MYSQL Built-In Functions with Examples
MySQL offers a rich set of built-in functions that you can leverage to manipulate data, perform calculations, and extract insights within your queries. Discover essential MySQL built-in functions with examples. Learn how to leverage MySQL functions for efficient data manipulation and analysis. These functions can be broadly categorized into different groups based on their functionality:
Conversion Function in MySQL :
There are two main conversion functions in MySQL:
- The CONVERT() function in MySQL is primarily used for character set conversions.
- It can also be used to convert data types, but its primary purpose is to convert strings from one character set to another.
Syntax : CONVERT(expression, data_type)
Example 01: Write an SQL query to fetch the payment ID, customer name, and payment date in a date format from the payments table.
SELECT payment_id, customer_name, CONVERT(payment_date, DATE) AS payment_date_date
FROM payments;
Example 02: Write an SQL query to retrieve the payment ID, customer name, and the amount of each payment converted to a string representation from the payments table.
SELECT payment_id, customer_name, CONVERT(amount, CHAR) AS amount_string
FROM payments;
- The CAST() function is used to explicitly convert a value from one data type to another in MySQL.
- It is more versatile than CONVERT() as it can handle a wider range of data type conversions.
Syntax: CAST(expr AS type)
Example 01 : Write an SQL query to fetch the payment ID, customer name, and the amount of each payment converted to a floating-point number from the payments table.
SELECT payment_id, customer_name, CAST(amount AS FLOAT) AS amount_float
FROM payments;
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Math Function in MySQL :
SQL Math functions are used primarily for numeric manipulation and/or mathematical calculations. The following table details the numeric functions −
This function returns the absolute value (non-negative version) of the provided expression.
SELECT customer_name, ABS(amount) AS absolute_amount
FROM payments;
ROUND(expression, decimal_places):
This function rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
SELECT customer_name, ROUND(amount, 2) AS rounded_amt
FROM payments;
This function returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the provided expression.
SELECT customer_name, CEILING(amount) AS ceiling_amount
FROM payments;
This function returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to the provided expression.
SELECT customer_name, FLOOR(amount) AS floor_amount
FROM payments;
This function returns the square root of a non-negative number.
Example: (Assuming no negative amounts):
SELECT customer_name, SQRT(amount) AS square_root
FROM payments
WHERE amount >= 0; — Filter for non-negative amounts only (square root is undefined for negatives)
String Function in MySQL :
String functions in MySQL are used to manipulate string values stored in columns of a table. These functions allow you to perform tasks such as concatenating strings, extracting substrings, changing the case of strings, searching for specific patterns, and more.
Concatenates multiple strings (str1, str2, …) into a single string.
SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ‘ ‘, last_name) AS full_name FROM suppliers;
UCASE(str) / UPPER(str):
Converts all characters in str to uppercase.
SELECT UPPER(first_name) AS first_name_upper, UPPER(last_name) AS last_name_upper FROM suppliers;
SELECT UCASE(first_name) AS first_name_upper, UCASE(last_name) AS last_name_upper FROM suppliers;
LCASE(str) / LOWER(str):
Converts all characters in str to lowercase.
SELECT LOWER(first_name) AS first_name_lower, LOWER(last_name) AS last_name_lower
FROM suppliers;
SELECT LCASE(first_name) AS first_name_lower, LCASE(last_name) AS last_name_lower
FROM suppliers;
Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from str.
SELECT TRIM(last_name) AS trimmed_last_name
FROM suppliers;
SELECT TRIM(first_name) AS trimmed_first_name
FROM suppliers;
SUBSTRING(str, start, length):
Extracts a substring from str starting at position start (1-based) with a length of length characters.
SELECT phone, SUBSTRING(phone, 5, 3) AS middle_number
FROM suppliers;
SELECT SUBSTRING(supplier_code, 3, 5) AS middle_code FROM suppliers;
LEFT(str, length):
Returns the leftmost length characters from str.
SELECT LEFT(supplier_code, 4) AS short_supplier_code FROM suppliers;
Right(str, length):
Returns the rightmost length characters from str.
SELECT RIGHT(supplier_code, 4) AS short_supplier_code FROM suppliers;
REPLACE(str, old_substr, new_substr):
Replace all occurrences of old_substr in str with new_substr.
SELECT customer_name, REPLACE(customer_name, ‘John‘, ‘Jane‘) AS replaced_name
FROM payments;
SELECT REPLACE(email, ‘‘, ‘‘) AS modified_email FROM suppliers;
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Date Function in MySQL :
MySQL provides functions to work with dates and extract meaningful information from them. Here are some commonly used functions:
Returns the current date.
SELECT * FROM payments
WHERE payment_date = CURDATE();
SELECT * FROM payments
WHERE payment_date = CURRENT_DATE();
Converts a string or datetime expression to a DATE value.
SELECT customer_name, DATE(payment_date) AS std_date
FROM payments;
- YEAR(date):
Extracts the year from a date value.
SELECT * FROM payments
WHERE YEAR(payment_date) = 2023;
Extracts the month (1-12) from a date value.
SELECT customer_name, MONTH(payment_date) AS payment_month, YEAR(payment_date) AS payment_year
FROM payments;
Extracts the day of the month (1-31) from a date value.
SELECT customer_name, DAY(payment_date) AS payment_day
FROM payments;
DATE_ADD(date, interval):
Adds a specified time interval to a date.
SELECT customer_name, payment_date, DATE_ADD(payment_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AS due_date
FROM payments;
DATE_SUB(date, interval):
Subtracts a specified time interval from a date.
SELECT * FROM payments
DATEDIFF(date1, date2):
Calculates the difference between two dates in days
SELECT customer_name, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), created_at) AS payment_age_days
FROM payments
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Mahesh Kankrale
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