Django Architecture with Components

  • By Sagar Gade
  • October 5, 2024
  • Django
Django Architecture with Components

Django Architecture with Components

Django follows a highly structured MTV (Model-Template-View) architecture, which is quite similar to the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern commonly used in web development. However, Django’s terminology differs slightly. Below is an in-depth look at Django’s architecture and how each component interacts with the others to build a web application. Learn about Django architecture with components like models, views, and templates, along with how they work together using patterns for efficient development.


Key Components of Django Architecture

  1. Model (Data Layer)
  2. Template (Presentation Layer)
  3. View (Business Logic Layer)
  4. URL Dispatcher
  5. Middleware
  6. Admin Interface
  7. Database Abstraction Layer
  8. Security Mechanisms

Django :User friendly backend and frontend data handling

1. Model (Data Layer)

  • Purpose: The Model in Django is responsible for defining the structure of the application’s data. It acts as the interface between the application and the database.
  • Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Django abstracts the database interaction using its ORM. Each model corresponds to a table in the database, and Django automatically handles database queries in Python using model methods.
  • Database Migrations: Django’s migration system allows developers to propagate model changes (like new fields or tables) to the database easily, keeping it in sync with the models. Prepare for your next technical interview with these top 30+ Django interview questions and answers. Learn key concepts, frameworks, and best practices for success.


from django.db import models


class Product(models.Model):

    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)

    description = models.TextField()


Database Interaction:

# Retrieve all products

products = Product.objects.all()


# Filtering data

expensive_products = Product.objects.filter(price__gt=100)


2. Template (Presentation Layer)

  • Purpose: The Template is responsible for rendering the data sent by the view in a meaningful way. It defines the structure and layout of the web page (HTML) and can include logic to display data dynamically.
  • Django Templating Engine: Django’s template language allows developers to embed Python-like expressions into HTML, but in a way that promotes clean separation between logic and presentation.
  • Template Inheritance: Django supports template inheritance to avoid redundancy by allowing common layout elements (like headers, and footers) to be reused across different pages.

Example (HTML template):

<h1>{{ }}</h1>

<p>Price: ${{ product.price }}</p>

<p>Description: {{ product.description }}</p>


Template Tags:

{% for product in products %}

    <h2>{{ }}</h2>

    <p>Price: {{ product.price }}</p>

{% endfor %}


3. View (Business Logic Layer)

  • Purpose: The View in Django handles the business logic. It processes user requests, interacts with the model, fetches data, and returns the appropriate response, typically rendered through templates.
  • Function-Based Views (FBVs): These are simple Python functions that take an HTTP request and return an HTTP response.
  • Class-Based Views (CBVs): Django also supports class-based views, which allow for more complex behavior and reusability.
  • Views and Templates Interaction: Views pass data to templates using a dictionary-like context.

Example (Function-Based View):

from django.shortcuts import render

from .models import Product


def product_detail(request, product_id):

    product = Product.objects.get(id=product_id)

    return render(request, ‘product_detail.html’, {‘product’: product})


Class-Based View Example:

from django.views.generic import ListView

from .models import Product


class ProductListView(ListView):

    model = Product

    template_name = ‘product_list.html’

    context_object_name = ‘products’


4. URL Dispatcher

  • Purpose: The URL dispatcher (or router) in Django maps the URL patterns to the appropriate views. Django uses a URL configuration file ( where developers define the URL routes.
  • URL Patterns: Django uses regular expressions or simpler path converters to route URLs to specific views.

Example of URL Configuration:

from django.urls import path

from . import views


urlpatterns = [

    path(‘products/’, views.product_list, name=‘product_list’),

    path(‘products/<int:product_id>/’, views.product_detail, name=‘product_detail’),



  • URL patterns like <int:product_id> allow Django to capture part of the URL and pass it to the corresponding view function.


5. Middleware

  • Purpose: Middleware is a framework in Django for processing requests globally before they reach the view or responses before they are sent to the client. Middleware functions handle a wide variety of tasks, such as session management, authentication, and request/response processing.
  • Common Middleware:
    • SecurityMiddleware: Helps in securing requests and responses.
    • SessionMiddleware: Manages user sessions across requests.
    • AuthenticationMiddleware: Associates users with their sessions.

Adding Middleware in










6. Admin Interface

  • Purpose: Django provides a fully functional and customizable Admin Interface that allows developers to manage and manipulate the data models without having to write any code for the admin panel.
  • Auto-generated: Django automatically generates a backend for any model that is registered with the admin.
  • Customization: Admin panels can be customized using the ModelAdmin class to control how models are listed, filtered, and edited in the admin interface.


from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Product



class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    list_display = (‘name’, ‘price’)

    search_fields = (‘name’,)


7. Database Abstraction Layer

  • Purpose: The database abstraction layer in Django enables you to interact with various databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.) using Python code rather than SQL.
  • Migrations: Django automatically generates migration files that handle database schema changes. The migration system ensures that database structures evolve along with changes in the model definitions.
  • Database Interaction: Django ORM allows querying, creating, updating, and deleting records through methods like .save(), .filter(), .get(), and .delete().


8. Security Mechanisms

  • Django provides built-in security features to protect against common web vulnerabilities, including:
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Automatically escapes data rendered in templates.
    • SQL Injection: Django ORM automatically escapes query parameters.
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Protection against CSRF attacks through middleware and CSRF tokens.
    • Clickjacking: SecurityMiddleware can add X-Frame-Options headers.
    • User Authentication: Django has a built-in authentication system that handles password hashing, user management, and group/permission systems.


Django Request-Response Cycle

Here’s how the Django request-response cycle works:

  1. Client Request: A user accesses a URL in the web application via their browser.
  2. URL Routing: Django uses the URL dispatcher to match the request URL with the corresponding view based on the file.
  3. View Processing: Once matched, the appropriate view is called. The view processes the request, often by querying the database via the model, and sends data to a template.
  4. Template Rendering: The view passes data to the template, which renders an HTML page or other content.
  5. Response: The rendered content is sent back to the client (browser) as an HTTP response.


MTV Architecture vs MVC Architecture

Component Django (MTV) MVC Equivalent
Model Handles the database layer and business logic (data structure). Model
View Handles the business logic and acts as the controller in Django. Controller
Template Handles the presentation layer and HTML rendering. View

In Django, the View corresponds to both the Controller and View components in the MVC architecture. This is why Django refers to its pattern as MTV instead of MVC.



Django’s architecture promotes a clear separation of concerns and makes development faster by providing powerful abstractions like ORM, templates, and automatic URL routing. Its rich set of components—models, views, templates, middleware, and admin—allows developers to build complex web applications efficiently and securely.


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Sagar Gade

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