitation of my language means the limitation of my world.”
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The 20th Century famous quote by the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein still has great impact till today. Language learning allows you to significant thinking and problem-solving skills, once you interpreting a language’s vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, meaning, sounds, and orthography.
Bilingual makes smarter than you think
As per the study from Pennsylvania State University, juggling between two foreign languages can build your brain better, since one can easily switch among different structures. If you are really interested then read Yudhijit Bhattacharjee’s article Why Bilinguals are Smarter.
One main benefit of learning a foreign language in India is bilinguals are better at prioritizing tasks, problem-solvers, multitasking, and tend to make more rational decisions.
As per the lead researcher, Dr. Marian, “learning a foreign language indulges you in the brainstorming exercise. You don’t have to go out to do a riddle as the brain is already continuously juggling with two languages.”
- Knowing new people & swiftly get associated with the world
Language is a way of communication. That is why the majority of people learn a second language. Being able to converse with native language speakers from a foreign land is an incredible gift. It can be considered as one of the best benefits associated with learning a foreign language.
Natives from different countries speak different languages. When you learn a new language, you will be creating the opportunity to get associated to the world. You will be able to meet and talk with people who come from different parts of the world. Knowing the language fulfill many enjoyable activities such as traveling, living, and studying and many more.
In case you visit foreign country or inviting your foreign friends to your native will always help your ability to speak in their language can provide excellent assistance to you. In other words, this can automatically increase your chances of getting associated with people who live all around the world. Then you can anytime visit those countries to explore the exclusive culture. The Language hurdle would never be an issue for you while you are exploring the new country.
You will also find it an easy task to make new friends as well. Having friends all around the world can provide you with a great number of benefits in the long run, as well. The ability to speak to local language with native speakers will open door to experiences that you may not have had otherwise.
- Learning foreign language will boost your brainpower
The mind powder of a multilingual person is more dynamic as compared to those who speak only one language and this diversity come along with some proven benefits.
Numerous studies have shown that speaking at least one foreign language improves your cognitive process. Besides, it slows down psychological aging, tends to have a bigger and better brain, enhances focus, self-discipline, and improves memorization. In addition, it also protects you against diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Ofcourse, it doesn’t completely go away, but is controlled to a certain precious time.
As per the psychologists and other healthcare professionals, obtaining a second language can provide significant help for you to boost your brainpower. That’s because the new tongue comes along with a unique set of structures and rules
- You will become expert in multitasking
Multitasking is one of the most fundamental skills that we can have. As we have this skill, we can get more work done within a shorter span. In other words, multitasking can drastically boost our productivity levels as well. There are several efficient methods are available, to increase your multitasking capabilities. Out of those methods, command over a language holds an important place. You will also be able to end up with effective results in the work that you do.
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According to the learning of NIH, the bilinguals change tasks faster than monolinguals.
- You can explore new career opportunities
Today’s fast changing world. It’s not a secret that learning a foreign language can broaden your job opportunities and career prospects in today’s crowded global job market. If you’re looking for long term benefits with your career, then learning a foreign language can undoubtedly assist. To make a career in foreign languages because that gives high-paying jobs are the main reason probably one would learn a new language.
As the world becomes more and more globalized and interconnected, more companies than ever are looking to extend their businesses overseas and deal with international clients. The employers are seeking professionals who can communicate seamlessly with customers in overseas markets. It is not possible without hiring globally-minded people who can speak, read, and write at least one foreign tongue.
Many jobs in finance, international trade, publishing, journalism, education, healthcare, designing, social work, national security, tourism, translation, hospitality, export-import, outsourcing, and international business favor candidates who are bilingual, resulting in more job options for language learners.
There is a shortage of global talent in the entire world. If you are good at something, there is a job opportunity, awaiting you in another country. Unfortunately, it is difficult to grab this opportunity because it is possible only for the people who speak a specific language. If you learn that language, you don’t need to worry about that at all. That’s because you will be able to accept the job offer and fulfill your responsibilities without any hassle.
Proficiency in a foreign language will set you apart from other applicants. You will also be able to leave a lasting impression on your employer, which can help you to climb up on the career ladder within a short period. The career in a foreign language in India is endless. The ability to speak multiple lingoes is unquestionably a competitive edge on your resume in today’s world. So why not give yourself every possible corner?
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- 5. Learning foreign language makes you smarter, Develop self-confidence & Boost your creativity
Learning a new foreign language can be considered as one of the most appropriate methods available for you to become a more intelligent individual. The language learning process can enhance your concentration power and memory. Besides, it can provide an excellent exercise to your brain. You will also be able to improve your analytical skills thanks to the challenges that you will face along with time while learning foreign language. It can heavily contribute to your productivity levels, as well. Therefore, you will be able to get more work done in an efficient manner
Learning a foreign language would support you, to develop your self-confidence as well. That’s because gaining new skills can increase your confidence levels
It is essential to keep in mind that learning a foreign language can improve your creativity. This fact has been proven from scientific research, as well. You will be able to think logically, and your problem-solving skills would develop. Also, you will tend to experiment with new phrases and words in the language.
- You can travel the world
Traveling the world is something that we all love to do. But before you travel the world, you need to make sure that you are in a position to speak at least the elementary level of the language of your destination country. While one can travel to all corners of the world without speaking another language. Globally with almost 200 countries and over 50 valuable languages, it’s next to impossible to know the national tongue of each one.
Are you considering forward to visit a country where people speak a different language? Then, in that case, it’s worth to invest your time and effort to learn that language. You don’t need to be fluent in the foreign tongue concerned for travel, but learning key phrases can make your travel experience better and satisfying!
- Language Learning to Study Abroad
If you want to study abroad in any Non-English speaking country or looking for a job after completing your studies in the country where the foreign language is spoken. Well, then it’s worth learning the native language. It will be a door that will open to an entirely new world waiting to be discovered.
In most of the non-English speaking nations, a large number of Diplomas, Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses are taught in English. It means that you wouldn’t really be required to learn the official one. The language, however, will equip you well for personally as well as professionally. It will enhance your resume for a wide range of employers after completing the course. Besides, students usually go forward more quickly if they surround themselves with people who speak the local language.
You could study an MBA in France, Engineering in Germany, Hotel Management in Italy, or maybe a research doctorate in South Korea or Japan.
- Cultural Appreciation
Knowledge of a foreign language gives you a greater understanding of the world and opens up a whole new world of opportunities. According to several researches, the relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. That is why cultural awareness is the key to learning foreign language
You will directly have access to a massive number of foreign language books, literary work, films, music, TV programs, and more. It will give you a real insight into the history and culture of a nation. This, in turn, will help you appreciate things that you wouldn’t have noticed before and at the end of the day, that gives you an indication of how the world works.
- It is becoming essential
Last but not least, learning foreign language is becoming necessary in today’s world. People who are capable of handling more than one language will find it an easy task to survive in the changing global economy. In other words, you will be able to open up the doors to the world around you. You will also be able to transform yourself into a better person, who is in demand. For example, you can secure a job in a company that is located in another part of the world.
Final Words
As you must have understood from above article, there are many advantages to learning a foreign language in India. Now you have a clear insight of all the benefits that you can experience by learning a foreign language. Hence, it is up to you to make an effort to learn. You have the liberty to go ahead and learn any language, as per your preferences. That’s because any tongue under the sun can help you to experience the benefits that we discussed above.
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Joshi, Geetanjali
SevenMentor Pvt Ltd