Personal Pronomen For Dative
In German, personal pronouns change according to the case they are in, and the dative case is used to indicate the indirect object of a sentence (to whom or for whom something is done). The dative form of personal pronouns is different from the nominative form, which is used for the subject of the sentence. Learn how to use German Personal Pronomen For Dative cases. Master their correct forms and improve your fluency in everyday conversations.
I in the nominative is “ich,” but in the dative, it becomes mir.
Example: “Kannst du mir helfen?” (Can you help me?)
You (informal singular) in the nominative is “du,” but in the dative, it becomes dir.
Example: “Ich gebe dir das Buch.” (I give you the book.)
He in the nominative is “er,” but in the dative, it becomes ihm.
Example: “Ich habe ihm das Auto gezeigt.” (I showed him the car.)
She in the nominative is “sie,” but in the dative, it becomes ihr.
Example: “Ich habe ihr geholfen.” (I helped her.)
It in the nominative is “es,” but in the dative, it becomes ihm.
Example: “Das Buch gehört ihm.” (The book belongs to it.)
We in the nominative is “wir,” but in the dative, it becomes uns.
Example: “Sie hat uns das Bild gezeigt.” (She showed us the picture.)
You (plural, informal) in the nominative is “ihr,” but in the dative, it becomes euch.
Example: “Ich habe euch etwas mitgebracht.” (I brought something for you all.)
They in the nominative is “sie,” but in the dative, it becomes ihnen.
Example: “Ich gebe ihnen den Schlüssel.” (I give them the key.)
You (formal, singular or plural) in the nominative is “Sie,” but in the dative, it becomes Ihnen.
Example: “Ich zeige Ihnen den Weg.” (I show you the way.)
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Siddhi Ghale
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