MYSQL Built-In Functions with Examples

  • By Mahesh Kankrale
  • April 10, 2024
  • SQL
MYSQL Built-In Functions with Examples

MYSQL Built-In Functions with Examples

MySQL offers a rich set of built-in functions that you can leverage to manipulate data, perform calculations, and extract insights within your queries. Discover essential MySQL built-in functions with examples. Learn how to leverage MySQL functions for efficient data manipulation and analysis. These functions can be broadly categorized into different groups based on their functionality:

  • Conversion Function in MySQL : 

 There are two main conversion functions in MySQL:

  1. CONVERT() : 

  • The CONVERT() function in MySQL is primarily used for character set conversions.
  • It can also be used to convert data types, but its primary purpose is to convert strings from one character set to another.

Syntax : CONVERT(expression, data_type)

Example 01: Write an SQL query to fetch the payment ID, customer name, and payment date in a date format from the payments table.

SELECT payment_id, customer_name, CONVERT(payment_date, DATE) AS payment_date_date

FROM payments;

Example 02: Write an SQL query to retrieve the payment ID, customer name, and the amount of each payment converted to a string representation from the payments table.

SELECT payment_id, customer_name, CONVERT(amount, CHAR) AS amount_string

FROM payments;

  • CAST():

  • The CAST() function is used to explicitly convert a value from one data type to another in MySQL.
  • It is more versatile than CONVERT() as it can handle a wider range of data type conversions.

Syntax: CAST(expr AS type)

Example 01 : Write an SQL query to fetch the payment ID, customer name, and the amount of each payment converted to a floating-point number from the payments table.

SELECT payment_id, customer_name, CAST(amount AS FLOAT) AS amount_float

FROM payments;


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  • Math Function in MySQL :

SQL Math functions are used primarily for numeric manipulation and/or mathematical calculations. The following table details the numeric functions −

  • ABS(expression):

This function returns the absolute value (non-negative version) of the provided expression.


SELECT customer_name, ABS(amount) AS absolute_amount

FROM payments;

  • ROUND(expression, decimal_places):

This function rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.



SELECT customer_name, ROUND(amount, 2) AS rounded_amt

FROM payments;

  • CEILING(expression):

This function returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the provided expression.


SELECT customer_name, CEILING(amount) AS ceiling_amount

FROM payments;

  • FLOOR(expression):

This function returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to the provided expression.


SELECT customer_name, FLOOR(amount) AS floor_amount

FROM payments;

  • SQRT(expression):

This function returns the square root of a non-negative number.

Example: (Assuming no negative amounts):

SELECT customer_name, SQRT(amount) AS square_root

FROM payments

WHERE amount >= 0; — Filter for non-negative amounts only (square root is undefined for negatives)


  • String Function in MySQL :

String functions in MySQL are used to manipulate string values stored in columns of a table. These functions allow you to perform tasks such as concatenating strings, extracting substrings, changing the case of strings, searching for specific patterns, and more.

  • CONCAT(): 

Concatenates multiple strings (str1, str2, …) into a single string.


SELECT CONCAT(first_name, , last_name) AS full_name FROM suppliers;

  • UCASE(str) / UPPER(str):

 Converts all characters in str to uppercase.


SELECT UPPER(first_name) AS first_name_upper, UPPER(last_name) AS last_name_upper FROM suppliers;

SELECT UCASE(first_name) AS first_name_upper, UCASE(last_name) AS last_name_upper FROM suppliers;

  • LCASE(str) / LOWER(str): 

Converts all characters in str to lowercase.


SELECT LOWER(first_name) AS first_name_lower, LOWER(last_name) AS last_name_lower 

FROM suppliers;

SELECT LCASE(first_name) AS first_name_lower, LCASE(last_name) AS last_name_lower 

FROM suppliers;

  • TRIM(str):

Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from str.


SELECT TRIM(last_name) AS trimmed_last_name 

FROM suppliers;

SELECT TRIM(first_name) AS trimmed_first_name 

FROM suppliers;

  • SUBSTRING(str, start, length): 

Extracts a substring from str starting at position start (1-based) with a length of length characters.


SELECT phone, SUBSTRING(phone, 5, 3) AS middle_number

FROM suppliers;

SELECT SUBSTRING(supplier_code, 3, 5) AS middle_code FROM suppliers;

  • LEFT(str, length): 

Returns the leftmost length characters from str.


SELECT LEFT(supplier_code, 4) AS short_supplier_code FROM suppliers;

  • Right(str, length): 

Returns the rightmost length characters from str.


SELECT RIGHT(supplier_code, 4) AS short_supplier_code FROM suppliers;

  • REPLACE(str, old_substr, new_substr): 

Replace all occurrences of old_substr in str with new_substr.


SELECT customer_name, REPLACE(customer_name, ‘John‘, ‘Jane‘) AS replaced_name

FROM payments;

SELECT REPLACE(email, ‘‘, ‘‘) AS modified_email FROM suppliers;


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  • Date Function in MySQL :

MySQL provides functions to work with dates and extract meaningful information from them. Here are some commonly used functions: 


Returns the current date.


SELECT * FROM payments

WHERE payment_date = CURDATE();

SELECT * FROM payments

WHERE payment_date = CURRENT_DATE();


  • DATE(expression):

Converts a string or datetime expression to a DATE value.


SELECT customer_name, DATE(payment_date) AS std_date

FROM payments;


  • YEAR(date):

Extracts the year from a date value.


SELECT * FROM payments

WHERE YEAR(payment_date) = 2023;


  • MONTH(date):

Extracts the month (1-12) from a date value.


SELECT customer_name, MONTH(payment_date) AS payment_month, YEAR(payment_date) AS payment_year

FROM payments;


  • DAY(date):

Extracts the day of the month (1-31) from a date value.


SELECT customer_name, DAY(payment_date) AS payment_day

FROM payments;


  • DATE_ADD(date, interval):

Adds a specified time interval to a date.


SELECT customer_name, payment_date, DATE_ADD(payment_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AS due_date

FROM payments;


  • DATE_SUB(date, interval):

Subtracts a specified time interval from a date.


SELECT * FROM payments



  • DATEDIFF(date1, date2):

Calculates the difference between two dates in days


SELECT customer_name, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), created_at) AS payment_age_days

FROM payments


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Mahesh Kankrale

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