Data Engineering
A Data Engineer creates systems that gather and convert data needed for making strong business judgments. As a result, Data Engineering is the cornerstone of the new field of Data Science, Big Data, and information technology. Data engineers design systems that gather, handle and turn raw data into usable information for data analysts and industry experts to comprehend in a..
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Batch Timing
- Regular: 2 Batches
- Weekends: 2 Batches
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Key Features
Skill Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advance
We are providing Training to the needs from Beginners level to Experts level.
Assignments Duration
50 Hours
We have already finished 100+ Batches with 100% course completion record.
Our Placement Process
Eligibility Criteria
Placements Training
Interview Q & A
Resume Preparation
Aptitude Test
Mock Interviews
Scheduling Interviews
Job Placement
Batch Schedule
31/03/2025 | Data Engineering | Classroom / Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Pune | Book Now |
01/04/2025 | Data Engineering | Classroom / Online | Regular Batch (Mon-Sat) | Pune | Book Now |
29/03/2025 | Data Engineering | Classroom / Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Pune | Book Now |
29/03/2025 | Data Engineering | Classroom / Online | Weekend Batch (Sat-Sun) | Pune | Book Now |
Data Engineering Exams & Certification
SevenMentor Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.
Our certification at SevenMentor is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
About Data Engineering
Data engineers must have good data warehouse and data management abilities, as well as expertise in extracting data, data conversion, data loading, and data flow administration. They must also comprehend a large number of sophisticated semi-structured or unstructured data from every source, such as social media, corporate sanctions, and data from devices and equipment. Because internet-based innovative systems may function in real-time and conduct quick reviews and action, a thorough grasp of real-time data processes and offline data processing methods can assist data engineers to save time during deployment. Their main goal is to provide data and information so that businesses may evaluate and adjust their operations.
Why should you enroll in the Data Engineer course in Pune?
Are you seeking a job in data engineering but just don't know where to begin? Or perhaps you'd like to learn more about what data engineers do before proceeding? Join us for a data engineer course in Pune. This session contains an introduction to the fundamental principles, processes, and tools of data engineering that you will need to comprehend and perform your job. You'll begin by studying the distinctions between a data engineer and a data scientist, as well as how teams collaborate. You'll also learn more about the essential tools, such as cloud technology and parallel processing methodologies. By the conclusion of the session, you'll be familiar with SQL and NoSQL technologies, as well as Data Frames and parallel computing uses.
Through this Data Engineering Course in Pune, you will indeed learn how data is retrieved, converted, and loaded to prepare it for analysis and insight generation. After the term, you'll apply all you've learned by conducting and planning an ETL process on real-world data. Our activities and dynamic assessments will help you to refresh and consolidate your new information so that you can confidently discuss and use it after receiving your Data Engineer Certificate. As a result, our Data engineering Classes in Pune is part of the data science stream and will provide students with routes to improving their grasp of data engineering and developing into advanced data engineers.
What are the best features of SevenMentor Institute’s Data Engineer Course?
SevenMentor Institute teachers often hold a Master's degree in Computer Science and have many decades of experience building up data management platforms as computer programmers. They have first-hand expertise dealing with the challenges of establishing highly scalable solutions and designing big data applications. Our skilled trainers are similarly enthusiastic about educating others, so they approach training issues correctly. So come join us for a data engineering class and learn about technologies and subjects such as data management, cloud services, SQL, ETL, and so on with the assistance of our professors and in a very easy manner.
The vast network of the best teachers is always accessible to keep you on track with your education. Mentors individually assess project proposals against a criterion, word by word, and will answer any queries in one hour or less. Our hands-on approach includes activities based on real-world problems that need critical thinking. To assist your employees in a cutting-edge academic environment, you will also have access to cutting-edge technologies and tools like MATLAB, R Programming, Machine Learning, Python, and Tableau at SevenMentor Institute in Pune. Students will learn and grasp everything connected to Data Engineering, preparing them to work in future jobs. If you want to explore the other specializations accessible in this course, you can participate in additional Data Engineer classes.
Will I get practical training certification after completing this Data Engineer Course in Pune?
Real-world projects with engaging coursework created in collaboration with top-tier firms will help you learn the IT skills that employers need. Our skilled mentors will lead your education and will clear your doubts, motivate you, and keep you on track. Users will gain access to GitHub portfolio evaluation and LinkedIn profile improvement to assist them in advancing their careers and finding high-paying positions. With our customized Data Engineering Course in Pune, students may create a study plan that matches their hectic schedule. Study at your speed and on your timetable to achieve your specific objectives. We will also give services tailored to your specific requirements at each stage of your journey of learning to make sure you succeed.
This Data Engineer certification training in Pune emphasizes the usage of the Hadoop platform for parallel computing, Spark for large-scale data handling, and AWS and Microsoft online platforms for information processing. Students will learn top data engineering expertise and practical uses with this Data Engineer certification classes in Pune. Every candidate who accomplishes the Certification for Data Engineering will receive career guidance from our professional assistance service. Based on the average salary provided, the number of hiring companies involved, and the frequency of job offers, we have demonstrated great success in our job application process. As a result of finishing this Data Engineer certification course in Pune, you will be prepared to pursue a career in data engineering.
Online Classes
Several of our students who took the Online Data Engineer course in Pune are now successful. Over the years, online learning has grown in popularity, with many institutions getting on board. While SevenMentor provides online Data Engineer Training in Pune, they also include their enhanced technique, which is based on our traditional classes, in the equation. We have a contemporary and user-friendly site that learners may easily access. SevenMentor's Online Data Engineer Course in Pune enable students to progress at their speed. Our UI is separated into pre-recorded and live events, so you can choose what works best for you. At the Pune facility, we also provide training tools in the form of textbooks and online access to Data Engineer publications. For such online Data Engineer courses, students get to choose between workday and weekend courses. So come and join our Online Data Engineer Classes in Pune to learn from the best institute right at your home.
Course Eligibility
- Freshers
- BE/ Bsc Candidate
- Any Engineers
- Any Graduate
- Any Post-Graduate
- Working Professionals
Syllabus of Data Engineering
Course Curriculum Data Engineering
What is Python and history of Python?
Installing Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook
First Program
Python Identifiers, Keywords and Indentation
Getting User Input
Python Data Types
What are keywords
What are variables?
Python Inbuilt Functions
Control-Flow Statements:
While loop
For loop
Range Function
Coding Assignment
Data Structures:
What are Data Structures?
Lists in Python
Code Walkthrough on Lists
Understanding Iterators
Tuple in Python
Code Walkthrough on Tuple
Dictionaries in Python
Code Walkthrough on Dictionaries
Sets in Python
Code Walkthrough on Sets
More examples on Data Structures
What are functions in python?
Defining and Calling Functions
Inbuilt Functions
User Defined Functions
Lambda Function
Split Function
Strip Function
Map Function
Filter Function
Format Function
Code Walkthrough on User Define Functions
Regular Expressions Basics
Object Oriented Programming:
Why do we need Object Oriented Programming?
What is a class?
What is an object?
What is Self?
Global and local variables
Static and Dynamic Variables
Code Walkthroughs on OOP
Code Walkthroughs on OOP
Exception Handling and GUI:
Why do we need to handle exceptions?
Errors in Python
Compile-Time Errors
Runtime Errors
What is Exception?
try-finally clause
Raising an exceptions
User Defined Exceptions
Graphical User Interface in python
Miscellaneous Topics:
SQL connection with Python using SQLITE Library
Multi-Threading and Multi-Processing
Introduction to Web-scraping
BeautifulSoup Library
Numpy Library for Data Analysis
Code Walkthrough On Numpy Library
Pandas Library for Data Analysis
Code Walkthrough On Pandas Library
Matplotlib Library for Data Analysis
Code Walkthrough On Matplotlib Library
Revision Sessions
Assignment Discussions
Project Discussion:
Defining the Business Problem
Flow Diagram
Libraries Used
Results and Conclusion
Future Scope
What is SQL?
Why do we need SQL?
What is Data Base Management System?
Types of DBMS
Execution Of SQL query
Difference Between SQL and MYSQL
Introduction to MySQL
Installation of MySQL server
Download sample database
Load sample database to work.
Basic SQL Keywords:
Basic SELECT Statement
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Aggregate Operators(Count, Max, Min, Avg, Sum)
Group By
Order Of Keywords
Wildcard Operators
What are Joins?
Inner Join
Outer Join
Left Join
Right Join
Self Join
SubQueries/NestedQueries/Inner Queries
Stored Procedures
DML:Update, Delete
DDL:Create Table
DDL:Drop Table,Truncate,Delete
DCL:Data Control Language: GRANT,REVOKE
Informal introduction to PL/SQL Advantages of PL/SQL
Datatypes in PL/SQL
Program structure of PL/SQL Embedding SQL statements
Using conditional statements and loops
What is cursor?
How to create cursor?
Using cursors in PL/SQL
How to create explicit cursor? Creation of for loop cursor What are cursor parameters?
How to use for update clause? What is ref cursors?
How to use implicit cursors?
Understanding Exception Handling:
What is an Exception?
Describing Exception types Handling system defined exceptions Handling user defined exceptions? Sql code vs Sql errm
Pragma exception_init
Creation Of Stored Procedures:
Creating procedures in Pl/SQL
Working with procedure parameters
IN parameter
OUT parameter
IN OUT parameter
How to create procedures with cursors
How procedures return records?
What is Pragma autonomous transaction?
Creating & Using Functions:
Importance of function
How to create functions?
Difference between procedures and functions
How to use inline functions?
Creating & Using Packages:
What is a Package?
Reasons to use packages
What is package specification?
What is package body?
How to instantiate package?
How to initialise instantiated package? What are all the package state?
Creating & Using Packages:
What is a Package?
Reasons to use packages
What is package specification?
What is package body?
How to instantiate package?
How to initialise instantiated package? What are all the package state?
Triggers In PL/SQL:
How to create triggers?
Benefits of trigger
How to trigger a trigger?
Using DML trigger & DDL trigger
How to audit database using triggers? What are database level trigger?
Collections In PL/SQL:
What is collection?
How to use arrays?
Using nested tables
How to use index by value?
Listing types of collection methods.
General overview and discussion about DBA Concepts
Introduction To Data Engineering/Data Warehouse
What is Data Engineering?
Use Cases, and Applications?
Data Engineer or Data Scientist?
What is DataWarehouse?
Data Lakes
Data Engineering Problems Tools of a Data Engineer
Working with Different Databases Processing Tasks,
Scheduling Tools, and Different Cloud Providers
Why Cloud Computing, Use Cases, and Applications?
Different Cloud Services
AWS Data Engineering Tools :
CORE python
Sql and no sql
Data Storage Tools
Data Integration Tools
Data Warehouse Tools
Data Visualization Tools
Data Ingestion Tools :
Amazon Kinesis Firehose
AWS Snowball
AWS Storage Gateway
Data Storage Tools:
Amazon S3
AWS Storage Gateway :
AWS Glue
Data Warehouse Tools :
Amazon Redshift
Data Visualization Tools :
Amazon QuickSight
What Is MongoDB? Installation and Configuration MongoDB Data Modelling Introduction to NoSQL Architecture with MongoDB MongoDB Advantages
MongoDB Tools, Collection and Documents
CRUD and the MongoDB Shell:
Introduction to CRUD
Introduction to the MongoDB API
Creating a Database, Collection and Documents
Data Modelling and Schema Design:
MongoDB Database References
Model Tree Structures
MongoDB Analysing Queries
MongoDB Atomic Operations
MongoDB Map Reduce
MongoDB Text Search
MongoDB Regular Expression
MongoDB Capped Collections
MongoDB Deployment and Cluster setup
MongoDB GridFS
Trident Spout
Working with Replica Sets
MongoDB Sharding
Indexing and Aggregation
Indexing, query profiling and the query optimisers
GeoSpatial Indexes
Index types, Index Properties
MongoDB Advanced Indexing
MongoDB Indexing Limitations
Aggregation Introduction
Hadoop Overview:
Need of Hadoop technology
Hadoop Cluster and Racks in detail
Overview of Map Reduce
Big data Concepts and data types
Concept of Streaming data and different tools utilisation 6. HDFS and Basic Hadoop commands
Scala Programming:
Scala overview and Environment Setup
Oops concepts in scala
Control Structure and Functions
Closures and Collections
Exception Handling in scala
Apache Spark 2 x Installation:
Download release and set
Working with eclipse
Installing Scala IDE with spark
Testing with different OS
Working with Apache Spark:
RDD and its Transformations
Working with Eclipse Maven, Spark context and RDD
Working with different file formats
Introduction to Spark DataFrame
Data Frames and RDD's with with Spark 1.x and 2.x style
Creating Multiple Spark Context and Spark Sessions
Applying Own Schema to the DataFrame and basic operations.
Creating Datasets and its basic operations
Dataset vs DataFrame Performance
Running Spark Job in Yarn/cluster Mode From IDE
Spark with Mysql, transformations On MySQL
Table - DataFrame API 12.Query Push Down to MySQL Database
Creating Partitioned Table with Spark
Spark built-in functions and UDF
Examples with spark Sql and RDD's
Spark job submit
Spark Streaming:
Working with data stream 2. Example of network
Twitter data stream
Twitter data analysis cases
Fundamentals of kafka, Work Flow and Basic Operations
Creating Topics, Partition, Replication, Broker and Kafka cluster
Working with Producer and Consumer Examples
Creating Consumer Group, Leaders, Followers
Starting brokers, Listing and modifying topics
Single Node-Multiple Brokers Configuration and Creating Producer, Consumer and Consumer group application
Running a jar files from terminal
Real time case studies:
Working on different data sets
Classification algorithm
Clustering algorithm
Trainer Profile of Data Engineering Course in Pune
Our Trainers explains concepts in very basic and easy to understand language, so the students can learn in a very effective way. We provide students, complete freedom to explore the subject. We teach you concepts based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates can learn in our one to one coaching sessions and are free to ask any questions at any time.
- Certified Professionals with more than 8+ Years of Experience
- Trained more than 2000+ students in a year
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge in their domains
- Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications
Proficiency After Training
- Code in Python
- Create Python Program for Enterprise Application
- Web Application Development
- Game Development
- You can build more complex apps with minimal lines of code
- Can develop more secure web solutions with Python
- Python helps you in secure programming and fixes problems
- How to reduce the chances of cyber-attacks
- Will learn the calculation of most complex problems with ease
Frequently Asked Questions
Students Reviews
Overall, I give the topic content a 5-star rating because it addressed all of the major Data Engineer ideas. The education was good, and their projects enabled me to apply what I had learned to a process/product that had actual value.
- Vaishali Hiray
These data engineering skills explicitly provided in this Data Engineer Course have been useful as I learn how the complete ETL process is built utilizing various files. Overall, I am a satisfied student who is ready to continue my education at SevenMentor Institute.
- Sonali Dixit
So far, I feel the curriculum has been quite nice, and I like the balance of practical learning activities and theoretical lectures. The assignment was also extremely pleasant, and I believe it provided the right degree of difficulty for me.
- Rupal Agarwal
Corporate Training
We have a very strong track record for organizational training throughout India when it comes to corporate training. SevenMentor began providing corporate training for on-the-job training and employee coaching to our customers seven years ago. We support a variety of businesses in preparing staff for a wide range of classes either on-site or at the training facility via our training services. Our instructors have real-world experience with Data Engineering ideas, and over 200 employees have access to a large training room with cutting-edge teaching approaches. In a realistic business situation, your employees will learn how and where to use different information manipulation and preservation tools and applications. The Corporate Data Engineering Course in Pune will give your staff simple and cost-effective training while also assisting them in improving their personalities and professional talents to match the expectations of the firm. Our consumers in and around the city regard our Corporate Data Engineering Courses in Pune as the best for a variety of reasons. We provide simple and cost-effective training for your personnel, assisting them in attaining the necessary professional skills. So enroll your company's employees in our Corporate Data engineer Training in Pune and benefit from our unique sales and discounts.
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