Top 30+ Django Interview Questions and Answers
Excel in your Django interview with our comprehensive guide featuring the Top 30+ Django Interview Questions and Answers. Master the intricacies of Django web framework, Django REST framework, and database interactions.
Q. What is Django?
Django (named after Django Reinhardt) is an open-source web framework that follows the model-view-template(MVT) architectural pattern. Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
Q. Explain the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture in Django.
Django follows the Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern where the model represents the data structure,the view handles the presentation logic and the controller manages user input.
Q. Explain the Django project directory structure.
- – A command-line utility that allows you to interact with your Django project
- – An empty file that tells Python that the current directory should be considered as a Python package
- – Comprises the configurations of the current project like DB connections.
- – All the URLs of the project are present here
- – This is an entry point for your application which is used by the web servers to serve the project you have created.
Q. What are models in Django?
A model in Django refers to a class that maps to a database table or database collection. Each attribute of the Django model class represents a database field. They are defined in app/
Every model inherits from django.db.models.Model. Role of Django model, Models in Django define the structure of the database tables and encapsulate the business logic.
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Q. What are templates in Django or Django template language?
Templates are an integral part of the Django MVT architecture. They generally comprise HTML, CSS, and js in which dynamic variables and information are embedded with the help of views. Some constructs are recognized and interpreted by the template engine. The main ones are variables and tags.
A template is rendered with a context. Rendering just replaces variables with their values, present in the context, and processes tags. Everything else remains as it is.
Syntax of the Django template language includes the following four constructs :
- Variables
- Tags
- Filters
- Comment
Q.Explain Django Architecture.
Django follows the MVT (Model View Template) pattern which is based on the Model View Controller architecture. It’s slightly different from the MVC pattern as it maintains its own conventions, so, the controller is handled by the framework
itself. The template is a presentation layer. It is an HTML file mixed with Django Template Language (DTL). The developer provides the model, the view, and the template then apps it to a URL, and finally, Django serves it to the user.
Q. What are the views in Django?
A view function, or “view” for short, is simply a Python function that takes a web request and returns a web response. This response can be HTML contents of a web page, or a redirect.
There are two types of views:
- Function-Based Views: In this, we import our view as a function. • Class-based Views: It’s an object-oriented approach.
Q. What is Django ORM?
This ORM (an acronym for Object Relational Mapper) enables us to interact with databases in a more pythonic way like we can avoid writing raw queries, it is possible to retrieve, save, delete, and perform other operations over the database without ever writing any SQL query. It works as an abstraction layer between the models and the database.
Q. How can you pass data from views to templates?
Data can be passed from views to templates using context dictionaries.
In Django, a context is a dictionary in which the keys represent variable names and the values reflect the values of those variables. This dictionary or context is supplied to the template, which finally outputs the dynamic content using the variables. i.e. {var1: 11, var2: 12}, when you pass this context to the template render method, {{ var1 }} would be replaced with 11 and {{ var2 }} with 12 in your template.
Q. What are Django forms?
Django forms are a mechanism to handle HTML forms and validate user input.
Q. Explain the purpose of Django ModelForms.
ModelForm in Django is a shortcut for creating forms based on models. They can automatically create form fields based on the model’s fields.
Q. What is middleware in Django?
Middleware is a way to process requests and responses globally before they reach the view or after they leave the view.
Q. Explain Django’s protection against cross-site request forgery(CSRF) attacks.
Django uses a CSRF token to protect against CSRF attacks. The token is included in forms and verified on the server side.
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Q.What is a URL conf in Django?
URL conf(URL configuration) is a set of patterns that Django uses to determine which view to invoke for a given URL.
Q. Explain Django views and how to create them.
Views in Django handle the processing of a web request and return a response. They can be function-based or class-based.
What is the difference between a project and an app in Django?
In simple words, a Project is the entire Django application and an app is a module inside the project that deals with one specific use case.
What are the different model inheritance styles in Django?
- Abstract Base Class Inheritance: Used when you only need the parent class to hold information that you don’t want to write for each child model. • Multi-Table Model Inheritance: Used when you are subclassing an existing model and need each model to have its own table in the database.
- Proxy Model Inheritance: Used when you want to retain the model’s field while altering the Python-level functioning of the model.
Q. What databases are supported by Django?
PostgreSQL and MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle. Apart from these, Django also supports databases such as ODBC, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, SAP SQL Anywhere, and Firebird using third-party packages. Note: Officially Django doesn’t support any no-SQL databases.
Q. How to configure static files?
Ensure that django.contrib.staticfiles is added to your INSTALLED_APPS In your settings file. define STATIC_URL for ex.
STATIC_URL = ‘/static/’
In your Django templates, use the static template tag to create the URL for the given relative path using the configured STATICFILES_STORAGE.
Q. What’s the significance of the file?
As the name suggests this file stores the configurations or settings of our Django project, like database configuration, backend engines, middlewares, installed applications, main URL configurations, static file addresses, templating engines, main URL configurations, security keys, allowed hosts, and much more.
Q. How to view all items in the Model?
Q. How to filter items in the Model?
Q.Difference between Django OneToOneField and ForeignKey Field?
Both of them are of the most common types of fields used in Django. The only difference between these two is that the ForeignKey field consists of an on_delete option along with a model’s class because it’s used for many-to-one relationships while on the other hand, the OneToOneField, only carries out a one-to-one relationship and requires only the model’s class.
Q. How can you combine multiple QuerySets in a View?
Initially, Concatenating QuerySets into lists is believed to be the easiest approach. Here’s an example of how to do that:
from itertools import chain
result_list = list(chain(model1_list, model2_list, model3_list))
How to get a particular item in the Model?
Note: If there are no results that match the query, get() will raise a DoesNotExist exception. If more than one item matches the given get() query. In this case, it’ll raise MultipleObjectsReturned, which is also an attribute of the model class itself.
Q. How to obtain the SQL query from the query set?
Q. Name some Companies that use Django.
Some companies that use the Django framework are Instagram, Mozilla, Disqus, Bitbucket, Nextdoor, and Clubhouse.
Q.Importance of virtual environment setup for Django.
A virtual environment allows you to establish separate dependencies of the different projects by creating an isolated environment that isn’t related to each other and can be quickly enabled and deactivated when you’re done. It is not necessary to use a virtual environment without a virtual environment we can work with Django projects. However, using virtualenv is thought to be the ideal practice. Because it eliminates dependencies and conflicts.
Q. Give a brief about the Django admin interface.
Django provides us with a default admin interface that is very helpful for creating, reading, updating, and deleting model objects that allow the user to do administrative tasks. It reads a set of data that explains and provides information about data from the model in order to create a quick interface where the user can alter the application’s contents. This is an in-built module.
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Q. What do the following commands do?
- python makemigrations
- python
The make migration command scans the model in your application and generates a new set of migrations based on the model file modifications. This command
generates the SQL statement, and when we run it, we obtain a new migration file. After running this command, no tables will be created in the database. Running the migrate command helps us to make these modifications to our database. The migrate command runs the SQL instructions (produced by makemigrations) and applies the database changes. After running this command, tables will be created.
Q . What are the sessions?
Sessions are the technique for keeping track of a site’s and a browser’s state. During the session, the user data is stored in sessions, which are server-side files. The session ends when the user closes the browser or logs out of the program. Within a session, we can keep as much data as we want, We must use the session start() method to start the session. There is one advantage of using a session is that the data is stored in an encrypted format.
Q. What does the file do? is a core file in Django projects. It holds all the configuration values that your web app needs to work; database settings, logging configuration, where to find static files, API keys if you work with external APIs, and a bunch of other stuff.
Q. Difference between MVC and MVT design patterns?
- Model and View are both driven by the controller in MVC, whereas Views in MVT are used to receive HTTP requests and return HTTP responses.
- We must write all of the control-specific code in MVC whereas, We must write all of the control-specific code in MVC.
- MVC is Highly coupled whereas, MVT is loosely coupled.
- In MVC, it is difficult to modify whereas, Modification is easy in MVT. • MVC is suitable for large applications, but MVT is suitable for both small and large applications.
- MVC does not involve any URL mapping, whereas in MVT URL pattern mapping takes place.
- Flow is clear and easy to understand, whereas MVT is sometimes harder to understand.
Q. What is Superuser?
The superuser is the most powerful user with permission to create, read, delete, and update on the admin page which includes model records and another user. Users of Django have access to an Admin Panel. Before using this feature, you must have to migrate your project; otherwise, the superuser database will not be created. To create a superuser, first, reach the same directory, and run the following command
python createsuperuser
What is Jinja templating?
Jinja is also known as jinja2, which is the most recent version. It’s a template engine that allows you to make HTML, XML, and other markup types. Jinja2 is valuable since it features a templating tag syntax and because the project has been extracted as a standalone open-source project that may be utilized as a dependency by other code libraries. Some of its features are:
➢ HTML Escaping – It provides automatic HTML Escaping as <, >, & characters have special values in templates and if using a regular text, these symbols can lead to XSS Attacks which Jinja deals with automatically.
➢ Sandbox Execution – This is a framework for automating the testing process in a sandbox (or protected) environment.
➢ Template Inheritance – Produces HTML templates far more quickly than the default engine. When compared to the default engine, it is easier to debug.
Q. What do you mean by the csrf_token?
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is one of the most serious vulnerabilities, and it can be used to do everything from changing a user’s information without their knowledge to obtaining full control of their account. To prevent malicious attacks, Django provides a percent token percent tag {% csrf_token %} that is implemented within the form. When generating the page on the server, it generates a token and ensures that any requests coming back in are cross-checked against this token. The token is not included in the inbound requests, thus they are not executed.
Q. What is Media Root?
Media root is used to upload user-generated content. We can serve user-uploaded media files locally, using the MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL settings. User uploads these files are referred to as Media or Media Files in Django. The first step is to include the code below in the file.
MEDIA_URL = ‘/media/’
MEDIA_ROOT: It is for the server path to store files in the computer. MEDIA_URL: It is the referring URL for the browser to access the files over HTTP.
Q. How you can include and inherit files in your application?
Using the extends tag in Templates, we can inherit our files in Django, The extends tag is used to inherit these templates. The syntax for inheriting these templates is given as:
{% extends ‘template_name.html’ %}
This syntax helps us to add all the elements of an HTML file into another without copy-pasting the entire code. Django templates not only allow us to pass variables from view to template, but they also provide some programming capabilities like loops, comments, and extensions.
Q. How do you connect your Django Project to the database?
We need to configure our database in the file. By default, SQLite is mentioned there, and we need to change this setting accordingly like Postgres, MongoDB, and MySql.
Q. How to check the version of Django installed on your system?
Open the command prompt and enter the following command
python -m django –version
Q. Explain user authentication in Django.
Django comes with an authentication system configured by default to handle objects like users, groups, permissions, and so on. The authentication system’s core is made up of user objects. It not only authenticates users but also authorizes them. Aside from using the default, we can employ a variety of web apps instead of using the default system to enable more user authentication. The default system objects are as follows:
- Users
- Permissions
- Groups
- Password Hashing System • Forms Validation
- A pluggable backend system
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