Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or possession. When used as determiners (before a noun), they must agree with the noun in gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), number (singular, plural), and case (accusative in this case). Learn everything about AKKUSATIV POSSESSIVE PRONOMEN in German with simple explanations and examples to improve your grammar skills! Learn German Language Grammar with easy explanations, rules, and examples to improve your writing, speaking, and comprehension skills effectively.
Changes in the Accusative Case
In the accusative case, only masculine nouns change. Feminine, neuter, and plural forms remain the same as in the nominative case.
- Masculine nouns: The possessive pronoun takes an -en ending (e.g., meinen Vater – my father).
- Feminine nouns: The possessive pronoun takes an -e ending (e.g., meine Mutter – my mother).
- Neuter nouns: The possessive pronoun remains unchanged (e.g., mein Kind – my child).
- Plural nouns: The possessive pronoun takes an -e ending (e.g., meine Freunde – my friends).
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Possessive Pronouns in the Accusative Case (Examples with Each Pronoun)
- ich (my)
- Ich sehe meinen Bruder. (I see my brother.)
- Ich sehe meine Schwester. (I see my sister.)
- Ich sehe mein Buch. (I see my book.)
- Ich sehe meine Freunde. (I see my friends.)
- du (your, informal singular)
- Du hast deinen Hund. (You have your dog.)
- Du hast deine Katze. (You have your cat.)
- Du hast dein Auto. (You have your car.)
- Du hast deine Schuhe. (You have your shoes.)
- er (his)
- Er liebt seinen Vater. (He loves his father.)
- Er liebt seine Mutter. (He loves his mother.)
- Er liebt sein Kind. (He loves his child.)
- Er liebt seine Kinder. (He loves his children.)
- sie (her)
- Sie besucht ihren Onkel. (She visits her uncle.)
- Sie besucht ihre Tante. (She visits her aunt.)
- Sie besucht ihr Haus. (She visits her house.)
- Sie besucht ihre Freunde. (She visits her friends.)
- es (its)
- Das Baby trinkt seinen Saft. (The baby drinks its juice.)
- Das Baby nimmt seine Flasche. (The baby takes its bottle.)
- Das Baby spielt mit seinem Spielzeug. (The baby plays with its toy.)
- Das Baby liebt seine Eltern. (The baby loves its parents.)
- wir (our)
- Wir sehen unseren Lehrer. (We see our teacher.)
- Wir sehen unsere Lehrerin. (We see our teacher (female).)
- Wir sehen unser Haus. (We see our house.)
- Wir sehen unsere Kinder. (We see our children.)
- ihr (your, informal plural)
- Ihr habt euren Tisch. (You (all) have your table.)
- Ihr habt eure Lampe. (You (all) have your lamp.)
- Ihr habt euer Zimmer. (You (all) have your room.)
- Ihr habt eure Bücher. (You (all) have your books.)
- sie (their)
- Sie verkaufen ihren Wagen. (They sell their car.)
- Sie verkaufen ihre Wohnung. (They sell their apartment.)
- Sie verkaufen ihr Boot. (They sell their boat.)
- Sie verkaufen ihre Fahrräder. (They sell their bicycles.)
- Sie (your, formal singular/plural)
- Sie bestellen Ihren Kaffee. (You (formal) order your coffee.)
- Sie bestellen Ihre Suppe. (You (formal) order your soup.)
- Sie bestellen Ihr Essen. (You (formal) order your food.)
- Sie bestellen Ihre Getränke. (You (formal) order your drinks.)
Summary of the Accusative Endings
- Masculine nouns → -en (meinen, deinen, seinen, etc.)
- Feminine nouns → -e (meine, deine, seine, etc.)
- Neuter nouns → no change (mein, dein, sein, etc.)
- Plural nouns → -e (meine, deine, seine, etc.)
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