Stress is an inevitable part of life, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. You won’t be able to avoid stress entirely, but you can learn to handle it so that it doesn’t control you. Going to college, getting married, or changing careers are all examples of changes in our life. or illness are also common reasons of anxiety. Changes that induce stress should be kept in mind. can also be advantageous to you. Moving away from home to attend college, for example, brings with it a slew of new challenges. Prospects for personal growth new challenges, friendships, and living arrangements. That is why it is critical to understand oneself and thoroughly analyse your options. causes of anxiety Understanding to do all this requires awhile, and while you can’t eliminate stress entirely, you can minimise it.
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The good news is that you can reduce the negative effects of stress, such as anxiety and depression. Depression or hypertension are two examples. The idea is to become more conscious of how you interpret and respond to events. This understanding will aid you in developing stress-management skills. As an Army platoon commander, for example, stress management will necessitate tactics such as self-awareness and awareness of your Soldiers.
As you’ll see, the stress you’ll face as a student is different from the stress you’ll face in the Army, especially if you’re deployed or in battle. However, as this second lieutenant stated after returning from the war in Afghanistan, the ideas and tactics you employ to handle stress are similar:
Stress Definition –
Humans’ physical and emotional reactions to changes, events, and situations in their lives are referred to as stress. People are stressed in a variety of ways and for a variety of causes.
Your response is based on how you perceive an event or scenario. When you have a negative perspective on a situation, you are likely to feel distressed overwhelmed, oppressed, or out of control. The most common form of stress is distress. The opposite type, eustress, is characterised by a “positive” attitude toward an incident or situation, which is why it is often referred to as “good stress.”
Because it employs focused energy, eustress can help you rise to a task and can be an antidote to boredom. However, if something causes you to perceive the situation as unmanageable or out of control, that energy can easily shift to anguish. Many people find public speaking or flying unpleasant, prompting bodily symptoms such as increased heart rate and loss of appetite, while others look forward to the experience. It’s often a matter of perception: what one person perceives as a good stressor may be perceived as a negative stressor by another.
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Stress Factors –
The most common causes of “stress” can be divided into three categories:
- Change’s unpleasant effects.
- The sensation that you are being challenged or threatened by an external power.
- The sensation that you have lost control of your life. The most common causes of stress are life events such as marriage, moving employment, divorce, or the loss of a relative or friend. Even though life-threatening situations are rare, they can be the most physiologically and psychologically stressful. They’re frequently connected with public-sector jobs that require high levels of stress due to impending danger and a high degree of uncertainty, such as police officer, firefighter, emergency relief worker, and military personnel.
You may not intend to work in a high-stress environment, but as a college student, the demands of college life can generate stressful situations. Some of the more prevalent stressors for college students are listed by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):
- Increasing academic pressures.
- Being on your own in a new location.
- Changes in familial relationships.
- Financial obligations.
- Social changes.
- Exposure to new people, ideas, and temptations.
- Awareness of your sexual identity and orientation.
Physical, mental, and emotional symptoms of stress are divided into three categories that are all interconnected. Take a good look at this list. If you’re experiencing these symptoms on a regular basis, you’re probably in a bad mood:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Gastrointestinal issues
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Heart problems, such as palpitations
- Inability to focus/concentration problems
- Sleep disruptions, such as sleeping too much or not sleeping at all • Sweating palms/shaking hands
- Anxiety
- Sexual issues
Stress Management –
You can learn to control stress, as stated in the introduction. The first stage is to gain a greater awareness of yourself how you react in different situations, what stresses you out, and how you act when you’re stressed. After that, go through the following steps:
Prioritize your tasks –
Use the time-management techniques you learned in Section 1 to help you manage your time. Make a to-do list for yourself. Decide what is critical to complete today and what can wait. This is beneficial. You need to know that you’re focusing on your most pressing concerns, and you don’t need to worry about anything else. you’re under the strain of trying to recall what you’re supposed to be doing.
Face unpleasant situations on a regular basis–
Consider the incident or situation you’ll be confronted with and practise your responses. Find methods to put your problem-solving skills to the test. If speaking in front of a group terrifies you, you should practise doing so. with a reliable buddy or a classmate If the stress of taking tests leads you to freeze, get some practise tests from the school bookstore or online and work on them when you don’t have any time constraints.
Examine your goals and objectives. –
Make an effort to develop goals that are achievable. It’s fine to push yourself to succeed, but be sure your goals are reasonable. Perfectionism should be avoided at all costs. Allow yourself to be content with achieving your best. Nobody is perfect, even you and your fellow Cadet.
Allow others to make mistakes, and keep in mind that mistakes can be a wonderful teaching.
Maintain a healthy way of living –
Make sure you get lots of exercise. Consume nutritious foods. Allow yourself time to rest and relax. Find a method of relaxation that suits you, such as prayer, yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. Look for the humour in life and have fun with it.
Accept change as a natural aspect of life –
Nothing ever remains the same. Create a support system of friends and family members with whom you can communicate when needed. Have faith in yourself and your abilities. Keep in mind that many people from low-income families have gone on to achieve great success in life.
Simultaneously, avoid those activities that offer stress relief but instead contribute to it. In addition to their other detrimental consequences, drinking alcohol (despite what all those TV commercials say), drinking caffeine, smoking, using drugs (including marijuana), and overeating all add to the body’s stress.
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Here are some more stress-relieving techniques:
- Make time for vacations, breaks from your routine, hobbies, and other enjoyable activities.
- Schedule undisturbed time to complete things that require your whole attention. Set aside some time for yourself to accomplish things that you truly enjoy.
- Develop the ability to say “no.” Setting limitations can help to reduce stress. Rather of allowing other people’s priorities or requirements to define how you spend your time, focus on your key tasks and priorities.
- Exercise on a regular basis to relieve muscle stress and boost your mood.
- Enlist the help of your friends and family. When dealing with stressful occurrences, family, friends, and social groups can assist.
Amar Shelke
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