How to Improve Your Personality
Personality, we all have one but after reading MY BLOG, YOU GOING TO HAVE A BETTER ONE our personality is our typical pattern of thinking, feeling acting, and communicating. So the key term there is typical, the typical pattern of acting thinking, feeling and communicating, Right? It’s what you do consistently. Not just like with one person or with a group of people, across the board as a whole! For example, Think of somebody who you consider to have a great magnetic personality, it’s pretty easy to do, most of us can. These people are just radiating with personality, we feel better being around them. Can you tell me why? What is different about their personality specifically makes them have a good personality! It’s tougher to do right? Because there are so many factors variables that go into making up a somebodies individual personality. the good news that me a being an Image consultant I have done that leg work and figured out what is the personality trick, So here is the deal, we need to break down a good personality into few traits and we have to work on developing these traits for ourselves. We, in the long run, we surely going to have a better personality!!!! And who doesn’t want that exactly we all do?
Be a better listener! Start working on your active listening skills first, because communication is a skill, listening skills is also a skill. When you listen to somebody it’s not just your ears, right? you are not just hearing the words come out, your whole body should be listening, which means you should put your phone away have good eye contact, nod a bit, face towards the speaker, engage them by these gestures. This is what is active listening is and who doesn’t like talking to somebody or being around somebody when you talking to them, you think OMG they are actually listening to us, isn’t that feels great!
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Become Interesting, yes you got it right! How do you do that? By engaging and actively seeing out the education, information, try new things, the more new stuff you try the more things you do, the more information you seek and observe. The more interesting you going to be for other people to communicate with.
Practice and adopt an optimistic outlook on life, You must have heard. Is the glass half-full or half-empty, Nobody and I mean Nobody like being around somebody who is pessimistic, somebody who is always talking negative, never looking anything good about anything. This is something that you can absolutely change, if you are persistently and consistently talking about negative things happening in your life or around you, acknowledge you are doing in and start working on developing a more positive outlook on life. Sometimes looking and thing a little differently can make all the difference in the world.
Encourage and Support
Be encouraging and supportive to others, like you and appreciate others work by saying “Good Job, you can do it, good luck,! Trust me, people that are supportive to me, people that are I interact with, they are encouraging. You think I like them … Yeah, I love them! Because I want to be around with these people. The people that are raising you up through positive energy, these people are fantastic personality a lot of time. You would like to talk to them and be around them.
Doesn’t be a People Pleaser
Don’t be afraid to be yourself, many times we get caught in this cycle of trying to please everybody. Being something different in different social circles, when you stop doing that and just decide this is me take it or leave it. You might lose some friends, some people are not going to like you but it’s absolutely okay! The once who are still there going be solid and you are going be friends and you will find the new once and these relationships and friends are going to be far more superior for the once you are putting up aside in order to facilitate.
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Laugh at Your Mistakes
Have the ability to laugh at yourself, Now this is easier said than done and until you actually have a secure sense of self and feel about who you are and comfortable in your own skin, you’re probably not going to able to do that.
Confidence Equation
Ability to take yourself not too seriously… is truly a gift. It’s something to strive for. Just being okay with making mistakes and acknowledging the fact they were not perfect is a great thing. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself in order to be perfect it’s not going to happen; it’s never going to happen. So, the sooner you come to realize and accept the fact that you going to make stupid mistakes, it’s better. Embrace it! Enjoy it! It is what makes you beautiful as a person. True confidence is an unwavering belief in yourself. It doesn’t mean that we were great at everything; it means that we are not great at a lot of things and we are fine with it. We understand, we accept and embrace our shortcomings, things that we want to get better at we strive for. Other things we accept that we not good at and it’s okay. It doesn’t mean that you are any less of a person of any less of a man or women or any less confident. I know this is little abstract kind of a concept and it’s kind of tough to really put into words but I guess what I am trying to say here. It’s the by-product of confidence. we are not all there, we may be there on certain areas of aspects of our lives but we might not be there in others but its fine, as long as we commit ourselves to constantly seeking improvement trying to be the best person that we can be, and bring the most value to those around us that we possibly can . It’s all upside there is no downside. You are not perfect and that’s absolutely perfect and that’s perfectly okay. Having the ability to laugh at ourselves is such a beautiful thing; it makes life so much sweeter!
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We all want it but you willing to do what it takes to get it. Its all about R E S P E C T, We need to ensure that we get it. First, we need to understand respect is not automatic and it is not guaranteed. Respect is something that you have to earn and it all starts with respecting yourself. You don’t respect yourself you can’t expect other people to respect you, they’ll sense it and treat you accordingly. Respect is a two-way street try to understand. Don’t badmouth people and talk behind their back. If you have an issue with someone say it. Like a man of your word. People making fun of other people are mean! Have integrity and don’t gossip. Gossipers Suck!
Speak Respectfully
Say please and say Thank you. Clean up your language, there’s no need for excessive use of profanity. When your cursing all the time, you sound unintelligent and ignorant and you know what happens, you do that and people automatically tune you out. You do not need to curse in order to get your point across.
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Take pride in your appearance
This means your hygiene, this means your grooming this means your style, by taking pride in your personal packaging you are sending the message to the outside world.
Men I have noticed dress like crap, your pants hanging down off your ass and the underwear showing, guess what???? This is sending a message to the world about your self-worth! That you don’t care about yourself, so why should they? Your breath stinks, hair is not combed. Trust me when I say this, People notice and they going to treat you accordingly.
Stand Up for your beliefs by expressing your own true feelings. Even when these true feelings are different than your friends and peers. Now, this is probably in my opinion, one of the most difficult steps to actually master because so many times, we get caught up in this herd mentality, we don’t want to rock the boat and we are afraid to tell people what we really think. Even if what they doing is wrong and what you feel is absolutely right, People! You need to be an Independent thinker in order to command respect.
Think before You React: This is not something easy to do, so what I encourage you to do is practice. Thinking prior to reacting. So many times when you get into a small little situation, people automatically snap they react they don’t think they don’t processes, exercise and develop emotional discipline. This takes to practice the more you get practice the more advantage you have over everybody else who is emotionally volatile