Operators in Python

  • By
  • May 31, 2023
  • Python
Operators in Python

Operators in Python

A tie that allows the right outcome.

The constructs in Python Course in Pune known as operators are used to change the value of operands. These are the symbols that are used for logical, mathematical, and other processes. According to one definition, the Operators in Python is a symbol that executes a specific operation between two operands. Operators are the cornerstone upon which logic is built in a program in a particular programming language.


What does “operator” mean in Python?

To carry out an arithmetic or logical computation, these are the special symbols in Python. An operator needs an operand to perform an activity; it cannot do it by itself. An operand is what? The operator requires an operand, which is a value, to complete a task.

An element without which the programming language is incomplete.


Python Operators 

When performing actions on one or more operands (values or variables), Python operators are reserved words or special symbols. Programming requires operators because they give programmers the ability to change data and regulate program flow. Mathematical, comparison, logical, assignment, identity, membership, and bitwise operations are just a few of the many operations that Python operators can do.

Depending on the kind of operator and the data type of the operands, operators can operate on several forms of data, including numbers, strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries. For instance, you can combine two lists, add two numbers, or concatenate two strings with the addition operator (+). The language that allows interesting operations.

The precedence of Python operators dictates the order in which they are evaluated within an expression. Expressions are evaluated accurately and following accepted mathematical principles thanks to the order of precedence. The sequence of evaluation follows the operator’s associativity when many operators have the same precedence. Some operators, for instance, addition and multiplication, are left-associative, which means they evaluate from left to right. Exponentiation is one of those others that are right-associative, which means they are assessed from right to left.

Interesting concepts to build the base of calculations.


Operators Available in Python

Python operators are an essential component of programming that gives programmers the ability to alter data and manage program flow. Python has a variety of operators that can be used for various tasks. The most popular operator classes in Python include arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators, identity operators, membership operators, and bitwise operators. Building Python programs that can conduct sophisticated operations on data requires a solid understanding of the various Python operators and how to use them efficiently.

Varieties of operators to enlarge the ability to calculate and operate.


Python operators’ types

Python has several operators, and each operator is broken into further operators. Let’s make a list and get more in-depth information about each operator.


  • Arithmetic operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Membership operators
  • Special operators

        -Identity operators

        -Membership operators


Arithmetic Operators in Python

An arithmetic operator is a type of mathematical function that computes between two operands. The various types of arithmetic operators include floor division, exponentiation, modulus, multiplication, division, and addition.

A connection to perform mathematical operations.


In Python, the most common forms of arithmetic operators are:

    • Addition – Python’s “+” operator represents addition. To add or sum two values, use this method.
    • Subtraction – The subtraction operator in Python is “-“. The second value is subtracted from the first.
    • Multiplication– Python’s “*” arithmetic operator represents multiplication. We may determine the product of two numbers using this operator.
  • Division – In Python, the division operator is denoted by the symbol “/”. By dividing the first operand by the second, we can determine the quotient.
  • Modulus –  In Python, the division operator is denoted by the symbol “%”. This allows us to determine the remainder after dividing the first operand by the second.
  • Exponentiation – In Python, the exponentiation operator is indicated by the symbol “**”. It is employed to increase the first operand’s strength to that of the second.
  • Floor division – “//” is used in Python to indicate it. We employ it to determine the quotient’s floor when subtracting the first operand from the second.


Comparison Operators

Relational operators in Python are also referred to as comparison operators. They compare the data on either side and return a boolean value. Depending on the circumstance, they indicate whether a statement is True or False.  


  • Greater than: The greater than operator, denoted by >, determines if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right. If the condition is met, it returns True; otherwise, it returns False.


  • Lower than: The symbol represents the less than the operator, which compares the values on either side. It returns True if the value on the left is less than the value on the right; otherwise, it returns False.

The larger than and less than operators will return False if two distinct data types are being compared, such as the int (5) and float (5.0) because both values are equal. Furthermore, when comparing strings like “Nick” and “nick,” the operators compare their ASCII values. “nick” is bigger than “Nick” because the ASCII value of “A” is 65 whereas “a” is 97.

To know is to deal with it well.


  • Equal to: If both values on each side are equal, this operator, indicated by the symbol ==, returns True.

  • Not Equal to: If two values in the condition are not equal, the Not equal to operator, denoted by the symbol!=, will return True.

  • equal to or greater than Only when the values on the left and right sides are larger than or equal does this operator (>=) yield True.

  • lower or equal to: Less than or equal to (=) comes in last on the list of operators. It evaluates the values and outputs It is true if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right. With these operators, we can also contrast Tuples. If both tuples have the same number of items, the greater tuple will be determined by comparing the elements of the two tuples.


Assignment Operators for Python

The assignment operators in Python are used to give variable values. These operators include simple assignment operators, assign operators for addition, subtract, multiply, divide, and assign, among others.

To give an event, property, or variable a value, use the assignment operator. In Python, we apply this operator to give variable values. Multiple assignment operators are available. Let’s make a list so we can better understand them.


  • = Assign Value
  • += Add AND operator
  • -= Subtract AND operator
  • *= Multiply AND operator
  • /= Divide AND operator
  • %= Modulus AND operator
  • **= Exponent AND operator
  • //= Floor Division operator

An understanding of assigning operators.


Operators in Python



Operators for Bitwise in Python

Bitwise operators operate bit by bit, working with bits. If a = 60 and b = 13, their values would be 0011 1100 and 0000 1101, respectively, in binary code. The following value contains the bitwise operators that the Python language supports, along with an example for each. We utilize the two operands (the variables a and b) mentioned above.

Two digits and their presence show the output.


a = 0011 1100

b = 0000 1101


a&b = 12 (0000 1100)

a|b = 61 (0011 1101)

a^b = 49 (0011 0001)

~a = -61 (1100 0011)

a << 2 = 240 (1111 0000)

a>>2 = 15 (0000 1111)


Python’s logical operator 

To manipulate values and variables, operators are employed. These unique symbols perform mathematical and logical operations. Operand is the value that the operator performs operations on.

To move forward with steps and decide on what is the outcome.

To make decisions based on various situations, logical operators are employed in all programming languages. When determining if a condition in Python is True or False, we employ logical operators, using the values of the operand as our starting point. Various logical operators used in Python programming will be discussed.


  • And – Logical AND
  • Or – Logical OR
  • Not – Logical NOT



Learning the necessary aspects of the Python Classes in Pune assures the design of several purposes. It builds a solid foundation for the Software and programming concepts. 

An operator in Python is used to change certain data elements and output a result. They are referred to as operands or arguments. These factors create a difference in building the programming language design.

SevenMentor & Training Pvt. Ltd. Is a training authority that helps master Python Courses in Pune. Individuals are encouraged to learn and develop their qualifications in technology.

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